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That was a lie.
A big one.
With the help of some private spies,
he was able to know all of Lea's
whereabouts, and had rushed
home immediately
the moment his private agent brought a
late information to him that she was
coming to his house.

Yoongi wasn't playing when he said he'd destroy all of them. For he already got his lawyer to look into the case.

It turned out that there were a lot more hidden crimes that the Jung's had swept under the carpet.

Apparently, Jiwoo was supposed to be their victim. They weren't planning on having Hoseok at all.

But their maternal grand mother took Jiwoo to her care the moment she was born, knowing fully well what the couples were capable of doing.

Jiwoo wasn't their first child. Their first son whose name was Heunseok had died at the age of nine after being mistreated mercilessly.

Jiwoo stayed with her grandmother till she was old enough to fend for herself. She only visited her parents for brief moments. She wasn't told the reasons why she couldn't live with her parents, except that they were very busy people, and only got to find out the reason when she visited unannounced one day to see her younger brother which she hadn't seen in half a decade, in shambles.

Unfortunately, their grandma died right before Hoseok was born and he had to suffer the same fate his elder brother went through.

Aside from that, there were a lot of other things they'd got themselves involved in, especially with Mr Lim. Looks like he was the one that ran whatever illegal business they were involved in. Child and women trafficking being one of the major crimes they carried out.


Surprisingly, Lea hadn't visited after that last encounter, and Yoongi was thankful for that. He suspected she was up to something and hoped it wouldn't affect Hoseok in anyway.

It's been almost two months since the incident and Hoseok was feeling much better now. Everything seemed pretty normal and He returned back to working at the cafe, with Yoongi disturbing him at the cafe every chance he got.

He was now a known customer in the cafe. All the staffs knew when he would come, requesting for Hoseok. They'd even reserved a special table just for him whenever he visited.

Hoseok could do nothing but scold the elder whenever he visited more than twice. "Aren't you tired of this place? You don't even like my coffee!" The younger would say each time he saw him.

"Who told you that? I love your coffee!" Yoongi would say back.

"Yeah right." Hoseok would snicker. "You scrunch your face each time you take a sip. You can't hide that!"

Yoongi would smile defeatedly. "Well, I like being around my husband. Is that a bad thing?"

And then Hoseok would end up with a red face, telling the elder to get out.

Everything seemed pretty normal. Yoongi together with his lawyer were silently working on Hoseok's case. It was supposed to remain a secret until all the evidence was confirmed.

Except from Yoongi, his lawyer, Jiwoo, Namjoon and Seokjin, no one else knew. Not even Hoseok who was the main reason. Hell he even thought Yoongi had forgotten about everything.

That was until Hoseok's parents made an impromptu visit to Yoongi's mansion. Thankfully, Yoongi was around, but Hoseok wasn't. He was on his work shift and was working in the cafe.

"Wow! What a surprise visit." Yoongi spoke politely, hiding the sarcasm in his tone, as he welcomed them in.

"You should have told me you were visiting, so we would have prepared a nice dinner for you."

"Ahh, no there's no problem, I just came to see how my beloved son is fairing. A little birdie told me he's not feeling too well." The old woman spoke, faking a fond smile at the youngest.

Yoongi's smile slowly left his lips, already knowing who this little birdie was. He just hoped she hadn't known too much.

"Yeah right! He's feeling much more better now. He's at work at the moment." Yoongi spoke, returning her fake smile.

"At your company? I was told he's already working as your secretary. Hope he's doing his job well?"

"Yeah he is." Yoongi had to lie. He couldn't let them know he allowed him to work wherever he wanted.

"Make sure to discipline him well if he messes up."

Now, Yoongi hated that word, especially when it was coming from their mouth. He was so much tempted to snap, but he knew if he did that, he'd end up giving away clues, and then Hoseok's life would be in danger.

"We're all humans, we tend to make mistakes sometimes. No one is perfect." Was what he said instead, still with a fake smile, plastered on his face. He was trying his possible best to give a good impression, so they wouldn't suspect anything.

What Yoongi didn't know was that Hoseok's life was already in danger. Lea told them everything. Through her source, she found out everything, and poured it all out to her dad and Hoseok's parents.

"The only thing they didn't know now, as well as Lea, was that Hoseok was no longer working with Yoongi.


Yoongi noticed a change in Hoseok's demeanor when he came to pick him from work after his closing hours. He wasn't talking as much as he always did, not like he talked a lot before, but still, it was noticeable.

"Your parents visited today." Yoongi spoke, trying to keep their very little conversation going.

Hoseok suddenly went stiff, gripping tightly on his phone, which had been on his hand all this while.

Yoongi noticed and pulled out the phone from his grip, placing it on the head board, before going back to intertwining his fingers with the younger's.

"Don't panic. I don't think they know anything yet. And even if they do, I'm here to protect you. Okay?"

Hoseok bit his lips nervously, nodding his head slowly.

Yoongi studied the younger for a while, seeing how tensed he was. "What's on your mind?" He questioned, driving into the driveway of his house, before stopping at the garage, parking his car in an empty space.

Hoseok shook his head, picking his phone from the headboard, before making his way out of the car.


"I need to tell you something."


Here you go guys, don't forget to vote

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