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But his obviously similar
features with his parents, especially his mother gave away that suspicion.


That's what first came to Yoongi's mind when he first saw the picture of the male.

You know that concept where they say 'love at first sight'? Well that was the case for Yoongi. He'd never fallen in love this quick in all his entire life. Yes he'd had numerous relationships, but in most of them, he wasn't fully into it. That explains why he had a lot of broken relationships.

On a second note, it wasn't partially his fault. Most of the people he dated didn't date him for him, but for his wealth. His last relationship was the worst of all, let's not even get started with that. And that was the last relationship he'd ever been in. Instead, he focused on his family business, which brought them more success and fame. Now he was known as the most successful and youngest billionaire in Korea.

Having being brought up as a spoilt Rick kid who always got what he wanted with just a snap of his finger, Yoongi was selfish. Once he sees something he likes, he makes sure he gets it. Now he wanted the male in this picture to himself. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he'll find a way somehow.

The picture had fallen from Seokjin's books when he and Namjoon had visited him in his house. So he asked Seokjin about the picture and he was only able to get a few informations about the male, one of which he didn't like.

His name was Jung Hoseok. Seokjin had bumped into him at the local library, one time when he'd sneaked out of the house. They'd become pretty close since then and exchanged contact.

"He was in a hurry that day, I guess that's why he forgot his book. I haven't seen him since then, and have been trying to chat him up, but he has never been online." Seokjin completed.

Yoongi's heart sank a little hearing that the beautiful male was a family of the Jung. The Jungs was a no no for any successful business corp in the business industry, unless you wanted to risk all your hard earned success. The Min Firm had fallen victim to them once. Their business history wasn't a good one.

But on a second hand, Yoongi was well aware of the power his family held in the whole of Korea. His family was much more powerful than the Jungs and he could give them a taste of their own medicine if they tried anything cunning.

Yoongi still wanted Hoseok to himself and he knew how he was going to do it, although it seemed like a very difficult task.

He never expected all his worries to vanish when the source itself came knocking on his door. He was in his office one morning, trying to catch up with the final business deal with a new corporation when his secretary came knocking on his door, informing him that he had some visitors.

Yoongi ordered them in and there they were, the main source of his difficulty in reaching Hoseok.- MR AND MRS JUNG.

They were here for a business deal. Apparently, their firm was crumbling and they needed assisting hands to help bring them back up to a stand. The Mins were the only one that could help them in this situation since they'd gone to other firms, but were rejected.

They looked so desperate and Yoongi could see that.

Yoongi wasn't going to offer them this assistance this easily. He wasn't heartless, but he also couldn't let his guard down.

"And what do I get in return for helping you?" Yoongi asked, leaning back into his seat.

"Fifty percent of whatever profit we make." The older man answered.

Yoongi shook his head, leaning away from his seat, resting his hands on the table. "I don't want that, how about something else?"

The older couple looked confused, not quite understanding what the young billionaire meant.

"I'll help you for free, no business deal attached to anything, but only on one condition." He specified.

The older couples were all ears, listening attentively.

"You have a son, Jung Hoseok, that's his name right?"

The older couple looked puzzled for a couple of seconds, wandering how the young male knew him. He'd been kept hidden since birth.
The older woman nodded to Yoongi's question.

"Good, hand him over to me. My parents need me to get married one way or the other."

Both older couples exchanged look, and without hesitation, they answered in unison. "Ok..."

They both paused, before the older man continued. "That's not a problem. We'll give him to you."

Yoongi was taking aback. He didn't expect the deal to be this easy. Giving their son to someone like Yoongi who was well known for his playboy character.


And now here he is, with a very nervous Hoseok sitting next to him, as he drives them to his own house. His mansion, made with his own money.

'Cute' Yoongi chuckled to himself, watching the flustered younger get embarrassed at the slightest thing.

Yes Yoongi could admit openly that the younger was cute. But still, he needed not to forget that he was a part of the Jung. They could be planning something up their sleeve. He needed not to let his guard down.

The ride to Yoongi's home wasn't conversative. Not like they knew each other. They'd just met twice and only knew each person's name, nothing else.

Yoongi's house was times three of what Hoseok called home. Hoseok stared in awe as they drove through the parking lot. 'This place is a castle.' Was what he thought to himself.

Yoongi snapped his fingers in front of him, bringing him out of his trance. "Are you gonna keep sitting there, looking around or what? C'mon, get inside, I've got things to do."

With this, he got out of his car, leaving the younger to struggle with his seatbelt. Scurrying after Yoongi.

On his way in, two maids came out, giggling to themselves as soon as they caught sight of him.

Hoseok frowned, a little pout growing on his lips as he watched them. They were bringing down his luggages. It's not like his luggages were much, why do the both of them have to carry them? Only one person could do it he thought to himself as he unconsciously bumped into Yoongi's firm chest.

He felt so embarrassed. This is the second time he'd embarrassed himself in front of Yoongi just in one day.

He was too engrossed watching the maids whispering and giggling to themselves that he didn't notice Yoongi standing in front of him, arms folded.

"Why do you keep bumping into things?" Yoongi queried, wrapping his arms quickly wrapping around his waist to stop him from falling.

"You should at least be more careful of your surroundings. I won't be there all the time to catch you." He scolded, leading the younger inside.


Another one guys. Please endeavor to vote and comment.

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