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"It's for our honeymoon."
Yoongi continued,"you
should sign it
and return it to me."

Hoseok looked even more confused. His head tilted to the side as he stared up at Yoongi. "What's that."

Yoongi raised his brow. "You don't know what honey moon means?"

Hoseok unconsciously adjusted his glasses. "No?"

Yoongi had to hold himself from laughing. How naïve could he be. "You seriously don't know what it means?"

Hoseok shook his head, unconsciously fixing his glasses again. He seemed to always do that when he was confused or curious. Yoongi took note.

"It's an holiday, done after a couples wedding. It's optional tho, but my mum insisted that we go for it."


Yoongi shrugged. " I don't know, France? Italy?" She'll decide.

"Outside Korea?"

Now Hoseok's questions were becoming too much. But who was Yoongi to complain, this was the longest he'd had a conversation with him without any form of awkwardness. And he enjoyed his company.

"Yeah... where else?"

"That means we're gonna be in a plane?"

"Of course, how else are we gonna get there?"

Hoseok pushed his glasses, keeping his mouth shut, seems he realized he was asking too many dumb questions.

It surprised him Yoongi was patient enough to answer them all.

"Don't tell me you're scared of heights."

"They crash... a lot." He said with thin lips, adjusting his glasses once again. Not only was he scared of heights, he was also scared of the fact that the plane could crash at the slightest fault.

He'd watched a lot of plane crash documentaries on you tube, traumatizing himself with different tragedic accidents. Aside from that, he'd never been in a plane before, he'd never flown out of his country, always in the confines of his home. He had all of his travel documents from a very young age, but never used it.

Yoongi laughed shaking his head. "You shouldn't be thinking about that. Besides, it's a private jet. It's well maintained, it's chances of crashing is an assured zero."

Hoseok only nodded, fighting his inner demon not to ask anymore questions. But there was a particular one that he's been dying to ask even before their wedding.

"Anything else?" Yoongi asked noticing his hesitance.

Hoseok bit his lips, breaking his gaze from Yoongi's, his eyes on the floor. "Um..." he paused. "n- nothing."

Yoongi raised a brow. "Really? Looks like you've got more questions to ask."

Hoseok shook his head, looking at Yoongi. "I- I'll be going now." He gave a small bow before scurrying out of the room.

Yoongi didn't bother to stop him as his gaze tailed him. He couldn't force him, if not, he'd be scaring him even further. The last thing he wanted was Hoseok to get more afraid of him.


Their honeymoon was at France. In a week, Yoongi's mum had arranged everything, and they were set to go, the next day.

To be honest, Hoseok didn't like the idea. He didn't want to go anywhere. He'd gotten a call from his mum the day before, warning him to behave and submit to Yoongi, let him do whatever he wants. That was hella disgusting. Hoseok cringed as he recalled her words.

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