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That was the last image he could
picture before his knees eventually
gave up, his blurry vision turning
into darkness.

Yoongi was speeding, beyond the legal speed limit. He didn't care anymore. He was far ahead of the police by now. All he wanted was to get to Hoseok.

The last thing he expected was to almost slam his car into the said male.

It was slowly getting dark, so it was pretty hard seeing what was in front of him, especially when he was speeding with a very clouded mind.

The last thing he expected was to see a figure run out of the bushes, right in front of his car, almost causing a fatal accident.

Yoongi pressed on his break at the last second, hoping he didn't hit an innocent soul. He had his eyes tightly shut, waiting for an impact. But nothing came. He slowly opened his eyes, looking ahead of him, but he couldn't find anyone.

He got confused for a second. He was sure he hadn't hit the person, so where had they gone to?

He quickly got out of his car, rushing to the front, and there he was. It was then Yoongi realized this person was none other than Hoseok.

His Hoseok.

Yoongi rushed to him, carrying him to his embrace. He sat on the floor, having the unconscious male on his lap as he tried reviving him. There was no response from Hoseok and this scared Yoongi even further.

Shortly after, the police arrived, and Jiwoo was the first person to sprint out of the car the moment she sighted Hoseok.

"Hobi!!!" She cried, collecting him from Yoongi. "Please open your eyes!" She begged, shaking him. There was as usual no reply. Yoongi was beginning to run mad.

A nurse who was also with the police came to their aid trying to feel for any pulse.

"He's alive!" She exclaimed, bringing back hope to the troup. "His pulses are really low. He needs to be taken to the hospital as quick as possible." The woman stated, ushering Yoongi to drive them to the hospital.

Carrying Hoseok into his car, Yoongi drove off into the opposite direction with the nurse and Jiwoo sitting at the back with Hoseok, leaving the police to complete their jobs.

What was left now was to find Denis and take him to the police custody.

The ride back to the city was silent as Yoongi sped beyond the legal speed limit, trying to get to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

That was until They began to hear gunshots, aiming at Yoongi's car. The back wind shield was broken, together with the side windows. Yoongi swerved his car, trying to dodge the bullet. But you can't win against a bullet when you had no weapon except a knife with you.
But the nurse had a gun with her. She worked with the police after all.

The person who'd been shooting at them caught up with them, driving past them and parking infront of them.

It was non other than Denis Himself. Thankfully, he was alone, so three against one was an easy task.

Jiwoo and the nurse was made to stay with Hoseok while Yoongi went out to deal with the man.

The moment Yoongi got out of his car, the other car began to roar, and before they knew it, it was speeding towards Yoongi, attempting to hit him.

Thankfully, Yoongi was good with fast reflexes. He was able to dodge the car at the last second. He brought out his gun, aiming for the tires of the car, and bursting them open, one after the other.

Seeing that the older man had no other hope except his gun now, he challenged him to come out of the car and fight with him like a real man.

The idiot did.

The nurse had long alerted the police of their new problem and they were already on their way to the location, while Yoongi intentionally wasted more time fighting with the man.

It was pretty obvious that Yoongi was winning. His anger and hatred for the man added to his strength.

He so badly wished to kill this man. But he couldn't, he knew he couldn't. For obvious reasons.

Realizing that he was loosing, Denis began making tricky moves. But Yoongi was not stupid. He had been a badass all his life in high school. Hell he even owned a gang then, so the old man's tricks were nothing to him.

That was until the older man decided to bring out a gun, aiming it at Yoongi.

Thankfully, he missed the first shot, and with that short amount of time Yoongi got his gun ready, aiming it at his leg."

The old man groaned in pain, falling to his knees.

"I could have killed you, but I chose not to." Yoongi said, a deadly calm tone in his voice, as he made his way closer to the man.

They could hear police sirens from a near distance now.

The older man suddenly attacked Yoongi the moment he was close to him, jabbing his knife into his legs. "You think I'm gonna give up that easily? NEVER!"

That must have surprised Yoongi, for at first, he didn't feel any pain, until he heard Jiwoo's scream.

The man had him tackled to the ground, his gun pointed at Yoongi, instantly pulling the trigger.

Yoongi rolled on the ground, dodging the bullet once again.

He was more than red by now. If someone did not stop him now, he might end up becoming a murderer.

They had their guns aimed at each other, ready to pull the trigger, with Yoongi still on the ground and the man on one knee.

Everything came to an abrupt stop when a gun shot fired through the air.

Yoongi frowned, looking at his body for any bullet. There wasn't any, of course except the stab wound on his leg. He was sure he hadn't pulled his trigger.

That was until he heard a thud beside him, turning to his side, he was met with a lifeless Denis, eyes horridly opened beside him.

Yoongi quickly sat up, as confused as ever as the just arriving police rushed to help him up.

"I shot him." He heard an all too familiar voice say behind him.

He spun around, staggering a bit due to his wounded leg, and was met face to face with the owner of the voice.


His father gave him a thin lip smile, patting his back. "You did a great job fighting that man kid. I just couldn't stand letting you stain your hands with blood. I knew you wouldn't rest until he was killed."


Have a great day guys. Please don't forget to vote.

Finally! Denis is gone🙄! I think this book is slowly coming to an end. A few more chapters to go.

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