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"Whatever," Namjoon signed, already giving up.
Thank God, at least you admitted that he's pretty."

Hoseok sat in his room, his desk filled with series of books, huge round glasses, hung loosely on his nose bridge, eyes fully concentrated on whatever book he was reading.

But soon, his peaceful atmosphere was disturbed. The door swung open, revealing his mum, holding some papers.

"What are you doing?"

Hoseok was tired of her obvious questions. "Reading?" He answered in a question like manner.

"And where did you get those many books from?"

"Dad's library. Noona said I could take them." He ensured to add.

She didn't ask any questions again, instead, dropping the papers she'd been holding in front of him.

"Sign these for me."

Hoseok took his time, observing the papers.

"You're wasting my time, I need them now." The woman snapped.

"If I may ask, what are these papers for, and why does it need my signature?" Hoseok balled up the courage to ask, fearing what the outcome might be.

"Your marriage papers." The woman answered, much to Hoseok's surprise.

But that was the least of his worries.

"Marriage?!?!..." Hoseok exclaimed, eyes wide.

The woman raised a brow. "Any problem?"

Hoseok was so much tempted to snap at the woman, but he couldn't, he knew the consequences.

"I- I can't get married!! At least not now, I'm not ready for any of that." He pointed out. Besides, I don't even know who this person is-..."

The woman shrugged. "Well, that's not my problem, besides, the person you're getting married to is Min Yoongi, and your marriage is for the progress of the family's business, unless you want to leave in the slum.

"Min Yoongi? Who's that?"

His mother looked puzzled for a second. "You don't know who he is?"

"He's a guy?" Hoseok questioned back.

"Search for his name on google, you'll get your answer. Now sign those papers for me, I've got things to do."

Hoseok looked at the papers in front of him, giving a heavy sigh.

"I- I can't sign them."

The older woman was slowly loosing her cool.


"I'm not ready mum, I- I don't want to get married now, e- especially to someone I don't know."

"Alright then, I guess I'll have to get your dad involved." The woman said, snatching the papers from his table, before making her way out.

"No! No No! Wait Please!" Hoseok begged, flying out of his sit. He rushed to the front of his mum, stopping her from stepping any further.

"O- okay, I'll sign it."

She handed the paper's to him and he went back to his seat. Picking his pen, he hesitated a little, a heavy sign escaping his lips, before signing them, not bothering to go through any of them.

The woman gave him a sweet smile, collecting the papers. "Good, now be a good boy and just do as instructed, unless you are ready to face the consequences." She said sweetly, patting the boys hair.

The door finally closed and Hoseok broke down into tears, spilling out all the tears he'd been holding.


Things were going faster than Hoseok could imagine. His marriage ceremony with his so called husband was in a few weeks and he still had no idea who this Min Yoongi was.

He'd searched for his name on google and it brought out the richest and youngest billionaire in South Korea. One whose face he could recognize, but couldn't pin point where exactly he had seen him.


"Oh great!" So it's you I'm supposed to be getting married to." Yoongi's deep voice rang, making cold shivers run down the younger's spine. Yoongi had his arms folded, his back resting on his car in a magestic manner, with Hoseok standing before him, and maids, carrying his luggages to Yoongi's car trunk.

It was a week to their wedding and their parents had suggested that they stay together till the day for their bond to grow.

Hoseok didn't say anything as he only stared at the elder. What was he supposed to say after all. It's not like he's hurt that the elder doesn't know him. He wasn't well known unlike the rest of his family. The last time he'd searched for his name online, nothing came out except that he was a member of the Jung's family. Not even a picture could be seen.

Yoongi snapped his finger in front of him, "get in the car, I've got places to go." He said, making his way to the driver's seat.

Hoseok blinked a few times, being snapped out of his thought. Seeing that Yoongi was already in the car, waiting for him, he quickly opened the door, about to settle down when Yoongi's voice rang again. "Sit at the front."

Hoseok close the door quickly, taking in a deep breath, before making his way to the passenger seat.

Suddenly, Yoongi leaned closer to him, their breath fanning against each other and Hoseok almost panicked, leaning further into the chair, eyes tightly closed, teeth biting deep into his bottom lips.

Yoongi chuckled pulling back, with the seatbelt strap in his hand, helping him fix his seatbelt. "Are you that nervous? Don't worry, I won't bite you."

Hoseok exhaled, face crimson red from embarrassment. He'd just embarrassed himself in front of the elder. He just hope he wouldn't mess up any further. He couldn't risk getting killed by his parents.

'KILLED?!?' You might be thinking. Yeah that's true. His parents, especially his dad had threatened him of his life if he messed up with this their marriage plan. You might be thinking they can't do it. Well, they can, that's why they were called the Jungs for a reason. They weren't a type of family you would want to mess around with. They've had a lot of histories that cost the life of people, both business partners, family members and even normal citizens.

Hoseok feared his parents so much that he even wondered if they were really his parents or he got kidnapped or adopted from somewhere. But his obviously similar features with his parents, especially his mother gave away that suspicion.


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