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"It's alright Hobi.
Mum and dad won't know this.
Okay? I can still help you talk with
Yoongi if you want me to.
I'll be seeing you next week, okay?"

She gritted her teeth, crumbling the magazine, anger and envy clearly written on her face. She threw the magazine in the bin at the far end of her bed.

"That bastard! He left me and got married ... to a fucking twink!" She seethed through gritted teeth.

"I'll get you back Yoongi, no one else can have you except me. You belong to me. I'll make sure I destroy that fucking twink, right in front of you."

She picked the crumbled up magazine back from the bin, opening it, and took a picture.

The image on the magazine was of Yoongi guiding Hoseok to his car as they came down from the airplane.

She dialed a number, the receiver picked after the second ring. "I'll send an attachment to you via email soon. I need you to find every details about the smaller male in the picture. Am I understood?" She said as soon as the person picked.

There was a mumbled response from the other end before she ended the call.

She got up from her bed, striding towards her closet. "I think I should make a visit today." She said smiling to herself as she scanned through her closet for something to wear....


"The fuck!" Yoongi growled as soon as his eyes landed on the Lady.

"How the fuck did you get in here?! Who even let you in."

She gave a seductive smile as she strided towards Yoongi's desk, not answering his questions. "You shouldn't be worrying about that." She said, sitting seductively on his table. "I have my ways.... Besides, aren't you happy to see me? It's been forever since we last met." She said, pulling unto his tie.

Yoongi got up from his seat, yanking her hand away. "Get out!" He said calmly, pointing towards the door. "Before I call the security on you."

The lady pouted, "Yoongi stop acting like you don't know me. Aren't you happy that I'm finally back? We can go back to the old days and enjoy our lives, and even prepare our marriage plans."

Yoongi smirked folding his arms. "Point of correction, I'm married already, I'm not getting married to anyone else." He made sure to emphasize.

Yoongi watched as the fake cute pout on her lips turned to that of anger. "You're what?"

"You heard me Lea, I'm married and settled. And I love him so dearly, I can never think of a divorce. Not until we both grow old and die together."

She gritted her teeth, anger rising. "You fucking bastard."

Yoongi's smirk rose "now kindly leave before I get mad and do something you don't like."

She got up, adjusting her mini gown. "I'll be back Yoongi, and I promise you, it'll be very ugly." Saying that, she stormed out of the large office.

Yoongi finally let his anger out. He pushed all that was on his table to the floor, yelling. His laptop, his phone, mug. Everything were chattered on the ground, it's remains begging to be picked.


"Who the fuck let her in!" Yoongi growled angrily at the employees. He had his personal assistant, the securities on duty, and the cctv supervisors all lined up before him, heads cowering in fear.

"So none of you were on duty when she came in?!? Wow! I could have literally been killed and no one would have known.

"W- we're sorry sir." His personal assistant apologized, head still bowed.

"I'm gonna let y'all off the hook this time. But if she ever returns, make sure she doesn't get inside this place. And if she does, y'all's job are on the line."

She did return

"Now get out... and get someone to clean this place for me." He said, referring the last statement to his personal assistant.

The all bowed and made their way out of the office.


Lea. Lim SeunLea. That's the name of the girl. An half Korean and half Australian. They both met when Yoongi was finishing his studies in the states.

They both clicked together pretty easily considering that they came from the same motherland and spoke the same language. Yoongi was well known in the school so their friendship was the talk of the school then.

They weren't yet in a relationship, yet, their friendship was close. Always there for each other whenever one was down. Everything got to a change one day.

Yoongi was a complete playboy. Having one night stands with different people, both male and female. He wasn't attracted to them, he just did it for fun, and to mess with them. He knew they only wanted him for his money and so he pretended to play along until he got them to his bed, and then dump them soon after.

The only true friend he thought he had was Lea. He wasn't entirely attracted to her. Yes, she was beautiful, he could admit. But that was it, no romantic attraction. Just best friends. He thought she had the same view of him, until one day.

Lea had visited him in his penthouse, to meet another girl, sleeping naked on his bed, looking exhausted from whatever session they'd just had.

She got angry and went out immediately, leaving Yoongi confused. He got out and went after her, enquiring why she was mad.

She bursted out, pouring out all of her emotions, how she hated the way he brought different people home almost every day. How she hated him ignoring her feelings despite how much she'd hinted him several times. How she wished she was the one being fucked senseless on his bed instead of some random girls. It was frustrating.

To say the least, Yoongi was surprised, it never occurred to him that Lea was that much attracted to him. Hell they'd even made jokes sometimes about being in a serious relationship, but it never showed in her face that she liked him.

Yoongi didn't know how to process that. It took him days before he could finally make a decision. And that decision would be the greatest mistake he'd ever made.


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I'm soooo sorry for the late update!!! GOD!!!! I don't know what's wrong with me!!!!

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