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He fought with his mum because of
but he knew she was
she was just trying to protect

Hoseok woke up yet again, to another pain surging through his entire body, his lower back and butt especially. His white office shirt was barely recognizable, it was now completely red, painted with his own blood.

His trouser was ripped off completely from his body, leaving him bare under. Thankfully, the shirt he was wearing belonged to Yoongi. So it was understandably big on him, covering him down to his tight.

He'd lost track of time. But he knew today was his last day here. According to the taunting informations he'd been getting from uncle Denis, he was to be shipped into the slave house today, ready for his 'owner' to pick. Like he was some material.

He'd lost count of time the old monster had come in to sexually assault him and inflict new wounds all over his body, all in the name of pleasure.

He'd even branded him with a hot iron, telling him that that would be his number in the slave house.

He could still feel the sizzling burn at his back, and it made him sicker to the core.

He would have made attempt to escape since. But that damn heavy chain wouldn't let him move a limb, in addition to the brain wrecking pain all over his body.

But he was determined to move a limb today, there was no way he was going to a goddamn slave house or to any stupid 'master' to serve. He's been there before during his younger days as part of his punishments, and he had experienced how madly cruel life was in the slave house. There was literally no freedom. Everyone there were treated as nothing but sex toys.

He knew uncle Denis would be coming in any moment from now. And he was determined to begin his plan from then.

Throughout the previous days, whenever he was alone, he'd test the thickness of the iron sheet used to cover the vent. It wasn't that strong. He could rip it off from the wall if he added enough strength.

All what he needed now was to get this heavy chain off of him.


The police had just found Mr Denise's hide out. It was in a remote village, very close to the border between Korea and Japan, a few villages away from where Jiwoo had escaped.

It was going to take them probably eight to nine hours before they got there, and that was a long time.

Without wasting any more time, they set on their long journey.

Yoongi so badly wanted to go. He tried to give his parents (his mother especially) reasons why he should be there with the police, but his mother insisted that he stay at home, knowing fully well what harm he was capable of doing. All his keys were long seized from him by his mother herself, restricting his movements and access to any of his cars.

Thanks to his sweet little brother, Yoobin who came to his aid.


"What! Get out!" Yoongi snapped at the innocent teenager.

"This is my room."

"Then go to my room. I need some time alone." Yoongi permitted, putting his arm over his face, as he lay on the younger's bed, completely helpless.

Ever since Hoseok's disappearance, he'd not stepped a foot in his house. He'd gone to his parents house for comfort and it seemed to be working.

But now it felt like he regretted staying there, for they wouldn't let him take part in any of the investigation.

Yoobin gave a thin lip smile, still making his way into the room, against his brother's request.

He sat on the bed, next to the elder, studying him.

"What! I said go to my room! Haven't you always wanted to be there?!" He snapped, glaring at the younger.

The younger boy's smile grew wider. "Yeah, thanks for that, but I've gotta deliver my message first." He paused, pulling out something from his pocket.

His keys-

"Dad said I should give you this-"

Yoongi sat up immediately, snatching the keys from the younger, examining it to be sure it was his own.

"How did you get them"

"I begged dad to talk to mum. And you shouldn't even be asking me that." The younger pointed out. "You should be on your way to Hoseokie Hyung by now."

Yoongi flung himself out of the bed, putting on his shoes. He rushed back to the younger, attacking him in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you so much"

"Wow! You're finally saying a nice word to me!" The younger boy teased, a sarcastic expression of shock on his face. "Hoseokie hyung really changed you. I hope you'll bring him back home save." He said sincerely, a sad tone in his voice.

"I will, squirt. I promise to bring him back home." Yoongi assured, giving him one last hug before hurrying out of the room.

Now Yoongi wasn't sure how things would go. But he was sure of one thing.

Bring Hoseok back home alive. to his real home, to where he is truly loved.

And off he went into his long journey to uncle Denise's hideout.

With his road expert experience, he was able to catch up with the police.

Jiwoo who was in the vehicle of the police gave a relieved sign when she sighted Yoongi's car driving past them to their said location.

Tho he'd made a lot of mistakes in the past, and broken her trust several times, she'd continue to entrust Hoseok into his hands.

The police wanted to stop him, but she told them to let him be.


Hoseok ran through the bushes with bare feets, sharp sticks cutting through his feet with each steppes he took.

He was beyond tired, about to faint, but he couldn't give up this easily. He'd come this far, he couldn't let all his efforts go to waste.

His entire body was completely covered with purple and red marks, the new ones overpowering the old ones. It looked like he was about to be crucified on a cross.

He knew uncle Denis and his men were after him already, he could hear their voices from a far distance. And that's what prompted him to keep going. He just hoped he would find a save zone soon before he could black out into darkness.

His prayers were answered. A few meters before him, he could see a road, and could even see few cars driving by.

If he could hold on for a few more minutes, he was sure he would get there.

His hopes got high when he could hear police sirens from a far distance as he neared the road path.

His visions were getting blurry as the seconds past knees going weaker, but he needed to get there first.

An achieved smile appeared on his lips as his legs touched the road. It felt like all his problems had come to an abrupt end when he saw an all too familiar car speed extremely close to him, almost hitting him to his death.

That was the last image he could picture before his knees eventually gave up, his blurry vision turning into darkness.


Have a great day guys, don't forget to vote.

I'm so so sorry for not updating yesterday and the day before. I traveled.... So... yeah that's my excuse.

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