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With that he sent them off,
getting up from his seat and heading
towards Hoseok's room.

He knocked on Hoseok's door several times, hoping for the younger to answer. But still no answer.

He tried turning the knob, and to his surprise, it opened. He peeped inside, and there Hoseok was, fast asleep, not caring about the world.

Yoongi observed him for a while. He still had his clothes from the earlier day on, arms wrapped tightly around his pillow. He was like a sleeping angel and Yoongi couldn't stop looking.

He finally decided not to wake him up instead, leaving him to enjoy his peaceful sleep.

He went back down stairs and finished his meal, resuming back to his work afterwards.


Hoseok's foot thud softly down the stairs. He had just woken up, feeling very thirsty. With his sleepy heavy lid, he went in search of the kitchen, half asleep.

Yoongi was in the sitting room, working on his system when he felt another presence. Turning his gaze to the source, he was met with a sleepy Hoseok, softly dragging his foot around the hallway, in search of what he couldn't tell.

Yoongi sat still, watching him opening doors after doors, slides after slides. He saw a look of relief in his eyes when he finally opened one of the doors which was the kitchen's.

The kitchen was too huge for a kitchen. That's what first came across Hoseok's mind as he scanned across the numerous fridges lined against the wall, next to each other.

'Why does he need so many fridges?' He thought to himself, wandering where he was going to get his water.

"What are you doing?"

Hoseok almost jumped out his skin, as he yelped, almost loosing his balance, taking a few steps away.

Standing right behind him was Yoongi, leaning his body on the entrance, arms folded, legs crossed against each other, hard gaze on Hoseok.

"I-... um... w- water." Hoseok finally managed to say, eyes afraid to meet Yoongi's.

His voice!! That was the first time Yoongi had ever heard him speak and oh boy! That was so angelic.

"You want water?"

Hoseok nodded. Yoongi wish he could hear his voice again.

Yoongi opened the fridge closest to him, bringing out a bottle of water and opening the lead. He pulled out a glass cup from the top cupboard and poured a good amount inside the cup.

"Here." He said, handing the glass of water to the younger. Hoseok took it, bowing a little.

"Thanks." He mumbled, gulping down the water like he was a fish, craving to be thrown back into the sea.

"Hey, easy!" Yoongi worried, watching the younger gulp down the water hungrily.

Hoseok put down the cup on the kitchen counter, whipping the little droplets of water from his mouth with the back of his hands.

"He did another little bow again, mumbling a 'thank you' as he tried making his way out of the kitchen, back to his room.

But Yoongi wasn't moving from the entrance.

"You haven't eaten. Have you?"

Hoseok wanted to lie. He needed to go back to bed as quick as possible, away from the intimidating gaze of the elder. But he didn't.

"M' not hungry." He mumbled, much to the elder's hearing. That was the truth, he seriously wasn't hungry.

Yoongi raised a brow. "You haven't eaten anything since noon, and you're not hungry?"

Point of correction, since the day before. You couldn't blame him, he just wasn't used to eating.

Hoseok had a thin line on his lips as he stared up at the elder. That was hella bold of him.

Yoongi grabbed him by his arm, guarding him towards the dining. "You should at least always eat something before going to bed. I don't want to bear the burden of a sickler in my home."

Hoseok frowned, his signature little pout forming on his lips. He was no sickler, and it was pretty much obvious he was healthy.

Yoongi pulled out a seat, ushering him to sit and Hoseok did.

Making his way to the warmer, he brought out a plate of meal, before making his way back to Hoseok.

"Here." He said, placing the plate in front of the younger. "At least eat something before going to bed."

Hoseok stared at the meal in front of him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd ever eaten on a dining table, talk less of having someone care that he hasn't eaten. He was always exempted from his family dinner. No one even cared if he ate something for the day. Well except for Jiwoo. But she wasn't always at home.

If Hoseok was to be honest, he would openly admit that he was envious of his sister. She got all that she wanted with just a snap of her finger, and here he was, not giving the permission to even take a step around the house. He'd even fought with her numerous times because of it.

He picked his fork and took a bite of the meal. A tear dropped and he quickly cleaned it, hoping Yoongi hadn't seen it.

He dared himself to look up and there Yoongi was. He had his concentration on something else. Hoseok was thankful, he went back to his meal, trying to consume as much as possible, pretending like nothing had happened.

Yoongi did see the tears fall from his eyes, but pretended not to notice, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

He'd been watching him all along, watching how series of emotions washed through him, like it was his first time having a meal.

They weren't very close yet, and he still had his doubts about him, considering that he is a Jung. So he was in no place to ask him what was wrong.

Yoongi finally let him go after ensuring that he ate a good portion, although he didn't finish the food.

Hoseok was thankful, seriously because he was wandering how he was going to finish that much meal. He wasn't used to eating much.


Hoseok rarely saw Yoongi again after that night. He was always busy, and sometimes, he wouldn't even come home.

Not like it disturbed Hoseok anyways. To be honest, he was somewhat relieved whenever the elder wasn't home. At least, he wouldn't have to worry about his intimidating aura.

Another good thing Hoseok took note in his new environment was his freedom. He was free to walk around. He'd even made friends with the maids, they were really nice to him unlike the ones at home who always avoided him like a plague.

Being a fan of books, he was happy when he found out that Yoongi's mansion also had it's own library. There were two libraries. One for Yoongi himself, and the other for whoever else.

No one was allowed in Yoongi's library except he gave you the permission to go in.

Well, Hoseok didn't know that. He wasn't told yet, so he always found himself in Yoongi's library in search of books. Afterall, the books he enjoyed reading in particular was in Yoongi's library.


have a great day guys.

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