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"Kill who?" Taehyung
dared to ask.

Yoongi rushed to his car, with the other members following behind him.

The cafe wasn't that far, especially if you were using a car, so it just took a minute for their cars to get there.

Jungkook had sent for Namjoon and Seokjin immediately, the moment he sighted a raged Yoongi

The members were still not clear with what was happening, but they knew it had to do with Hoseok.

The security of the cafe got confused when he saw three luxurious cars driving into their parking lot. Recognizing the first car to be Yoongi's due to his constant visits, he let them in without any questioning.

Yoongi literally ran out of his car, not bothering to close his door as he sped into the cafe.

"Did Hoseok come here?" Was the first thing he asked the security by the door the moment he got in.

"No sir." The security man said, bowing his head respectfully. "We've been hoping to-..."

The poor man didn't get to finish his sentence when Yoongi rushed out of the cafe, back to his car, with the other members following behind, as confused as ever.


The members now were pretty much aware of the situation. Namjoon was able to put two and two together and realize what was wrong, since Yoongi still had a hard time talking. He was too much in rage to say a word and they pretty much understood him.

Hoseok was no we're to be found. No he's been kidnapped by his own parents and uncle.

This kinda confused the three youngest of the friend group, for why would his own family members kidnap him. They were still unaware of the hardship he'd gone through from his parents during his younger days.

Seokjin had to explain to them all that has been going on for them to grasp how bad the situation was.

Night came, and just as promised, Jiwoo arrived. She was looking very tattered and blood covered, like she'd just escaped from prison.

"Did you find him!" Was the first thing she said the moment she barged into Yoongi's office. The others were there too, planning on how to get Hoseok back.

There was no reply from anyone, as they all gave her a sympathetic look.

Jiwoo began to cry again, when she couldn't find her brother amongst them. "No this can't be possible!" She cried, slumping to the floor.

Jimin and seokjin came forward to help her up, assuring her that they'll find him. They themselves weren't sure if that was possible, for they didn't even know who they were dealing with, or how capable he was by ruining everything.

Through the help of the cctv footage around the area, they were able to see who took him, although not clearly, since their faces were hidden behind a mask. However, they were able to catch a glimpse of the license plate of the car and the directions they drove to.

It was pretty obvious that they would be out of Seoul by now considering the long hours that he'd been taken.

Yoongi on the other hand still hadn't said anything. It was pretty obvious that he was in complete rage, and if he spoke, it might turn out to be a disaster, so they all left him to do his things, while they joined hands together to do all it can to find Hoseok.

Yoongi had an unreadable expression on his face as he stood by the balcony of his office, away from the others, making numerous phone calls.


Hoseok woke up to a head splitting headache, he groaned in pain as he tried to seat up, having a hard time registering his new environment.

But he was stuck, and couldn't sit properly. He soon realized he was chained with giant locks and chains. (You know the ones they used in the 80s for slavery? Yes those type of chains). The room seemed familiar, yet it looked like he hasn't been there before.

The room was dark, completely dark. No windows, not even a single form of vent, only a huge metal door that had light peaking from it's corner.

With past experiences, he was able to see around the room without needing much light. There was nothing. Except a torture table and a chair that sat at the furthest corner of the room and him himself. Nothing else.

The floor was cold concrete, not even nice enough for him to sleep on.

No wonder the room felt familiar, it was almost a replica of the one in his parents house and uncle Denise's. Except that this one was a little larger.

He felt nauseous, as the memories came flashing by. He could remember walking to the cafe to meet Jimin. All of a sudden, a car sped by, stopping a few meters before him. He didn't give much thought to it and just walked by it.

Before he knew it, the door suddenly opened and he was yanked into the car. He began to scream when he felt something hard hit his head and that was all he could remember.

Surprisingly, he could not cry. Like this was part of his life already. But he knew deep down that he was afraid. He just couldn't show it.

The large door clicked open, bright blinding light illuminating into the room, causing a squinting eyes from Hoseok.

"Ohh! Look who we've got here!!" He heard a rather familiar and sarcastic voice say as the figure came towards him.

She was in heels, a short tight red gown illustrating her curve. One which he could recognize very well


That was her. Hoseok could tell from the suffocating cologne she wore.

She bent down to his level, a wicked smile on her lips. "Hey there! My pretty little cousin! It's been a while."

Now Hoseok could pick out every details of her face and point out the similarities between her and uncle Denise. He's been having a hard time believing that she was uncle Denise's daughter until now. He could tell by everything now that she was truly his cousin.


Have a nice day guys, don't forget to vote.

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