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They haven't seen it.

He was halfway through unbuttoning his shirt, when he felt a set of burning hand suddenly grab his fingers, stopping him from going any further.

Hoseok opened his eyes, having a hard time registering his surroundings.

"Hoseok you've gotta stay calm. You're sick." He heard Yoongi say from behind him. Realizing he had his head resting on the elder's chest, he quickly sat up, turning around to face the elder.

He suddenly felt dizzy, swaying a little and Yoongi had to hold him steady.

The maid Yoongi had sent to bring a towel and water returned, quietly making her way into the room.

"Why didn't you tell me you've been sick?" Yoongi queried.

Hoseok shot the maid am angry glare. She looked away quickly, giving him an apologetic bow before quickly making her way outside.

'What a snitch' Hoseok thought to himself as he watched her leave the room.

"Hoseok you shouldn't blame her, she's just doing her job." Yoongi pointed out. "Why on earth wouldn't you even tell me?"

"I told her I'm alright." Hoseok finally spoke, his voice sounding tired. "I'm fine. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm probably just tired and need some rest." He completed, trying to get up, Yoongi held him back, stopping him from standing up.

Hoseok needed no one worrying for him. Seriously, he was fine on his own, he needed no one to take care of him when he was sick. He was used to it already. He always did all his things by himself in the Jung residence, no one really cared what happened to him, of course except when his sister was around. So it was nothing new to him by now.

Now Yoongi wanting to take care of him was what felt new.

"That's a lie. It's pretty much obvious you're not feeling well. Hell you're even burning up. You literally have a fever and you think you're fine?" Yoongi's tone sounded hard, like he was scolding him.

Hoseok didn't bother arguing any further. He was too exhausted to spill out any word. He knew he was going to loose anyway, he'd never won against Yoongi.

"I need to get up" he said instead, gesturing for the elder to release his strong grip on him. "I want to use the bathroom."

Yoongi let go of him, watching as he slightly struggled to get on his feet.

He finally did stand up and took a few steps towards the bathroom before collapsing to the floor.

Yoongi sprung up on his feet immediately, rushing towards the younger, carrying him up. "Hoseok! Are you alright?!"

"You're right, Looks like I'm really sick. My legs won't even work correctly." He laughed drunkenly as he let Yoongi help him back to the bed.

"It probably wouldn't have gotten this worse if you'd informed me sooner." Yoongi scolded, helping him lay on the bed.

"I'll need to take off your shirt."

Hoseok suddenly gripped tightly on his shirt, he immediately realized that a few of his buttons had been made undone, exposing his chest.

He tried sitting up, but Yoongi pushed him back to the bed. "Stay still, you shouldn't be moving anyhow, unless you want to get a bad headache."

"My buttons, why are they undone!" He asked with an alarmed tone.

Yoongi raised a brow. "I was helping you take it off already, before you woke up. But you stopped me. You've got a problem?"

"Yes!" Hoseok almost snapped. "I'm not letting you undress me! I can do that myself!"

Yoongi loved how freely Hoseok was behaving right now. He wished this could happen everyday. But wouldn't that be selfish of him to think that way knowing the younger wasn't feeling too well right now?

He knew Hoseok wouldn't talk this rudely to him if he was sober.

"You don't even have the strength to sit up properly right now talkless of standing or walking." He chuckled admist words. "How are you gonna take off your clothes then?"

"Help me sit." I can take it off myself." Hoseok said, trying again to get up.

Yoongi folded his arm, watching him struggle to sit up.

Hoseok glared at him. "Are you gonna help me or not?! If not, then leave I can do my thing my self."

Yoongi signed. "You're really stubborn when you want to be, aren't you? You're literally stressing yourself right now and I'm trying to help you."

"Then help. Me. Sit. Up." Hoseok pointed out, annoyingly.

"If you say so." Yoongi shrugged, moving forward to help him up. Having done that, he moved backwards, waiting for another of the younger's order.

"Turn around or leave. You can't watch me while I take off my clothes."

Yoongi laughed, shaking his head. "Christ! I can't believe this." He mumbled to himself, turning to back the younger.

"Why not leave?" Hoseok queried, frowning.

"I'm not leaving this room until I make sure you're okay." Yoongi pointed out sternly, his back still facing the younger.

Hoseok didn't say anything after that, proceeding to take off his clothes. He paused midway, realizing he had no other clothes to wear after taking the present one off.

"My clothes!"

"What now?" Yoongi stressed.

"I need another clothes to wear! I can't remain naked!?!?!"

"Right, so what now. You won't let me turn around so I don't know what clothes you want."

"My night wear is in the little closet in front of you. Help me with that. But DON'T turn around". He emphasized.

Yoongi scoffed. "You'll regret saying all that when you're sober." He mumbled to himself. scanning through the closet, he found the night wear he was talking about.

A pastel blue soft cotton top, with a matching shot. Yoongi smiled, imagining how cute he would look in the cute set of pajamas. He turned around slightly, throwing the clothes towards the bed, before backing Hoseok completely. "There you go."

"Thanks." He heard Hoseok say, followed by a few shuffle and struggles. In a few minutes he was done.

Yoongi ordered the maids to bring his food, while he massaged his head with a wet towel.

"Are all these necessary?" Hoseok quippedas he let Yoongi take care of him.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital instead?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok cringed instantly, shaking his head. "I'm better here."


They went into a comfortable silence, Hoseok slowly drifting back to sleep as Yoongi tried to reduce his temperature with the damp towel.


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