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Yoongi smirked,
pinching lightly on the younger's
"I love rumors.
Especially if it has to do with us

"Hoseok are you sure about this?" Yoongi asked for the up tent time, an obvious worried expression on his face.

Hoseok pursed his lips, wrapping his arms tightly around his legs.

"Hhmm... I am." He answered uncertainty, nodding.

"It doesn't look like it, sweetheart." Yoongi signed heavily, standing akimbo in front of the younger.

"Hyung, I have to, regardless." Hoseok pointed out, releasing his tight grip around his legs, stretching on the large bed he was sitting on.

"You don't know my parents and uncle Denis as much as I do. They're real devils." The moment they open the camera and see that's it's not me, everything would be over. It's like they know every stature and shape of my body, even this... bruises. So it's very impossible to find someone else to do it. Besides, aren't we couples? We'll end up having sex one day, no matter how hard I try to escape it. So why not just do it now?"

It was on a Saturday night, the day they'd both agreed on to film the sex tape Hoseok's parents wanted. Yoongi was okay with it, to be honest, he'd been waiting for this day to come, when he'd finally get the chance to make love with the younger. But he was afraid, afraid that the younger didn't want it.

Yoongi gave another heavy sign, sitting on the bed, next to the younger. Wrapping one arm around his waist, he pulled the younger to sit on his laps, allowing the younger to straddle him.

There was an unconscious pout on Hoseok's lips as he waited anxiously for the elder to say something. Yoongi placed a light peck on the pout. "There's a lot more to just that, sweetheart." He emphasized. "Aside from us being couples, it's gonna be filmed. I'm okay with it being filmed, but what about you? What if they try to use it to blackmail you in the nearest future? Especially if things aren't going their way."

"I- if we win this case, they'll be l- locked up in prison r- right? F- forever?"

"Depends on the type of crime they committed. But with the look of things, it looks like it. And if it's not forever, it'll be for a very long time."

"Then, I don't have to worry about them blackmailing me. Besides, I'm your husband, everyone knows we're married, so they shouldn't have a problem seeing our sex tape outside. Plus this is not my first time being filmed. Uncle Denis... he..."  Hoseok paused, shutting his eyes tightly, as he took in a heavy shaky breath. Beginning of a panic attack washing over.

Yoongi caught on it quickly, patting his back gently, while his other hands combed through his hair. "It's alright, I'm here for you." He kept whispering into his ear until Hoseok stopped shaking.

"I'm sorry, I- I-..."

"Shhhhh..." Yoongi interrupted, putting his index finger on the younger's lips. He kissed his lips before continuing. "I've already told you before, no apologies."

Hoseok pouted, resting his head on Yoongi's chest. "Why are you so different?"

"What do you mean?" Yoongi's brow furrowed.

"You're not like them. Those greedy people. At first I viewed you the same way as them. Hungry for more wealth, not caring about the people around them, and even taking away innocent lives just to fulfill their greeds. You're so nice to me. Despite the bad stigma I have to my past. So I want to know why you're being this good to me."

Now that Hoseok said this, Yoongi realized he'd really changed. Before he met Hoseok, the only thing he had on his mind was gain more wealth and fame. He didn't care about peoples opinion and did whatever he wanted because he had the money. And that included forcing Hoseok to marry him. He still felt guilty for that and had promised himself to do a proper proposal and wedding when everything is settled. Hoseok did change him. He was really an angel in human's clothing and Yoongi couldn't be more thankful for that...

"Is it out of pity?" Hoseok asked, interrupting his thoughts.

Yoongi frowned. "Noo!! Why would you think like that!"

Hoseok signed, gaze leaving the elder's. "S- sorry."

"Yoongi signed, pulling the younger with him as he fell on the bed. He turned around so he was on top of the younger.

Studying his face for a while, he kissed his lips. A passionate one, filled with undying love.

He pulled away after a shot while, resting his forehead on the younger's. "You really did change me." He chuckled lightly, tucking a stray hair beneath his ear. "All I've gotta say is I love you. And there's nothing that can change that. So I want to to put that in your head and keep remembering that. And don't ever think it's all out of pity. Am I clear?"

Hoseok could do nothing but nod, as Yoongi closed the space between them, intertwining their lips together.

The kiss was more intense than any other, so passionate, filled with love and a mixture of lust. Maybe the camera they'd just set at the corner of the room didn't matter. They could just make love to each other at the spot, and enjoy each other without being conscious of a camera capturing everything.

"God! You're so beautiful!" Yoongi hushed into the aroused younger's ear, enjoying the view beneath him.

His hands made their way beneath his thin layer of clothing, his fingers caressing over his nipples.

Hoseok's breath hitched as Yoongi lightly pinched on it.

"Look how pretty you are, just for me." Yoongi hushed into his ear, nibbling on his ear lobe.

A whimpery moan escaped Hoseok's lips and Yoongi had to resist the urge from taking him square and there in that instant.

He still needed to be sure that the younger was okay with this. It was pretty much obvious Hoseok was aroused too, but what if deep down he didn't want it and was only doing it because he was requested to. He didn't want the younger to regret any actions he made.


Here u go guys, don't forget to vote.

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