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He could tell by everything
now that she was truly
his cousin.

"W- what do y- you w- want from m- me." Hoseok mentally cursed himself for stuttering. He was trying to show that he wasn't scared. But it was pretty obvious he was.

Lea's wicked smile grew bigger. I don't want anything from you actually. The people that want you are still out there, they'll get to you soon." She said with a strangely calm voice, getting up.

"I'm just here to pay you back what you caused." She said with a deadly expression, pressing her heels on his bare foot

Hoseok winced, trying to contain the pain. He knew he was helpless now, he couldn't do anything. He was literally tied up, his movements were restricted. So he just needed to play along until the time comes.

He wasn't stupid. He was already planning his escape the moment he realized he's been kidnapped. And his plans began from the time Lea opened the door. He could see the room properly now. His eyes caught sight of a small vent, just blocked with a thin metal sheet, one which he wasn't sure he could take off, but would try his luck anyway.

Lea bent down again to his level, still with that deadly expression.

She landed an unexpected heavy slap on his face. Red fingerprints gradually forming on the boys cheek.

"That's for stealing my man."

And then another heavy slap came. "That's for making Yoongi raise his hands on me."

She got up, dusting her hands like she'd just touched some dirts. "Have a good time suffering the rest of your life." She said, making her way out and ensuring to slam the door.

As if Lea's torture wasn't enough, another person entered. No, not one person, two. Ones which he could recognize even if he had his eyes closed.

His parents.

Despite being very scared, he didn't show it. He returned the glare they gave him, not giving a shit about how much more danger he was putting himself into.

His mother pulled the chair, placing it in front of him before sitting on it.

"Are you just gonna stare at us like that? No greetings? You ungrateful asshole." His mother spoke, anger laced in her voice.

"Why not just kill me already? Isn't that what you want? What's the excess of bringing me here?" He questioned back instead, surprising both of them.

He loved the dumbfounded expression they had on their faces. They'd probably been thinking he'd still be cowering in front of them.

Before he knew it, a heavy slap landed on his face. "You fucking dare to talk to your mother like that?"

Hoseok gave a wet laugh, whipping his face back to his father. A tear fell down his cheek. "Not only her. The both of you. And you shouldn't even be considering yourselves as parents. You're not worthy of that title."

The old man was about to hit him again when his wife stopped him. She eyed her son, taking in every of his physique.

"I see you've got some nerve. Hope you know what more danger you're putting yourself into?"

Hoseok scoffed, allowing his aching chained hands to drop to the floor. "What's more worse than death? I've been waiting for this day to come anyway. I'm not scared of your threats anymore. You can go on and kill me. At least I'll know now that I'll be resting in peace."

The woman smirked, giving her wicked laugh. This made Hoseok feel somewhat uneasy. He didn't like when she gave that laugh.

"Oh no sweety, it wouldn't be fun to just kill you. Why not earn some nice money for us till your death."

Hoseok went pale, immediately understanding what it meant. "Y- you wouldn't dare." He said with a not so certain voice.

Her wicked laugh got wilder taunting the boy. "Trust me sweetheart, your auctioneers are on their way already. What a pity, I was thinking I'll be able to get your sister too. Since we don't need the both of you anymore, why not just throw you off into slavery and earn some good money instead of leaving you both to roam around the city like some stray cat. But it looks like she's too strong for our hold. The idiot managed to escape.

"YOU FUCKING PSYCHOS!!" Hoseok screamed, angrily, uncontrollable tears pouring down.

As if waiting for the command, the old man pounced on him, beating the shit out of him until the woman ordered to leave him.

"We really don't have much to say. We just came here to say our last goodbye and to introduce you to your younger sister." The woman smiled, robbing her stomach tenderly. "I'm sure she'll be able to do all that you and your sister couldn't do for us." She completed.

"I pray she doesn't makes it." Hoseok said out loud, blood dripping down his hair. "I pray she doesn't make it to this world. And if she does, it's not gonna be through you psychos. She's gonna have a loving parents that truly loves her. No child is ever gonna be born through you till your death. I'm the last one to come out of your womb and suffer in your cruel hands, and it'll forever be like that."

It was pretty obvious that he was cursing them. And he truly meant every of those words he said. That's what pained the woman the most, for she knew he was sincere with every of those curses.

"I see." She said with an angry glare. "You're gonna regret every of those words you said. Don't think you can scare me. Those are empty curses. This child is gonna be born." She said, pointing to her stomach.

A smirk played on her lips when her phone rang. "Your dearest uncle will be here soon. Enjoy your time with him." And with that, they both walked out, not after the old man had thrown some more punches and blows at him.

Hoseok broke down into tears the moment they were out. He knew he was doomed forever.

If he wasn't afraid before, then he was more than afraid now. He feared his uncle more than anything and his presence alone made him nauseous.


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