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"Nothing has happened. I don't want
to talk to him."
Hoseok answered with a
blank expression.


That's all the little boy could see.

He was probably around eight or nine with how little he was.

He was cold, vigorously shivering.

He sat at the corner of the dark room, wrapping his arm around his thin frame for the non existent warmth.

He was in nothing but a white shirt that had now turned brown due to the dirt on the floor. There were traces of dried blood on the shirt.

His body was aching all over. He could still feel the sizzling pain of the hot iron rod that was pressed to his stomach and back. The intense pain from the hot knife carvings too weren't helping matters.

The pain in his lower region was the most uncomfortable. He hated it. He couldn't even sit properly.

He heard foot steps outside the dark room, approaching the door. He was too weak to cry or scream again. His face was tear stained, covered in dry tears.

There was no use screaming anyway, he had lost hope a long time. His only hope was her, but she never returned. He hated her for breaking her promise.

The large iron doors suddenly opened, revealing non other than an old ugly looking man, smiling slyly at him. He reeked of cigarettes and alcohol.


Hoseok jolted up from his bed, taking in heavy breaths.

"Goddamnit! Why does this have to be every day?!" He cursed under his breath, wrapping his arms around his legs, trying to calm himself down.

Ever since Yoongi's assault, his nightmares had returned in it's full glory. Occurring every damn day. He hated it. He hated how it made him feel sick every morning.

What annoyed him the most was the fact that he couldn't tell anyone, especially Yoongi. He feared that Yoongi would get a hint on how shitty his childhood had been if it continued like this.

If only he knew.

He knew he still had to live with Yoongi despite the current situation, unless he wanted to get killed by his birth givers.

Today was a Monday. He had decided to quit his job, and find something else to do. Something that requires lesser to no paper work. He couldn't risk making history repeat itself.

He knew there was no way Yoongi would reject him the offer of leaving his job, but he feared that he might not allow him work in a less etiquette place.

Not like he needed Yoongi's permission anyway, he could go for it if he wanted. He needed to stand for himself from now on. If it meant fighting with the elder, then he'd do it. He was no one's puppet anymore.

Finally being able to calm himself down, he got up, getting himself ready for the office. In a few minutes, he was ready and headed straight to the bus station, not bothering to look back.

His personal maid tried to stop him begging him to eat something before leaving, but he didn't wait. He was fully recovered now, they had no reason to stop him from leaving the house.

Yoongi ordered that she let him go, knowing Hoseok was doing everything to avoid him. They haven't talked to each other or seen each other up close after Hoseok had proven his innocence.

He watched from the rooftop as the younger walked through the gate this time, not sneaking out through the garden. He'd already ordered the security earlier to let him be if he wanted to go out.


Hoseok's prediction came to pass when he thought in his mind that Yoongi wouldn't want him to work anywhere else, but would give him the opportunity to quit his job.

"Hoseok try and understand. You're my husband for goddamn sake. You can't work just in anywhere.

Hoseok corked his head slightly to the side anger flashing through his eyes.

"Your husband? Not just your property anymore? If I can remember, you said you purchased me with money. I need to work to repay those Money. I need to be free for once!" Hoseok seethed angrily, his voice slowly rising.

Yoongi signed heavily, rubbing his palm over his face. "Look, I'm really sorry for all that. No word can explain how much regret I'm in right now, but please... listen to me."

"No! I'm not listening to any of your words. You're just gonna keep repeating the same thing. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said in a mocking deep tone, trying to mimic Yoongi's voice. "That's exactly the same thing you said to me back at France."

Yoongi was seriously helpless, he didn't know what he could do to gain the younger's trust. He kept mute, letting the younger spill out all his anger at him.

"You said you loved me. I believed you. Despite the fact that I didn't even know what love was about or if you were treating me the way love is supposed to be..."

"Oh stupid me I was so desperate to experience what it feels to be loved that I didn't realize what mess I was putting myself into."

"...I told you I didn't do it, but you turned deaf ears, completely blinded by someone else's lies. If you truly loved and trusted me, you could have listened to my side of the story and investigated the real truth..."

"...Yes I'm at fault for not telling you about my relationship with uncle-... with mr Lim. But I seriously had no idea Lea was his daughter. Hell I still don't believe it..."

"...You literally sexually assaulted me, almost raped me. And you still think I'll want to talk to you. To be honest Hyung, I'm now doubting if you really meant it when you said you loved me."

"I do! I do! Hoseok please... don't doubt it." Yoongi responded almost immediately, desperate plea in his tone.

Hoseok quirked a brow. "You do? I don't see it. You should probably try to prove it, I don't know how you're gonna do that tho, cause I'm not letting my guard down that easily ever again. It's gonna take you a lot to gain my trust back."

He bowed to the elder, cleaning a stray tear from his eyes. "I'll take my leave now. I don't need your permission anyway to find myself a new job. I'll do it myself."


Here you go guys. Please don't forget to vote.

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