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"You're looking for Jung Hoseok.

Yoongi went still. "W- where is he?" Yoongi's voice was low, almost in a whisper.

"I have him here with me. I was planning on using him for my pleasure. But he seem too weak. I doubt I'll be able to enjoy anything." He said, once again with a mocking sad tone.

"Where. Is. He?" Yoongi lowly growled.

"I told you already. He's with me. I'm not releasing him to you that easily. Since I can't fuck him, I need something in return. And you need to be quick, looks like he's about to give up the ghost."

"What do you want?"

"Now you're talking business."


Yoongi sped to Namjoon's office, hoping he was still there. He barged into his office, gaining the attention of the people inside. Everyone were there, including Jiwoo.

She was sitted on the single couch in the office, in tears, Seokjin was next to her, consoling her.

"What do you want?!" Namjoon who was on a phone call snapped at Yoongi, immediately after dropping the call.

"Look... I'm really sorry, but we need to find Hoseok quickly. I-..."

"Yeah. So you can go on ruining his life than it already is. You can't go with us."

"No! Please listen to me... I- I know where he is. I got a phone call not quite long ago. I still don't know who the caller is, but he requested for a ransom. He gave me an address and insisted that I come alone. Please I need y'all to help me." Yoongi begged so desperately.

If he was told to fall on his knees right now and lick someone's feet, he'd gladly do it with no hesitation.

"Y- you know where he is?" Jiwoo's broken voice spoke.

"Yes! Yes! I- I can give you the address, just please let me come with you." He begged.

"I swear to God Yoongi. If you mess up again this time. Just make yourself vanish. Cause I won't hesitate to end you. Namjoon warned earnestly.


It didn't take long for them to find the location. It was an old abandoned hospital building.

Only Namjoon and Yoongi went to the location. Jiwoo couldn't come because Hoseok wouldn't want her to withness him being this broken. The rest were made to stay behind as part of the plan, so the culprit wouldn't change his mind.

They informed the legal authorities of the situation. And they were well guarded, with police hidden in a nearby distance. If any fight broke out, they would have to alert the police to come to their aid.

Yoongi went in first with the bag of cash, and Namjoon stayed behind in the car, as part of the plan. Yoongi was to go in and distract the man, while Namjoon snuck in and attacked him from behind. While Namjoon is doing that, Yoongi would go get Hoseok.

It was all perfectly planned. Only if the culprit was armed and had accomplices would the police be alerted.

Their plan worked out well.

Yoongi got a phone call from the same unknown number the moment he step foot inside the building.

"Where are you? I'm here already." Yoongi spoke impatiently to the phone.

"I see you brought a second party. I warned you not to bring anyone. The caller spoke.

"That's just my driver." Yoongi lied. "I'm in no position to drive right now so he takes me every where I go. You do not have to worry about him tho, he's mute. He can't speak anything."

"Hmm... convincing. I'll let that slide... hold on, I'll be out soon. A few minutes passed and the man came out, with a almost passed out Hoseok in front of him. Yoongi had to hold himself from rushing towards the younger.


The said male smiled, still holding Hoseok by the shoulder so he doesn't fall. "Finally, you recognized me. I thought I was gonna get heart broken once again.

"W- why are you doing this? He hasn't done anything to you."

"Ah yeah. I was going to take my revenge on you, but I realized it's not worth it." He stated truthfully. "But I need some money so urgently, so I took it as an opportunity." He confessed. "I haven't touched him in anyway I swear. I was going to, but I changed my mind. I feel like Lea wants to use him against me. That girl is a cunning bastard, she should never be trusted."

"Can you hand him to me now... please?"

"I will, only when I make sure those cash are real. Yoongi opened the bag, pulling out a stack of bill. He threw it towards Josh, waiting for confirmation.

Josh gave a satisfied nod, signaling for him to throw the bag. He pushed Hoseok towards him, and Yoongi caught him quickly, before he hit the ground.

Hoseok was still conscious, aware of who was holding him, but he had no strength right now, all he wanted was to sleep. He raised his head up, his tired gaze meeting Yoongi's.

"I- I didn't do it." Was all he muttered, before he completely blacked out, going completely lax in Yoongi's arm.

Josh was caught and taken to prison. Hoseok was taken straight home. There was no were else for them to take him, so they had no option than to take him to Yoongi's mansion after so much pleading and persuasion from Yoongi himself.

Jiwoo's visit was short. She didn't want Hoseok to know she was around yet, she would only make her self known when she was sure he was alright.

They all were still very pissed with Yoongi. Namjoon and Jiwoo especially. But they had no option than to ensure Hoseok with him at the moment. Threatening him of literally everything if he dared to become stupid again.

Hoseok slept straight till the next day. He woke up earlier than everybody the next day. Probably at around four fifty. Jumping out of the bed, he once again snuck out of the mansion, without any one's notice.

He had Enough strength now. He was more than sure he'll find the documents in the shredder now which boosted his energy and almost non existent excitement.

He was half way through joining the shredded papers together the day before when an handkerchief was suddenly pressed to his nose. He couldn't remember anything after that. But he did remember seeing Yoongi.


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