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No one spoke a word
again until they arrived Korea.

Yoongi's mum wasn't joking when she said she'd get the press involved in their marriage for the moment they stepped out of the plane, there were camera flashes everywhere.

"Fuck it." Yoongi cursed, pulling a flagabasted Hoseok back with him inside the plane.

"W- what's happening?" Hoseok asked, his confused gaze on Yoongi.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you. Our marriage is public now. My mum did it."

Hoseok inhaled, biting his lips, anxiety beginning to creep. "D- does that mean we'll be in the media? I don't want to be in the media!"

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"No! No! you don't understand. I can't face crowds! They make me sick!" he was obviously panicking by now.

Yoongi signed heavily. "We need to get to my car one way or the other. It's close, but not very near, we still have to walk there. Pictures will still be taken even if the guards protect us. Some has already been taken the moment we stepped out earlier".

Hoseok looked outside through the window. "T- there's a lot of them!" He said with a panicked voice.

Yoongi took off his suit jacket, draping it over Hoseok's head. "This should at least reduce the flashes. You don't have to look up, I'll guide you through."

Saying this, he pulled the younger by the waist, towards himself. He moved towards the entrance, and the flashes began again.

Yoongi could feel Hoseok's shivering form in his embrace. "Just close your eyes." He whispered assuringly into his ear.

And gradually, they made their way towards Yoongi's car. The flashes didn't stop. Thankfully, there were guards guiding them so their way was pretty smooth.

The moment they got into the car, Hoseok took in huge gasp of breath. Trying his best not to have a panic attack.

Yoongi sat at the driver's seat, Hoseok sitting next to him, still taking in deep breath.

"Sorry." Yoongi mumbled, not sure what to say exactly, as he waited for the younger to calm down.

Hoseok dared himself to look outside the window, and there were still flashes, despite the tinted window.

He visibly shivered, and Yoongi had to hold himself not to pull him closer to himself, hug and comfort him till he was ok.

"They're so scary". Hoseok mumbled, his voice still very shaky. "Do you have to face this all the time?" His question was directed to Yoongi.

Yoongi grinned, "yeah ... a lot. I'm used to it now."

He watched as the younger tried to collect himself together. He was still visibly shivering. The sleeve of his hoodie shifted up a little. Yoongi was tempted to steal a glance of his wrist. And he did.

There wasn't bruises there anymore. His skin were as fresh as a new born baby's. Yoongi's brow furrowed. How was that possible. There was a lot of bruises there few hours ago.

Hoseok caught Yoongi staring and quickly covered his arm.

Yoongi blinked a few times, feeling embarrassed as he looked forward.

"How did you let them go away so quickly?"

"Can we not bring this up again ... please ...?"


Both male remained silent, both reminiscing in their thought. There were still camera flashes around them, but it wasn't as intense as before.

"I- it's a make- up. Foundation. It rhymes with my skin tone." He answered, eyes glued to his knees.


"I need a favor from you."

"What is it?"

"Not to tell anyone, about... these." He answered, referring to his bruised arm. "Especially my parents." He said the last sentence with a plea, turning his gaze to Yoongi.

"They don't know about this?"

Hoseok bit his lips, gaze going back to his knees, hesitance in his actions. He shook his head.

"N- no.... No they don't."

That was a lie. A very fat lie. Majority of the wounds on his body was inflicted on him by them. The ones on his arms were just a five percent of all that he'd gotten. Yoongi hadn't seen the rest.

Yoongi wasn't sure if he should believe that, but he just let it slide. "Alright, I won't. But I also need a favor from you."

Hoseok looked at him, signaling him to go on.

"You've gotta promise me not to hurt yourself again. You can come to me whenever you get the urge to, or... just do something that'll hint me, you don't have to tell me exactly.

Hoseok remained silent, staring into nothing.


He gave a hesitant nod. "I can't help it ... but I'll try."

Yoongi signed, starting the car. "Your seatbelt."

Hoseok wore his belt, and off they went, to Their home.

The first thing Hoseok did when he got home was lock himself in his room and call his sister.

"Hey! Hobi!" Jiwoo exclaimed, happy to see her brother. Her smile soon faltered, seeing how tensed he was.

"Noona, I- I think I'm in trouble." Hoseok panicked into the phone as he slid down to the floor.

"What happened?." She queried, worry evident in her voice.

"I- I-... he knows ... Y- Yoongi... he saw them. The bruises. He knows." He teared up, taking in deep breath.

"Hey Hobi! It's fine okay? There's nothing wrong with him knowing, don't panic, please."

"No! No! You don't understand. D- dad is gonna kill me if he finds out that he knows." Hoseok heaved heavily, tears refusing to stop.

"Hoseok! Don't say that! No one is going to kill you!" Jiwoo emphasized, her voice raised.

"Hobi listen to me, you'll be alright okay? It's good that Yoongi knows. He can help you. Especially now that I'm not always in the country... No one is going to hurt you okay?"

Hoseok's tears didn't stop.

"They mustn't know." He whispered admist tears.

Jiwoo signed. "Should I visit?"

Hoseok nodded, cleaning his never ending tears.

"When do you want me to come?"


Jiwoo gave a light chuckle, easing the tensed younger. "Hobi, you know that's not possible, I'm not in the country right now, I'm in Japan."

Hoseok frowned.

"But I'll be back next week. I promise.... should I help you talk with Yoongi?"

Hoseok shook his head. "I don't trust him yet noona. H- he did mean things to me yesterday. They're all the same." He breathed heavily.

"He found out about the bruises today by accident, while I was covering them. I had no option than to tell him, in order to get things clear. I didn't tell him all tho, I just told him that I hurt myself. A- and begged him not to tell anyone." He took in another deep breath.

"It's alright Hobi. Mum and dad won't know this. Okay? I can still help you talk with Yoongi if you want me to. I'll be seeing you next week, okay?"


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We've got like 40 minutes left before tomorrow. And I promised to make a double update earlier today. So here it is.

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