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A few minutes passed and an
older woman entered.
She was the maid
Yoongi had assigned to
take care of Hoseok.

"I need to know why he's lost a lot of weight." Yoongi said sternly to the woman, wrapping his arms around a sleeping Hoseok's waist.

"Sorry sir He's not been eating well recently. Each time I come to clean his room, I always see all of his meals for the day barely touched. I asked him why, but he said he wasn't hungry, and would only eat little if I begged him to."

Yoongi signed, massaging his temple. "For how long?"

"Umm... since the time you left the house for a week. I think that was the time you both were fighting."

'Right. You caused it Yoongi.' Yoongi mentally said to himself.

"I'm sorry sir, I couldn't tell you. He still mad at me for telling you about his illness the other time."

Yoongi knew he couldn't blame the maid. She couldn't force him to eat nor could she keep breaking the younger's trust by reporting to him.

He dismissed her, telling her not to worry. Bowing her head, she left the room.


Hoseok woke up to Yoongi's chest the next morning, memories feeling somewhat daze from the event of the previous night.

The sun shone on his face, highlighting his delicate golden skin even further.

Yoongi smiled, watching him shift, trying to cover his face from the sun. "Arise sleeping beauty. Your prince has arrived." Yoongi sang into his ears, disturbing the younger's peaceful sleep.

Hoseok whined, scrunching his eyes, trying to adjust his sight to the bright sunny light.

Having gained his full sight, he was met with Yoongi's hard bare chest, blocking his view. He sat up, sitting on the elder's lap, scratching his eyes, he felt a weird pain at his lower back.

Yoongi sat up too, wrapping his arms around his waist. "How's my baby feeling today?" He questioned, placing a kiss at the middle of his hair.

"I feel strangely good." Hoseok replied, leaning into the elder's chest.

Yoongi laughed, his chest viberating. "Strangely? Don't tell me you can't remember last night."

Now Hoseok understood why today felt very different from every other day as memories from the night before came flooding back. "Oh my God!" Hoseok excmaimed embarrassingly, covering his now red face.

"Yoongi erupted into laughter, watching the younger get more redder. He was literally a tomato by now.

"S- stop laughing." Hoseok whined, hitting the elder's chest with his fist.

Hoseok pouted when the elder wouldn't stop. He got up from his lap, attempting to leave, but regretted immediately.

Pain surged through his lower back, and he fell to the ground. "Oow!!" He winced, yet again, feeling another pain in this butt as it his the floor.

Yoongi's laugh instantly changed to a worried expression, as he flung out of the bed, rushing to the younger. "Are you okay?" He worried, carrying the younger bridal style in his arms, before leading them both back to the bed.

"My butt hurt." Hoseok groaned lazily, letting Yoongi place him on the bed.

"You shouldn't have gotten up that quick." Yoongi scolded, his hands under the younger's shirt as he massaged his lower back. "Sorry I might have been rough last night." He signed sadly.

"Hey! No!" You weren't rough. I loved every second of it." Hoseok assured, his hands on both side of the elder's face.

Yoongi smiled, brow raised a little. "Really?"

"Yeah." Hoseok nodded. "Besides, the pain is a good one. I love the feeling." He said, smiling shyly.

Yoongi leaned down, kissing his lips. "I'm happy to know you felt good. But I still hate the fact that you feel pain and I'm the cause of it." Yoongi said, kissing the younger once again to shut him up, as he was about to protest. "Don't worry tho. I'll prove to you that I'm the perfect husband by taking good care of you." Yoongi completed, yet again, placing another kiss on his lips.

Hoseok smiled shyly, covering his face with his hands.

"Hey! Don't hide that beauty from me!" Yoongi laughed, pulling his hands away.

"You're being cheesy." The younger laughed shyly.

"Am I? Well I guess I'm not cheesy enough then." Yoongi teased, enjoying the younger get more flustered.

"I need you to tell me something tho." Yoongi pointed out, his tone turning to a serious one. "I noticed last night that you're a lot more lighter than you used to be. You're loosing a lot of weight Hobi." Yoongi said worriedly. "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh that? There's nothing wrong. Hoseok said shrugging with a neutral expression. Like loosing so much weight in a short while wasn't a big deal.

Yoongi didn't buy that. Although, he could see that the younger was being sincere. But it was unhealthy. He gave him a deadpan look that clearly wrote he's not falling for that. There was definitely something wrong somewhere.

"Seriously, I'm fine!" Hoseok stated, noticing the look Yoongi was giving him.

"Okay I know you don't eat a lot before. But it's really unhealthy to not eat at all." Yoongi stress, emphasizing on the last sentence.

Hoseok pursed his lips signing. Yoongi was right. He hasn't been eating well recently. But he didn't see that as a problem, he was used to it. Although he usually became panaroid sometimes and he'd loose his appetite for a while. But he didn't think that was the issue.

Right?? It wasn't it, right??. Please don't be.

A heavy sign left Hoseok's lips when he realized it was really the case. He was being panaroid again. That means something was about to happen.

"Who told you tho? Was it mrs Da?" He queried, trying to change the topic.

"No she didn't. I found out myself. Besides even if she told me, you shouldn't be mad at her, she's just doing her job. Yoongi stated. "And don't try to change the topic. I want to know why you're aren't eating."

Hoseok had his lips in a thin line, feeling defeated. "It's nothing serious Hyung. It's me just being panaroid. It's normal for people like me." He said, shrugging. "I'll get over it soon.

"Panaroid? About what."

"Hoseok signed, shoulders slumping. "I dunno. Probably because of all that has been happening. The fact that my parents know you're planning something against them. And even worse of all... uncle Denis." He said with an uneasy feeling. "He's the most dangerous of them all, and he's been really quiet about this whole situation. What if he's planning something? He's really unpredictable." Hoseok stressed, a look of uneasiness in his face.

Yoongi pulled the younger closer to himself, patting his back. "I don't want you to think about that. It's all gonna be over soon, and before you know it, they're all in jail." Yoongi assured.

Hoseok signed heavily, nuzzling close to the elder's chest. "I just hope nothing happens."

Those hope came crashing the next day.


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