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Tired, Hoseok freshened up,
making sure to wear a long
sleeved nightwear before going
to bed. Yoongi didn't sleep early
as usual, going back to work on
his system as soon as he arrived.

If Hoseok were to be honest, his one week vacation with Yoongi was the best thing he'd experienced so far. There was no dull moment.

He'd become pretty close with Yoongi. Conversations,cracking jokes and even arguing about stupid things.

Although, he was still very aware Yoongi had the upper hand in their arranged relationship and he did nothing to alter it. He was fine with it. Seriously. He was.

He was still very cautious of his actions near the elder, not saying much about his family, afraid that he'll spill too much that'll end up costing him his life.


It was the night before their departure back to Korea. They'd both just returned from another trip into the city and were preparing their things.

Little conversations was going on as Yoongi helped the younger fold his clothes into his luggage box.

Hoseok was sat on the bed, while Yoongi crouched next to him, placing his folded clothes into the box that was before them.

Hoseok was the one doing most of the talking, while Yoongi listened. It was mostly about all the fun they'd had so far throughout the week.

Hoseok suddenly kept quiet and Yoongi wandered why, already missing his sweet voice. He raised his head to meet Hoseok staring into nothing.

"What?" He queried, snapping Hoseok out of his thought.


"You seem spaced out, what's on your mind?"

"Oh... um..." he paused again.

Yoongi raised a brow. "What is it?" He queried, standing up, folding his arms. his broad frame hovering over the younger.

"W- why did you agree to all these?" He blurted out.

Yoongi still didn't understand. "Eh?"

"All these married arrangements and stuffs I mean. I know you don't want it as well as I. But you have the power to stop it. Why didn't you just end it."

A corner of Yoongi's lips rose, just a little. "You think our marriage is arranged?"

Hoseok brow furrowed, not quite understanding were Yoongi was going to.

"Yeah?... isn't it?"

Yoongi gave a strange laugh, one which Hoseok was seeing for the first time. He didn't like it.

"Oh how much more innocent can you be my pretty princess?" He questioned rhetorically, suddenly hovering above him, his hands on both sides of the younger. Hoseok shifted backward on the bed, but Yoongi trapped him. There was no means of escape.

"Yeah it really does sounds like it's arranged." His voice rasped, extremely close to the younger's ear. "To you... but not me. I chose you."

Hoseok shivered, eyes tightly shut.

"I wanted you and got you with just a click of my finger." His deep voice was extremely low, performing stunts inside of Hoseok's stomach, fueling his anxiety.

"Your parents made it easy by selling you to me. Goddamnit! They're so selfish. You belong to me. There's no we're to hide. I bought you with my money. YOU'RE MINE!!... MINE!!" He rasped dangerously as his lips came in contact with his ear, down to his neck, emphasizing on the last three words.

Hot tears ran down Hoseok's cheek as he tried pushing the elder away. He was a shivering mess beneath the elder. His little hand was in a tight fist, pushing away on the elder's chest.

Yoongi didn't bulge, and it was scaring Hoseok even further. His fearful whimper was what could be heard. And Yoongi snapped out of his mind immediately, quickly raising his head from the younger's neck.

Hoseok was still shivering, whimpering, trying to push the elder away.

'Shit! What have I done?!' Yoongi mentally cursed, quickly rising up from the bed, releasing him.

"I- I-..."

Yoongi didn't get to finish his sentence as Hoseok flung out of the bed, scrambling to the bathroom. The door slammed shut, it's clicking sound signaling that he'd locked it.

"Goddamnit! I'm an idiot." Yoongi groaned, gently hitting his head on the wall. Now Hoseok was gonna be more scared of him.

Hoseok bawled out his eyes as soon as he locked the door, sliding to the floor. He thought Yoongi was different. He finally thought he found someone that's not like them. Greedy, flaunting their wealth on peoples face. Doing whatever they wanted with innocent people just because they had the power to do so. But he was wrong all along, Yoongi was no difference, he even seemed worse.

What hurt him the most was the fact that his parents literally sold him. THEY SOLD HIM!!. JUST FOR MONEY. How much more could they hate him?

"S- stupid money... S- stupid people. S- stupid wealth." He muttered under his breath, tears failing to stop.

He knew he was stuck, with Yoongi and there's no way he could escape it, unless he wanted to die.

He didn't want to die. At least not yet. He still wanted to taste what real freedom is like before thinking of anything related to death. He just didn't know when that freedom will come, or if it will even come at all.

The only time he somewhat felt free was hurting himself, pouring out all the tension in him with the sharp razor, tearing into his skin. So that's what he did. But that still wasn't the best way to freedom. And he knew it.

Hoseok came out of the bathroom probably around an hour or two. There was no Yoongi in sight, but he could see his silhouette, sitting on the balcony seat, typing away on his laptop.

He tiptoed to his side of the bed, ready to lie down, but then changed his mind. He couldn't sleep on the bed, not when Yoongi was close by. He feared what the elder could do.

He tiptoed to the other side of the room, where the couch was and made himself comfortable on the couch. Wrapping himself up with a spare blanket he'd picked from the closet. The blanket was small, but it still covered him perfectly somehow.

By the time Yoongi entered, it was around one in the middle of the night. His eyes scanned around the room for the younger,
But couldn't find him. He knew when the younger left the bathroom so he was sure he wasn't in there, he scanned around again, but still couldn't find him, until his eyes caught sight of a small lump on the couch in the other side of the room.

He probably didn't notice it sooner because the blanket was rhyming with the leather.

Yoongi signed heavily. He knew he caused this, he scared of him now, he wouldn't want to do something to cross Yoongi's path.

Gently carrying him, he placed him on the bed, covering him with a larger blanket. Hoseok turned on the bed, making his sleeve to slide up a little. Part of his hand could be seen and Yoongi was sure he saw something. A long red mark. Leading up his sleeve. He was about to feel it to be sure what it was, but Hoseok turned again, his hands covering in the process.

He was so much tempted to pull up his sleeve. But he chose not to instead. Hoseok was already scared of him. Going beyond his boundaries could do more harm than good. He decided to ask him about it later, when he gained the younger's trust back.


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