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His final destination.

Hoseok's new behavior worried Yoongi. He knew something was wrong the moment he covered his ears at the dining table, yelling at no one in particular to shut up.

He felt more uneasy when he lost interest in his food. His favorite meal for that matter, and had Just walked up the stairs like nothing was wrong.

He remained sitted on the dining table, contemplating if it was a good idea to check on him.

Hoseok had been isolating himself from everybody recently, so it's pretty much been quite a while since he'd last been to the younger's room.

Yoongi finally made up his mind to go check on him. So he rushed up the stairs, making his way to his room.

He hesitated a few seconds before knocking.

There was no answer.

He knocked again.

Still no answer.

He thought of leaving. Maybe the younger was asleep and didn't want to be disturbed.

But a gut still told him to open the door and check.

And he listened to the gut, turning on the knob, he gently opened the door.

Thank God he opened the door.

Because right in front of him sat Hoseok on his bed, back facing the elder.

He had medicine containers scattered all over the floor, with it's pills piled up on his bed, some already rolled to the floor. And in his hand sat a fistful of the said pills, making their way to his mouth.

Yoongi sprung into action immediately, launching towards the younger and gripping his hands before it got to his mouth.

"What do you think you're doing!" Yoongi almost yelled with an equally panicked voice.

Both male began to struggle as Hoseok was still adamant on taking them. Thankfully, Yoongi was the stronger one.

He yanked away the ones that were in his tight fist, and intentionally scattered the ones that were still on the bed to the floor, making it impossible for the younger to reach any overdosed amount in a short given time.

Having lost his attempt, Hoseok gave up fighting, breaking down into tears.

Yoongi gave a heavy relieved sign, his breath shaking for obvious reasons.

He sat in front of the younger, pulling him closer to his embrace, patting his back gently.

Hoseok cried in the elder's chest, soiling his shirt. But did Yoongi care?

They were both there for probably almost an hour.

Hoseok's cry reduced to low sobs and then silence before Yoongi decided to say something. "Please don't do it." Yoongi muttered with a pleading voice.

There was no response from Hoseok as he sat up, staring blankly at the now scattered drugs all over the place. Yoongi knelt in front of him, blocking his vision from the tempting attempt.

The voices began again

'What a failure you are'

'You can't even complete such a simple task '

'Waste of space'

'You think Yoongi cares?'

'He's tired of you'

'Damn! Can't you see the dark circles forming around his eyes already? You're stressing him out.'

'He doesn't love you anymore'

'No one loves you'

'Just kill your self already.'

"Please tell them to stop." Hoseok muttered admist tears, covering his ears.

Yoongi still not grasping what he meant, sat back on the bed, holding his hand.


T- the v- voices. They won't s- stop."

Now Yoongi pretty much understood what was going on.

He got up, picking the younger into his arm, before making his way out of the room.

Hoseok clinged unto the elder, hiding his face in his neck, ignoring the voices as best as he could as he inhaled the relaxing scent of the elder.

It seemed to be working, for they reduced.

By the time they got to Yoongi's room, he was already tired and sleepy.

Not bothering to disturb him, he placed him on the bed, gently combing his fingers through his hair to make him relaxed.

No words was said as the younger drifted off to sleep.

Yoongi silently watched him for a long time. He didn't realize he was crying until a tear dropped unto the younger's shirt.

He sat up, cleaning his eyes.

Why was he crying? You may ask.

But he kept wondering how it would have been a whole different story if he was just a second late from opening the door.

Or how badly the situation would have been if he'd just left without checking on him.

He felt so much pressured. He wouldn't have been able to forgive himself if the situation turned out tragic.

His phone rang, bringing him out of his trance.

He got up, making his way to the balcony of his room.
Picking the call without checking the caller I. D, he spoke.


"Hyung..." a rather familiar voice spoke from the other end of the call.

Yoongi frowned, removing the phone from his ear, checking the caller before returning it back to his ear.

"Yoobin? Why are you still awake by this time? You have school tomorrow." Yoongi scolded, trying to cover the distress in his voice.

"Is Hoseokie Hyung okay?" Was his response to Yoongi's scolds.

Yoongi hesitated a little, confused as to why he would ask that out of the blue. "Y- yeah he is. You can talk to him tomorrow. He's asleep now."

There was a few seconds of silence from the other end, before an heavy sign was heard. "I had a dream just now." The younger spoke. "And it wasn't a good one." He paused again. "I just want to know if he's fine."

Yoongi turned around, watching Hoseok turn to a more comfortable position on the bed. "I'll take care of him, squirt. I promise you. He'll be fine."

"I trust you Hyung... tell him I'm greeting him when he wakes up tomorrow."

"Yeah I will. Now go back to bed."

"Good night."

And the call went dead. Yoongi signed, dialing Hoseok's personal maid's number as he made his way inside his room.

"I need you to help me with something." He said to the phone as soon as the older lady picked. "Hoseok's room need some cleaning. And I want only you to do it please." He emphasized on the last sentence.

The older woman pretty much understood what he meant.

Except from Yoongi, she was the only staff in the mansion that knew what Hoseok was going through.

Yoongi was aware that she knew and they both worked together to watch after the younger.


Have a great day guys, don't forget to vote.

My exams are near guys, so my updates might not be as frequent as before.

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