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They went into a comfortable silence,
Hoseok slowly drifting back to sleep
as Yoongi tried to reduce his temperature
with the damp towel.

"Don't sleep yet? You haven't eaten." Yoongi's voice hushed, awakening the younger.

Hoseok scoffed, folding his arms. "You should be thankful that I'm already falling asleep. Besides, I'm not hungry."

"Yeah, You always say that." Yoongi sneered, deeping the damp towel into the bucket.

His food arrived and Yoongi had to force him to eat, threatening to force the food down his throat with his own tongue if he refused.

Yoongi was serious when he said that. Hell he even hoped the younger would prove stubborn so he could have the opportunity to finally savore his lips, all in the excuse of trying to feed him.

Thankfully, he finished the meal and now was time for his medications.

"What's that?!" Hoseok's brow furrowed as he saw Yoongi stretch his hand towards him, some tablets in his hand.

"Medicine. They should help you feel better." Yoongi explained.

"Eww!! I'm not taking those!!" He stressed, leaning away from Yoongi's outstretched hand. "Take it away from me!!"

If there was something else Hoseok hated aside from getting punished by his parents, then the thing was hospitals and drugs. He despised them so much that he always avoided anything that'll lead him to end up in the hospital. There was no way he was gonna collect that drugs from Yoongi. No! Not ever!

Yoongi dropped his hands, mentally face palming. "Don't tell me you hate drugs."

"No one likes them. They tastes gross."

"But You've gotta take it sometimes to feel better. Especially right now, that you're sick."

"Well I don't need them to feel better. I promise, I'll be fine without them."

"Not under my watch Hoseok, you're gonna have to take them. Either you gently collect it from me now, or I force you."

"Force me?" Hoseok gave a single laugh to his face. "How? Shove it down my throat like you threatened with the food? This is medicine, not food. There's no way you can do that neither am I taking those damn drugs."

Yoongi raised a brow, his lips going up in one corner. "You think I'm joking? You think I can't do it?"

"T- there's no way you're doing that. I won't even let you."

"Oh watch me."

And instantly, Hoseok was captured in Yoongi's tight grip. He sat behind him, trapping him from moving with his legs.
Tossing one of the drugs into his mouth, he had his hand gripping gently yet firmly on his nape.

"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Hoseok screamed, struggling to get out of Yoongi's grip.

Yoongi took that as an opportunity, shoving his tongue inside the younger's mouth, down his throat. The bitter medicine rolling in. He didn't let go until he felt the younger swallow the drug. He did the same for the second, third and last, making sure the younger swallowed them all.

Finally satisfied, he reluctantly withdrew himself. From the unromantic heated kiss. (A/N: should that even be counted as a kiss?)

He studied the younger's face for a while, waiting to see any reaction. There wasn't any. Except that Hoseok had his eyes tightly shut, face crimson red from what Yoongi assumed to be embarrassment. He smirked, placing a chaste peck on the side of his lips. "Do I do the same for the water? Or you're gonna listen to me now and drink it?" Yoongi teased, slightly leaning away to pick up the glass of water next to him.

Hoseok opened his eyes, snatching the glass of water from the elder. A flustered glare on his face. He gulped down the water, trying to cover his red cheeks.

Yoongi had an achieved smile on his face. "Good boy. Now you can take as much rest as you want." He said patting his hair.

The kiss was perfect. No, not entirely perfect because of the bitter taste of the medicine. But to Yoongi, it was. His soft plum lips, alluring caravan, the way his tongue fought with Yoongi's, eventually giving up some seconds after. They were all heavenly.

He tasted like strawberry. Yoongi was sure of that. If not for the overpowering taste of the bitter drug, he was sure the younger would even taste better.

Thankfully, it was a Friday. Yoongi hoped he'd get better before a new week began.

He let the younger lay on the bed , while he sat beside him, combing his fingers through his hair to comfort him.

Soon after, he watched as Hoseok drifted off to sleep. Smiling to himself, he pecked his temple before getting up. "Have a nice dream." He whispered, tucking him properly into the bed.

"Don't go." He heard Hoseok's whispered voice, as he was about to exit the room.

Yoongi turned away from the door, facing the younger. He now had his eyes slightly opened. "Did you say something?"

"Stay." Hoseok whispered, this time more audible.

"You want me to stay?"

Hoseok nodded, eyes closing back.

"Alright then, if you want me to." Yoongi said, smiling as he made his way towards the younger. "Hope you know I'll have to sleep on the same bed with you?"

Hoseok nodded, scooting to the side, providing enough space for Yoongi.

Whatever was going on inside Yoongi by now was hella a huge celebratory party. He thought he'd never be able to gain Hoseok's trust after the incident during their honeymoon. But here Hoseok was, asking him to stay the night with him.

He felt so giddy and excited inside that his smile couldn't leave his face as he lay beside the younger.

Hoseok snuggled close to him, wrapping his small arms around his torso, face burried in his chest. He inhaled deeply on the elder's forest rainy scent, giving a satisfied hum, as the scent hit his nostril.

Yoongi went stiff for a few seconds, surprised to the core. But his insides said otherwise. They were jumping with excitement.

'Don't get your hopes so high young man. He's drunk in sickness right now, he probably doesn't know what he's doing right now.'
A discouraging voice said in his head.

He shook the thought away, concentrating and enjoying on the presence. He didn't know when it would end, but he hoped it would never end.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around his thin waist, pulling him closer to himself. He had his fingers threading through his hair, drifting him back to sleep.


Have a blessed day guys, please don't forget to vote

I'm sad guys. My country lost in the AFCON FINAL🥺. Anyways UP NIGERIA 🇳🇬!!

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