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Going beyond his boundaries could
do more harm than good.
He decided to ask him about it later,
when he gained the younger's
trust back.

The next morning was awkward. Too awkward for both male's liking.

It affected Yoongi the most. Everyday has always been awkward for Hoseok so he knew how to handle it.

Yoongi decided to escape the moment by leaving the room for a while, while Hoseok got ready.

They had a few hours left before the chauffeur would arrive to pick them to the airport.

Since Yoongi had gone out for a while, Hoseok thought it would be save to change in the room. He was wrong, he let his guard down a little too much.

Thankfully he wasn't naked. He was wearing a black jean trouser, and a white tank top, his green hoodie lay on the bed next to him.

The bruises on his arm were visible. Well not entirely visible. Except from the once he'd inflicted recently. LAST NIGHT.

The old ones were healed, only scars remaining. Those were mostly inflicted by his parents while he was still very young.

He'd promised his sister not to hurt himself anymore, but he broke it. He broke it on the day his mother announced his wedding with Yoongi, broke it again on the day of his wedding and the last one last night, after his encounter with Yoongi.

Hoseok was covering up the bruises with his foundation, forgetting how loose guarded he was. Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Yoongi staring right at him.

But he wasn't looking entirely at him. He had his eyes on his arm, with a distressed expression.

Hoseok got up quickly, flinging his hoodie around his shoulder, the large fabric covering his arm. He sprung towards the bathroom.

"No! Wait!." Yoongi's voice rang, going after him. He caught up with him, grabbing his hands and yanking him back.

With the little strength he got, he pushed the elder away, surprising both Yoongi and himself.


"Don't pretend like you care." Hoseok seethed, glaring at the elder. "Just act like you didn't see anything."

And with that, he hurried into the bathroom, locking himself in it.

Yoongi was dumbfounded. He had no idea what to think of at the moment.

Maybe the fact that his husband's arms were filled with bruises with him not knowing the reasons to them or the fact that Hoseok snapped at him, and he could do nothing to it.

What could he do? Get angry? That'll be the stupidest thing. He'd only scare Hoseok even further.

He didn't see Hoseok until their chauffeur arrived.

No one said a word all through. The silence was very not comfortable. Yoongi wouldn't stop boring holes into Hoseok and it made the younger even more uneasy.

Soon they were ready to depart, the pilot announcing to fastening their seatbelt.

And the anxiety returned. Yoongi got up from his seat, occupying the seat next to the younger. He grabbed the younger's hand, intertwining his fingers with his. Hoseok wanted to yank his hand away, but Yoongi's grip on his hands tightened.

"Just stay still." He whispered gently, sinking into his seat.

Hoseok did the same, having his eyes tightly shut as the plane took off.

They were in the air now. His anxiety had reduced. Hoseok pulled his hands from Yoongi's grip not so nicely. And that was all, no words was exchanged.

Yoongi wouldn't stop staring. At first, Hoseok tried to brush it off, pretending like he wasn't there, but Yoongi's constant gaze on his now covered arm irked him.

"C- can you stop that?... p- please." He whispered, a hint of fear in his tone. Eyes not meeting Yoongi.

"Sorry." Yoongi said, finally removing his gaze from the younger.

Wait! What! He apologized, Yoongi hardly said the word 'sorry' he couldn't even apologize for his stupidity the last night, so why now?

There was another long awkward silence between the two again.

"Would you mind telling me-..."

"No!" Hoseok answered immediately, not giving Yoongi the chance to finish his sentence.

"Just pretend you didn't see anything."

"You know that's not possible." Yoongi's voice raised a little, sounding somewhat annoyed, an evident frown on his face.

Hoseok looked up, gaze meeting the elder's. He gave a bitter laugh.

"You said you bought me. I'm literally your property, you could use me and throw me off like an old rag, so why are you acting like you care?"

Yoongi took in a deep breath. "Look, Hoseok i'm really sorry about last night..."

Another apology.

Yoongi took in a deep breath, closing his eyes. "I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me.... please ..."

Hoseok didn't say anything, giving him a blank stare.

"I know all the close bonds we've achieved so far in the past week is vanish just because of my stupidity. I know you've gone back to being scared of me. I know you've lost your trust in me. I'm really sorry. I don't know how I'm gonna gain those trust back but I'll work hard for it."

Hoseok remained silent, looking away from the elder. He looked through the window, watching the clouds.

There was a long period of silence a comfortable yet uncomfortable one. They were in between. Both male remained silent, one waiting for the other to say something. Hoseok was the first to break it.

"I hurt my self yesterday." He said after taking in a deep shaky breath, his voice wobbly. "After what you did." He still had his gaze on the window, afraid to meet Yoongi's gaze. "It's not my first time, I've been doing it... a lot... it eases the overwhelming tension in me."

There was a short silence. "That's all I've gotta say."

Yoongi inhaled deeply, registering all that he'd just been told. He knew that wasn't all, but he couldn't force it out of him.

"Why? Why do you do it?"

"I'm not saying more than that." Hoseok emphasized. "I still don't trust you, and yes, I'm still very scared of you."

"Okay, I get it." Yoongi gave a sharp exhale. "Once again, I'm sorry. I just need you to promise me you won't hurt yourself again. Please Hoseok."

"Not hundred percent guaranteed." Was Hoseok's response.

No one spoke a word again until they arrived Korea.


Here you go guys.

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I'm so so very sorry for not updating yesterday. Yesterday was my sister's convocation and I needed to be there. I promise to make a double update today to make up for that.

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