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She seethed angrily, angry stray
tears slowly making it's way down
her cheek.

Yoongi frowned, not liking where this was going. "What are you talking about? Don't try and play the victim card for him. I'm the goddamn victim here!"

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You only think about yourself... Hoseok-..." she paused, finding it hard to continue speaking. A tear fell from her eyes.

"Goddamnit, I'm not supposed to cry!" She caused under her breath, looking away as she wiped the tears messily off her bare face.

"If you knew what happened to him, you'll regret those words coming out from your mouth."

She sat down on one of the seats opposite Yoongi's table, covering her face. She was crying.

Yoongi stood still, hands still in his pocket, watching her every move, waiting for her to keep talking.

Honestly he had no idea why she was crying, but he did know whatever situation Hoseok might have been, in the past was a serious one, for her to be this broken.

A few minutes passed, and she sat up, wiping her tears. She faced Yoongi, eyes red.

"You're right, he was sold to rich men. Maybe it would have been less complicated if he was an adult. But he was still a child, a goddamn kid! He wasn't even ten!" Tears began to fall again.

"Why did you think he couldn't tell you Mr Lim was his uncle? He would have told you if he was given the choice to." He's been threatened all his life and that's what he still lives with..."

"...uncle Denis is what we call him. The man you're blaming Hoseok for working with. He'll lock him up in a dark room, collecting money from old pedophiles to use him anyway they wanted..."

"...those bruises... you think he did them all by himself? You only saw the one on his arms. That's just one percent of all that he has. They're all over his body. Cigarette burns, blade marks, even hot steel burns..." He's good at covering them up, you won't notice anything unless you studied him very well.

"... my parents... they hated him for reasons I still know nothing about, handing him over to uncle Denis to discipline him every time he made the slightest mistake, all under the view of punishments..."

"... They knew what uncle Denis was doing to him, yet they kept quiet. Hell they even earned from it. Our family was not entirely well off then, my parents were facing various financial crisis and were doing everything to earn money..."

"... I wasn't aware of all these of course. I lived most of my life outside the country. I visited home unannounced one day to withness him being forced to service an ugly old pedophile..."

"... I guess it all stopped from there. I was angry, and called the legal authorities on them. But some how, with money, they were quickly set free. I threatened to make life difficult for them if they tried it again..."

"... I'm still not home most of the time, but I make sure I call him everyday to make sure he's alright. They still punish him a lot, but it reduced to just beating and being locked up in dark rooms..."

"... They threatened him of his life if he tries to spill anything. He's not made to leave the house and always sneaks out whenever he gets the chance to, knowing he'd get punished when he returns. Even till now he cannot say anything..."

"... and you're making it worse for him right now. I haven't seen him since I returned, but I'm more than sure he's seriously ill right now. He never falls sick unless old memories resurface. I asked you where the fuck he is and you have the gut to tell me you don't know..."

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