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Afterall, the books he enjoyed
reading in particular was in
Yoongi's library.

His wedding was in just two days, and was Hoseok ready? No! A big NO! He was nervous as fuck.

He hardly saw Yoongi after his first night in the house. The only few times he saw him was when he was rushing to work. They really didn't talk much except for exchanging greetings and Yoongi asking him if he was okay.

Yoongi was a gentle man, the opposite of what Hoseok had thought him to be in the beginning. He was really nice, making sure the younger felt save and at ease in his mansion even though they weren't close and still knew little about each other.

In Hoseok's view, Yoongi also didn't look too excited for the wedding, It all looked like he wasn't interested in their wedding.

'He has the power to stop it, why can't he Just call it off?' Hoseok wandered to himself severally, each time the idea of their marriage came across his mind.

Another thing Hoseok took note of were Yoongi's parents. They were the nicest beings he'd ever come across.

The one time they'd visited, they made him feel at home, not being left out. Was he being greedy when he wished they were his parents instead?


Hoseok didn't set eyes on Yoongi through out the remaining twenty four hours before their wedding. His parents visited much the his dismay. The only good thing was his sister.


Hoseok stared at himself in the mirror, elegantly dressed. He was in a white tuxedo it had a black stripe around it's collar, emphasizing more on the beauty of the cloth. Making Hoseok look more ethereal in it.

He was good looking, he knew it. He'd just never been complemented on his looks. He knew he looked so much like his mum, and she herself was a beauty pergent before settling down with her now husband, his father.

But that wasn't what was in his mind right now. He hated everything that was happening right now.

He excused the maids, he needed some privacy.

He was perfectly dressed now, hair neatly styled. He's supposed to wait a few more minutes before he's taken to the venue.

The wedding was supposed to be a small one with only family members and a few friends invited from both couples.

Hoseok didn't have any friend, so he had no one by his side, except his family.

He teared up, and he tried his best to hold it, not wanting to ruin the make up on his pretty face. The last thing he wanted today was embarrassing himself, especially when his parents were there. He couldn't risk the consequences.

Jiwoo came in, smiling. Her smile soon dropped, noticing the sad aura of the younger.

"Hobi? What's wrong?" She questioned, rushing to the younger. Hoseok didn't say anything, turning around, backing the elder as he cleaned his tears.


"Go away." He sobbed silently, crossing his arms, his back still facing her.

Jiwoo signed, placing her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off. "Don't touch me!"

"Look, I'm sorry I went for so long, I had a lot of works abroad. I'm back now okay? And I promise to be with you for a long time before I think of returning."

Hoseok snickered, "yeah, right, it's the same thing you always say. I'm not a kid anymore."

Jiwoo signed, dropping her hands from his shoulder. "Hobi I'm really sorry."

There was a short hesitant pause before she spoke again. "Did mum and dad force you to do all this?"

Hoseok didn't answer.

"I know you've never dreamt of getting married Hobi, at least not any time soon. Especially to the fact that the person you're getting married to is a billionaire, you always tell me you hate rich people."

"If you knew, why didn't you say or do anything since? Why is it now you're telling me?"

Jiwoo fell silent, an emotion of guilt washing through her.

Hoseok scoffed. "You're playing along with them aren't you? Y'all just want me out of your hair as quick as possible. Isn't it?

"No! Hobi... don't say it like that!?!"

Hoseok gave a dry laugh. "I knew it, you're just pretending like you care. At least mum and dad don't pretend, I know they hate me and they've said it to my face several times. There won't be any difference if you just admit that you hate-..."



There was a tensed silence as both siblings glared at each other, drilling holes into each other's orbs.

"Hoseok what's wrong with you?" Jiwoo finally broke the silence, an angry tone in her voice.

"Just go away. I don't want to see anyone." The younger said, once again turning around, his back facing the elder.

Jiwoo signed. "Fine! I will leave." There was a short pause. "Please call me if something goes wrong." She said with a much softer tone.

Hoseok didn't respond and she took it as a cue to exit the room.


The ceremony had finally begun and he hated every second of it. His father was the one taking him to the isle. He quietly winced at how tight his grip on his hand was. It was a warning grip, signaling to Hoseok not to fuck up.

Hoseok internally scoffed. From a right point of view, he wasn't the one fucking up, his parents were. He played along with their game, whereas they did nothing but give him warning glares, making it obvious to observant people that he didn't want this, they were forcing him.

They got to the front, and there Yoongi was, looking like a king that had just descended from heaven in his all glory.

Yoongi's gaze didn't leave Hoseok's and it was doing some weird twist in Hoseok's stomach.

He scanned around the hall. There were all new faces, of course except the few people he knew, which were the Mins and his own family. 'Wow, Yoongi must have a lot of friends.' He thought to himself.

He caught sight of his sister. She wasn't looking too happy, it was clearly written on her face.

The ceremony went smoothly, he didn't allow his parents ugly glares to disturb him, instead he concentrated on the positive side of the small crowd, Yoongi's parents. They were really nice, he liked it.

... the priest said the last vow and now was time for the couples to seal their vows with a kiss.

Now Hoseok did realize what shit he was putting himself into.

He'd never kissed and never dreamed of being kissed. Especially with someone he didn't like.

He had his eyes tightly shut, leaning back slightly as he felt Yoongi's arm wrap around his waist, leaning closer towards him.

Yoongi paused midway, watching the younger tensed actions. He smiled a little, leaning closer and placing a chaste peck at the side of his lips.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kiss you. I know you don't want it." He rasped into his hears.

Hoseok opened his eyes, staring right at Yoongi. Yoongi gave him a little assuring smile before leaning away, turning to the now clapping and noisy crowd. The noise coming from Yoongi's friends especially. They could be an ass hole some times.


Here's another chapter guys, please don't forget to vote:

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