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Yoongi wrapped his arms around
his thin waist, pulling him closer
to himself. He had his fingers
threading through his hair,
drifting him back to sleep.

They slept in each other's embrace till the next morning.

To say that wasn't the best sleep Hoseok had ever had in his life would be a fat lie. He'd never felt this comfortable in his entire life.

He still had his dream, but it wasn't as vicious as the previous ones had always been. The monster that always taunted him was there, but it couldn't come close to him this time. There was some kind of shield protecting him from the monster.

He woke up the next morning with a very bad headache. He wasn't feeling any better. And his temperature was even spiked.

He opened his eyes to Yoongi staring at him with a worried expression. He was sat on the bed, next to him, while a man in white coat checked on his temperature and other vitals.

"You said you wouldn't take me to the hospital." Hoseok frowned as soon as the doctor left the room.

Yoongi chuckled, combing his hands through the younger's hair. "I didn't. You're in my room. Your bed was too hot, I thought you were gonna roast me alive."

"Isn't it the same thing? You brought a doctor in here. He smells like an hospital. Everywhere would begin to smell like drugs now." The younger pouted.

Yoongi laughed, shaking his head. "You hate drugs that much?"

"It tastes and smells gross." The younger answered with a disgusted face.

"Well sorry to hear this, you're gonna have to use them till you feel better. That doctor have prescribed some drugs for me now, and unfortunately, they're more than last night's own. You'll have to take them to feel better unless you want me to force it down your throat every time."

Hoseok's face suddenly flushed red as the event from the night before came flooding into his memory.

"Y- you can't keep doing that?!?! Aren't you already kissing me that way?! You promised not to kiss me until I want it!"

Yoongi leaned closer to him, hands in his pocket, laughing, with Hoseok quickly leaning away. "Does that count as a kiss to you? I haven't kissed you yet."

If Hoseok was red before, then he was probably redder than a tomato by now. "Y- you-..." he huffed, frustrated at the fact that he couldn't form a word. "Go away!"

"This is my room."

"Then I'll leave." The younger said, shuffling on the bed, trying to get up,

"Ah ah... nah, you're not leaving until you're feeling better. The doctor said it's best you stay under someone's watch." Yoongi shook his index finger, using his other hand to gently push the younger back to the bed.

That was a lie, Yoongi just wanted him to stay.

"Then I'll stay in my room. One of the maids can help watch me."

"Im not letting you leave. End. Of. Discussion." Yoongi stated firmly, arms folded.

Hoseok needed to keep reminding himself that this man literally bought him with his fucking damn money. He shouldn't be this free with him.

But could you blame him? He was sick right now and was partially aware of all that he'd been spilling.

He kept quiet, not bothering to fight back. What was the use?

Yoongi noticed his sudden quietness, blaming himself for the change, he decided to lighten the mood by telling him of his sister's next visit.

"When?!?!" Hoseok immediately sat up, his quiet demeanor changing instantly to that of a joyful one.

Yoongi smiled. Now he knew what to do whenever Hoseok was sad.

"By the end of next week I think. And if not that, she'll surely come the week after that."


Hoseok wasn't playing when he said he was never gonna willingly take those drugs. And Yoongi having no other choice had to force it down his throat each and every time.

The first few times, Yoongi had trusted him when he agreed to take them. But he spat them out as soon as Yoongi was out of his sight.

The second time, Yoongi caught him and went back to forcing it down his throat.

Hoseok could do nothing but just yell and hit him with his tiny fist each time it was time for his drugs.

As time went by, he stopped struggling with the elder. It became a routine. And Yoongi was always eager for his next drug time.

"Looks like you've already given up trying to fight me, huh?" Yoongi teased, sitting on the bed, beginning to select the medicines.

Hoseok scoffed, mumbling to himself. "What's the use. I'll just be wasting my energy fighting you."

Yoongi grinned from ear to ear. "Well you caused it. If you hadn't played me the other time, I wouldn't be forcing you to take it."

Hoseok snickered

"Come on, sit up." You should be thankful, it's almost finishing."

Hoseok reluctantly sat up, hands folded, an angry pout on his lips, as he let Yoongi pull him closer to himself.

He was a very light weight, so Yoongi had no problem settling him on his lap.

This wasn't the first time Yoongi would carry him on his lap. But it would always feel like the first for Hoseok. Someone taking care of him felt really strange. Especially if this person was Yoongi, the person he was supposed to hate and fear.

But for unknown reasons, the hatred wasn't there. He still feared him a little, yes. But that nerve of hatred towards the elder never surfaced. Even on the day Yoongi made him realize he was just his property. He only felt really disappointed and betrayed.

Recently that he's been sick, he wanted the elder by his side all the time. Snuggling close to the elder and inhaling his rain forest scent whenever he got the chance to. He enjoyed every moment of it.

Yoongi wasn't one to disappoint. He was by the younger every second, letting the younger do whatever he wanted.

His face flushed red as he watched the elder toss the first drug in his mouth, ushering him to open his mouth.

Hoseok did as instructed. Not like he had any other option. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked it. Especially to the fact that Yoongi always ensured that the bitter substance didn't touch his tongue.


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