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And that decision would be the
greatest mistake he'd ever made.

Everything seemed to be back to normal. Like always, Hoseok didn't see Yoongi as frequent as before. Yoongi was mostly busy.

Well he was okay with that, at least he wouldn't have to worry about bumping into Yoongi randomly.

He avoided the elder like a plague. It was pretty much obvious, especially to Yoongi. Even the maids noticed.

He'd occasionally ask the maids if Yoongi was around. If they gave a positive response, he'd rush into his room, locking himself up, until he was sure Yoongi was out of the house.

Now Hoseok's new favorite place in Yoongi's mansion was the garden. The beautiful flowers, it's soothing and relaxing scent helped Hoseok a lot. Making him calm, not allowing him to think of anything depressing.

Now that Yoongi's study was a no go area, the garden was his new favorite place. He'd sneak into Yoongi's library when he was sure the elder wasn't around, steal some books and bring them to the garden, spending his entire day there, reading.

You couldn't blame him, he loved the books in Yoongi's library, compared to the ones in the general library. They were more inspirational and educational.


Yoongi came home, as usual, not seeing Hoseok. He wasn't in a good mood today, considering his encounter with Lea. He decided to calm himself in the garden.

He caught sight of Hoseok sitting criss crossed on the grass, different beautiful flowers surrounding him, emphasizing more on his beauty. He was wearing a sky blue T- shirt, and a cream colored short. His beautiful golden skin glowing under the sun. Sadly, it was covered with makeup to hide all of his insecurities. He had a flower crown carefully placed on his hair. He was fully concentrated on the book he was reading, huge round glasses hung loosely on top of his nose, Little pout forming on his lips every few seconds. completely oblivious to Yoongi's presence.

"Beautiful!" Yoongi whispered to himself, not wanting to make his presence know. He knew if the younger was aware of his presence, his relaxation would turn to anxiety, and Yoongi didn't want to see that. He enjoyed watching how calm he was, not having to worry about anyone hurting him.

He settled on the double seat swing, a few feet from the younger, enjoying his view, a satisfied smile on his face. He took out his phone, taking pictures of him.

The clicking sound of his  camera gained Hoseok's attention. Immediately his gaze fell on Yoongi, the tension arose.

"Fuck" Yoongi mentally cursed, quickly putting his phone away.

He watched as Hoseok got up, dusting any dirt off his cloth, the petals of the flower crown gradually falling off, landing on his clothes, making him look even more ethereal.

'Oh how much more pretty could he be!?'

He did a little bow, before attempting to scurry out of the garden, not daring to spare a single glance at the elder.


Hoseok halted his steps.

"Come here." He motion his fingers for the younger to come closer.

His voice and actions sounded too commanding for the present situation.

Hoseok obeyed, taking careful steps towards the elder. Making sure there was more than enough space between him and the elder.

He had his gaze on the floor, his books behind his back, waiting for Yoongi to say something.

"You've been avoiding me ever since we returned."

Hoseok bit his lips, suddenly gaining interest on the hem of his shirt, picking on the invisible dirt on it.


It sounded like Yoongi was testing the word in his tongue, for he knew the reason why. He just needed to hear the younger's voice once again. It's been forever since he last heard him speak.

"M' not avoiding you." He mumbled, loud enough for Yoongi to ear, gaze still on the ground.

There was a long minute of silence between the two, Hoseok shifting from one foot to the other as Yoongi observed him.


Hoseok looked up, gaze meeting Yoongi's.

Yoongi tapped on the empty space next to him, motioning him to sit. Next to him.

Hoseok hesitated a little, slowly moving to the empty space. He took his sit, making sure there was enough space between him and the elder. Although the space was small. It was a two seater swing after all.

There was another minute of silence, no one saying anything, reminiscing in each other's thoughts.

Yoongi slowly began to sway the swing, Hoseok's legs dangling in the air.

"Your sister called."

Hoseok went stiff. Yoongi noticed.

"She didn't tell me anything tho, she only said she's visiting and asked if you're alright."

Hoseok breathed out, relieved.

"When is she coming?"



Hoseok exclaimed, a sudden excitement in his voice. Big doe eyes now on Yoongi's.

"Yeah... she's almost here." Yoongi didn't fail to notice his excitement.

Hoseok smiled. Wait! He smiled!

He got up from the swing, doing an excited ninety degree bow to the elder.

"Thank you so much." He said with the cutest smile.

And with that, he zoomed off into the mansion, leaving Yoongi behind.

"You're ... welcome ... I guess." Yoongi said to himself, chuckling as he watched the younger skip at every step he made.

Hoseok couldn't get any more happier when Jiwoo arrived. Even everyone in the mansion were blessed. Especially Yoongi.

His bad mood from earlier seemed to have vanished. The workers in the house were the most thankful. This was the best mood they'd seen Yoongi in so far since when they'd been working in the mansion.

At least they wouldn't have to risk being getting yelled at just for the slightest mistakes. Yoongi dismissed them early, letting them have the remaining day to themselves.

Hoseok's happy giggles was all that could be heard in the mansion as he rambled non stop with his sister. Yoongi decided to give them their time, so he didn't bother to join them. Instead, he was in his study.

He couldn't concentrate on work, so he chose to find something to read. But still couldn't concentrate on that. Hoseok's constant laughs and giggles we're taking him beyond the universe.


Another update guys.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

I see some of you were confused thinking it was Jiwoo in the last chapter. I got y'all😂. But I can never make Jiwoo a villain. Maybe I can try it in my other books, but I'm not even sure if that'll be possible. The Jung siblings are too sweet to be any form of villain.

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