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Light pink hue formed on Hoseok's cheek, he was hardly told about his looks, so he wasn't used to the complement.

To be honest, the gathering was pretty much boring. Hoseok wandered why he had to be involved in the first place.

The only thing he could grasp was his dad, talking about how much of a success their business would be if the two companies merged together. Sounds like he was trying to persuade them.

Just like him, The other two young male didn't seem interested in their parents conversation.

The young teenager, who he found out to be named Min Yoobin had taken a liking to Hoseok the moment he set his eyes on him. Sitting next to Hoseok, asking him random questions. Weird, isn't it?

The elder male on the other hand, whose name he hadn't known yet except that he was the oldest son of the Mins was a little bit conversative in whatever discussions their parents were having. Giving his opinion when needed. His voice was deep, raspy, Hoseok took note.

Having a nice conversation with his sweet new friend, Yoobin, he felt a pair of eyes piercing into his skull. And he dared to look up.

He locked contact with the older Min sibling, and broke it immediately, afraid for some reasons.

Why was he scared? He couldn't tell, but he'll have to conclude that the man was so intimidating.

The said male on the other hand gave a low scoff, one brow raised. Excusing himself from the gathering, he picked his phone, dailing a number.

"Ok! That should be it for now, I hope this new development turns out great. Mr Min spoke, shaking mr Jung's hand. "Some documents would be sent to you later on which you're to go through with your son and If there's anything against your will, don't hesitate to inform me." The old man spoke, directing the last statement especially to Hoseok.

Hoseok's brow furrowed a little, confused. 'Why do they need him of all people to sign some documents.

His mother flicked him by the neck, urging him to respond. "Yes sir, I'll let you know." He said immediately, giving the older man his sweet smile. The man smiled back.


The meeting was over now, thank goodness. However, the visitors still stayed behind, having family conversations with Hoseok's parents. The older Min sibling was still not back from whatever phone call he went to make and the younger Min after being bored for a while went back to playing games on his phone.

Hoseok felt pressed and needed to use the restroom, so he excused himself.

Climbing up the stairs, he made his way to the hallway leading to his room. He wasn't really observing his way, so it was no surprise when he tripped over a flower vase placed at the side of the hallway. Thankfully, he didn't fall to the ground, someone caught him just in time.

"Goddamnit! You're so clumsy, you've gotta be careful." The person who caught him spoke, guiding him up.

To say Hoseok was embarrassed would be an understatement. Not daring to look up, he made a ninety degree bow, mumbling some apologies, before scurrying into his room as quick as his legs could go.

He knew who he'd bumped into, which fueled his embarrassment. "Christ! Why do I have to be so careless?" He groaned to himself as soon as he got into his room.

By the time he got back down, the mins were preparing to leave. 'Thank goodness.' He silently heaved, but he could not lie, he enjoyed their company. They seemed more lively than his so called walking dead family, especially the youngest Min.

Once again, he felt a certain pair of eyes on him and when he turned around, he met the same set of almond shaped dark eye drilling hole into his skull.

'Goddamnit! Why does he keep looking at me?!' Hoseok mentally caused, immediately looking away.


Namjoon opened the door, no warning. Striding into the large spacious office, a file in his hand. At the middle sat Yoongi ending a phone call.

"You should have at least rung the bell." Yoongi said, dropping his phone. "You're lucky I didn't call the security on you."

Namjoon shrugged, taking a sit opposite the elder. "Wouldn't that have been so embarrassing? calling the security on your friend."

Yoongi scoffed, leaning further into his chair. "I can't trust anyone."

"You've got a point there. Anyways, I've got the informations you want about Jung Hoseok. There's not much about him tho." Namjoon said, dropping the file he was holding in front of Yoongi.

Yoongi opened the file reading it's content.

NAME: Jung Hoseok
AGE: 20
DOB: 18th FEBUARY, 1998


"That's all?" Yoongi asked, dropping the file.

"Yeah." Namjoon nodded. "I told you there's not much information from him. It looks like he's been hidden from the public. I wasn't even able to find any picture of him with his family on the internet, whereas his sister's was everywhere. Why do you need to know about him anyways?

"I'm getting married soon. And this person is Jung Hoseok."

Namjoon's eyes lit up. "What!! You're getting married?!?!" He exclaimed.

"I don't repeat my words, I said that already. And that's why I need to know about him. He is not to be trusted, especially if he's a Jung."

Yoongi paused, remembering something. Oh, I visited their place yesterday and I found this in his room. "It could probably help you get more information on him." Yoongi said, opening his drawer, and bringing out a Polaroid camera with some pictures of Hoseok next to it.

"Yoongi you shouldn't be stalking people in their homes."

"Well I've got no choice. If you were in my shoes you'd do the same thing." Yoongi said, shrugging his shoulders. "I need more informations. this isn't enough."

"Namjoon signed, rubbing his temples. I told you already, there's not much information about him. Besides, he doesn't look like someone who would rub you off your wealth. He looks too sweet for this world."

"Yeah right, his cute pretty face can't full me. I've come across people like him."

"Whatever," Namjoon signed, already giving up. Thank God, at least you admitted that he's pretty."


Another chapter guys.

Thank y'all so much for the previous chapter. I wasn't expecting so much notifications and votes in just a few minutes.

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