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Yoongi leaned in, placing a soft kiss on
his lips,
a smile on his face as he withdrew.
"Thank you so much for giving me
another chance.
You're never going to regret this."

Hoseok was the one that leaned closer this time, crashing his lips with Yoongi's, his arms instinctively snaking around his neck.

Yoongi responded instantly, wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling him closer to himself as he devoured his lips.

Goddamn! He'd missed this lips so much. This was the only sweet thing he could tolerate as much as he wanted.

After what felt like forever, they finally withdrew, for fresh air, lips plump red.

"I love you." Yoongi whispered, placing a light kiss on his cheek.


The newly reconciled couples woke up late the next day. Hoseok especially. It was almost twelve noon when he opened his eyes.

"Rise and shine princess! Yoongi sang, peppering light kisses all over his face.

Hoseok giggled, trying to cover his face from the elder's kiss attack. "You're not gonna stop kissing me. Are you?"

"I can't help it." Yoongi smiled, sitting up. Pulling the younger up with him. "Looks like we won't be going for work today. It's almost twelve noon."

Twelve?!?!" Hoseok exclaimed, eyes wide. "Oh no! I'm very late! He began to stress, quickly getting up from his bed.

"Relax peach, I called your manager. I told him you won't be coming today.


"Shhh... no buts." Yoongi interrupted, placing a finger on his lips. "Now freshen up. I've got somewhere to take you."


Yoongi smiled, helping the younger up. "I'd better keep you oblivious till we get there. I want it to be a surprise."


The surprise was Jiwoo. Yoongi took Hoseok to Jiwoo's house in Korea. (of course not their parents.)

He was beyond joyful. He wanted her to come stay with them in the mansion, but she couldn't, she was supposed to return to Japan the next day.


It was in the night, probably at around eight o clock. They'd just returned from a fancy restaurant, after leaving Jiwoo's place.

They were both settled at home, doing nothing exactly. Yoongi was on his laptop, while Hoseok was as usual, reading books.

They were both in Yoongi's study. Hoseok had himself laying on the couch, while Yoongi was seated in front of his desk.

Yoongi's phone suddenly rang, disturbing the peaceful atmosphere. He frowned, reading the caller I. D. It was Hoseok's dad.

He contemplated if he should leave his study and answer the call, away from Hoseok. But wouldn't that sound somewhat suspicious. He didn't want the younger to suspect anything.

So he picked the call. He'd never had a call from the old man before, so it felt somewhat strange.

Thankfully, Hoseok was too immersed in his book to listen to their conversation.

At the end of the entire phone call, Yoongi didn't like the outcome. They wanted to visit.

He stared long at Hoseok who was still oblivious to the situation, laying chest down on the couch, his huge round glasses almost falling off.

"Hoseok."  Yoongi's voice didn't sound right. Even Hoseok took note.

He turned his head to the elder's view, his brows furrowed.

"Your parents ..."

Now he saw the change in expression on the younger's face.

"They want to visit. Is that fine by you."

Yoongi knew he had no option than to say yes, which pained him. Were they this life threatening?

"Oh... o- okay. y- yes, they can." Yoongi saw the look of panic in his eyes, despite how almost smoothly his words rolled out.

"Okay. They said they'll be coming tomorrow ... to spend the day with us." He said, studying the younger's reaction.

"So soon?" Hoseok's voice didn't sound happy, and he was trying so hard to hide it

"Yeah. Are you happy to meet them?" Yoongi decided to test.

"Hmm.." was Hoseok's only response.

Hoseok remained tensed throughout that night till the next morning. He slept in Yoongi's room and once again had that damn nightmare. Thankfully, Yoongi was there to pull him out of it.

The next morning came and that was the gloomiest Yoongi had ever seen Hoseok in. It pained Yoongi that he couldn't do much to it yet. If he did anything, Hoseok would suspect that he knew something. That's what Yoongi feared. He was afraid of how Hoseok would react if he found out that Yoongi knew.

His parents did arrive, quicker than they expected. They looked very sweet. If Jiwoo hadn't told him anything about them, he would have thought they were really nice people.

He despised them now that he knew the truth about them.

Hoseok? Hoseok was quiet, way too quiet for Yoongi's liking. He flinched when Yoongi placed his hands on his tight, squeezing it assuringly.

Mrs Jung was doing most of the talking. Mostly about Hoseok. They weren't even good ones. She just made it sound like he had a bad habit and laughed about it, telling Yoongi to be strict with him.

Now Yoongi didn't like how that sounded. He might have or might not have somehow given her a snarky reply. Surprising both of Hoseok's parents, and even Hoseok himself.

Hoseok knew Yoongi to be someone that respected elderly people so much regardless of their status. So seeing him act this way towards his mother didn't seat right with him, he felt really uncomfortable.

The rest of their meal wasn't really conversative after Yoongi's snarky reply.

One thing Yoongi took note was that they never asked how Hoseok was doing. Instead, they had all their attention on Yoongi, like Hoseok didn't exist.

Finally, it was time for them to leave, much to the couples relieve. The younger's especially. Yoongi somehow still wanted them to wait a little and boast to their faces how much of a rare precious gem Hoseok was. However, he didn't like how Hoseok was uncomfortable, so he wanted them to leave as quick as possible.

Despite their not so nice words about the younger, Yoongi would turn the table around, praising Hoseok instead, and indirectly telling them that they were the assholes.

Hoseok wasn't stupid. He quickly caught up to what Yoongi was doing, which scared him. At first, he thought the elder was just messing with them, until Yoongi rudely replied the older woman.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?! He's your fucking son! You should be the last person telling me to treat him like a toy!"

Was the words Yoongi snapped at the woman.

Everything seemed to be back to normal when they left. Yoongi could see the anxiety that had been in the younger from the night before after announcing his parents visit, slowly leaving him. Although there was still some look of uncertainty in his eyes, especially when he looked at Yoongi. And Yoongi hoped it wasn't what he thought it was.

It was ...


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