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Yoobin nodded,
reluctantly letting go of Hoseok's
embrace. He gave the elder a
small smile before getting up,
walking towards the exit.

"Thanks." Hoseok muttered, signing as he lay back on the bed, draping his arm over his face.

Jiwoo smiled, settling next to him, her fingers automatically making it's way to his hair, combing through his scalp.

Hoseok signed in comfort, feeling more relaxed as her fingers traveled through his locks.

There was a long minute of silence between the two before Jiwoo broke it.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly, not sure if she was supposed to even ask such question.

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders, somewhat feeling uneasy at the very simple question. "I guess so." Came his answer.

There was another long minute of silence.

"Yoongi told me... everything..." She said, studying the younger's relaxed face. There was no reaction. Except that she could feel his tensed muscle.

"...that happened last night and this morning." She completed.

Hoseok still didn't show any reaction. But she knew he was hiding it.

She watched him turn on the bed, his back now facing her.

"I'm sorry." He said, almost in a whisper. "I- I didn't mean to let anyone worry. I don't know what came over me." He completed, trying hard to hide the tearful tone.

"No Hobi..." Jiwoo paused, signing heavily, as she pulled the younger by his shoulder, turning him around to face her.

He had his eyes closed, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks. She wiped his tears with her thumb.

"Hobi you shouldn't be sorry. I cannot read your mind, but I quite much understand what you feel... just..." she signed again, holding her tears in. "I don't want you to keep this all to your self please.... let us help you.... let us worry for you. I'm your sister. Yoongi is your husband. It's our job to worry. So please ... just... don't hide anything... voice out all of your emotions."

Hoseok sat up, wrapping his arms around the elder, his tears refusing to stop as he hid his face in her shoulder.

Her hands went to his back patting him softly. "It's okay." She kept whispering. "I'm here for you. Yoongi is here for you."

A few more minutes passed. Hoseok had long stoped crying. He just remained quiet in the elder's embrace.

"Thank you." He muttered, eventually letting go of the elder. "Thank you for caring so much for me, despite how annoying I could be sometimes. I thought you were mum and dad's favorite. I didn't know you almost went through the same thing as me if not for grandma. I'm sorry for being envious of you all those times. I thought you had the most perfect life then. I didn't know you were also struggling. Uncle Denis kept taunting me about how he'd always send thugs to attack you even when you were outside the country. But you always managed to escape each time." He stopped talking, signing sadly. "I wish I could be as strong as you are, I'm just so weak, always dependent on others."

Jiwoo smiled, ruffling his hair. "I'm not as strong as you think. I still fall in some places and need a lot of help just the way you do and every one else." No one is weak neither is anyone strong. We all need each other to stand strong. The people you see around that seem strong might be completely weak inside and could break with just the click of a finger. So don't think you're too weak... you might not know it, but you've helped a lot of people. Take for instance, Yoongi. If you knew him before, you would know he wasn't a nice person. People were afraid of him, talkless of coming close to him. But then you came into his life and changed everything. Even the media is surprised at how soft he is now." She finished, smiling widely as she saw the blush slowly creeping on his cheek.

"I- I didn't know that." He smiled a little, trying to hide his blush.

"But you know now." She teased, her tone going serious soon after. "So don't think you're the only one dependent on people. People also depend on you..." she paused, hesitating a little, before talking again. "Umm... can I suggest something?"

Hoseok nodded his head, brows slightly furrowed as how hesitant she looked.

"Umm... I talked with Yoongi and we thought that it would be best if you see a therapist. You know..." she trailed off, studying the younger's reaction.

Hoseok signed, a sad pout on his lips. "Honestly I never thought of it. I didn't realize I could be this insane to need one-..."

"No! Hobi you're not insane!" Jiwoo exclaimed, cutting him off.

"You're alright Hobi, it's just ... you know ... everyone needs a therapy at some points in their life. We're you just need to be free of any trauma or emotional burden of once. Even me, I'm seeing a therapist right now. With all that had happened in the past two months, I needed it so bad and I went for it with no hesitation. So there's nothing wrong with seeing a therapist, okay. Someone doesn't have to be mad to seek professional help."

Hoseok gave a thin lip smile, nodding his head. "Okay then, I'll think about it. I think I need one too."

Jiwoo smiled, patting his back. Thank you for understanding. It's also not compulsory. It's just a suggestion, you don't need to feel pressured. You can tell Yoongi to help you arrange one when you decide.

Speaking of the bastard, Yoongi came in, after giving a not so necessary knock on the door, a happy Yoobin following behind.

Hoseok could sense the stress in his eyes, despite the eye blinding gummy smile he was giving him as he approached him.

Yoongi leaned down, placing a kiss on his forehead. "How's my sweetheart feeling."

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders, a bundle of happiness shooting through his nerve at just that slightest feeling of Yoongi's lips on his skin.

"I feel great." He smiled widely, hungry for more of the elder's touch.

Yoongi chuckled, picking him up in his arms, not giving a thought about the two other parties in the room, as he kissed his lips.

Hoseok blushed madly, hiding his face in the elder's neck. "Hyung! We're not alone!"

"Oh right! I forgot." Yoongi laughed sheepishly, turning the both of them around, as he still had Hoseok in his arms.

He gave a playfully glaring Jiwoo a sheepish grin, and a disgusted looking Yoonbin a snort. "Don't act like you haven't kissed before." He scoffed at the younger.

"I'm underaged! You shouldn't be kissing in front of me! Besides, I came here to play with hoseokie hyung, but you've stolen him from me!" The younger retorted back.

"Underaged my ass." Yoongi snorted. "Hoseok is for me today. You get to play with him another time."

It looked like the two brothers wouldn't stop arguing on who is to, and who is not to. Until Jiwoo came to their aid.

Hey! Guys! It's not nice to fight, okay?" She said like an elderly woman trying to lecture her children. "How about we all go enjoy our dinner, it should be ready soon. And Yoongi, drop Hobi down!" She commanded sternly.

Yoongi huffed, reluctantly letting go of the younger.

Hoseok gave his sister a thankful thumbs up the moment his foot touched the ground.


Here you go guys, please don't forget to vote.

Hope you're all having a great Easter break?

Sorry I know the Muslims are celebrating something too but I don't know what it is. Pls can someone enlighten me?.

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