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He'd just helplessly watch hoseok
friend zone him, like they
weren't married.

Leah visited once again. This time in Yoongi's house, and Hoseok was there.

"What the hell do you want?!?!" Yoongi groaned, annoyed, as soon as his eyes landed on her.

She smiled. "To see you of course. What else will I be doing here if not for you?" She answered, taking her seat in front of the angry male.

"You're not welcome here, get the fuck out right now." Yoongi ordered, slowly loosing his temper.

"Awwee come on! Don't be petty, I know you missed me."

"Missed you?" Yoongi gave a dry laugh. "Just get the fuck out. My husband is here, and the last thing I would want is for him to withness your pathetic self."

Yoongi saw the slightest flash of anger in her eyes. He liked how he could easily break a nerve with just the mention of Hoseok to her face.

"Oh really? That's interesting. I'll love to see him. Let's see who's better. I know he can't satisfy you in bed as much as I do." She said instead, annoying Yoongi even further.

"FUCK OFF!" Yoongi growled charging towards her. He pulled her by her collar, dragging her towards the exit.

"Oh I like how much more rough you've become. I always enjoyed this side of you." She teased seductively, Giving Yoongi more reasons to burst out.

If not for Hoseok's sudden appearance, Yoongi was sure he'd have punched the leaving hell out of the annoying girl.

"Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok's sweet voice rang in the air, his confused gaze, moving from a slightly disheveled woman to a very pissed Yoongi and back.

"You must be Hoseok. Correct me if I'm wrong." The woman said, striding towards the said male, a not so nice smile on her face.

Hoseok took a few steps back. He didn't know who she is, but his gut already told him she wasn't a nice person. He didn't like the aura she gave.

"If you dare touch a strand of his hair, I won't hesitate to skin you alive." Yoongi's angry voice growled, shaking Hoseok to his core.

Her smile didn't leave her face, as she still had her not so nice gaze on Hoseok. "We'll see about that."  And with that, she walked past Hoseok, ensuring to bump her shoulders roughly with his as she made her way towards the exit.

Yoongi still looked pissed, and Hoseok was sure not to go close to him at the moment. He decided to excuse himself as Yoongi yelled at the security on his phone.

Whoever she was must have really caused Yoongi quite a lot for him to be this pissed. He'd never seen Yoongi this angry, and to be honest, it was scaring him.

Hoseok didn't know how long he'd spent in his room, but he knew he'd been there for a while now. He wanted to give yoongi some documents, he had problem completing the last project Yoongi had given him and needed Yoongi's help with it. But now that Yoongi seemed angry, he doubted he'd be able to meet him.

A knock on his door brought him back to earth.


The door opened, revealing a rather distressed Yoongi. He went straight to the younger's bed, taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

Hoseok who was sat in front of his little desk, series of documents and books scattered on his table, glasses hung loosely on his nose, turned around, facing the elder who had his head in his hand, elbow resting on his shoulder.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to withness what just happened." Yoongi finally said after a long uncomfortable silence. "I've got a really bad temper and it's pretty hard for me to calm down, unless Something I really love is near me."

How was he gonna make it clear to the oblivious male that he himself was the drug to his short tempered self. That explains why he was in Hoseok's room in the first place.

Hoseok nodded in understanding, not sure exactly what to say. He wasn't sure if asking him who the lady is was the right thing to say at the moment.

As if reading his thoughts, Yoongi spoke for him. "If you're thinking of who she is, that should be the least of your worries. She's Lea, my ex. We were a thing in high school days and college. But that's all over now." Yoongi spoke, raising his head to observe the younger's reaction.

Hoseok's eyes was wide in realization, his mouth formed in an 'o' shape.

That wasn't what Yoongi was wishing to see, but he got a reaction anyways, plus it was cute. A plus one.

Yoongi eventually felt at ease after spending enough time in Hoseok's bedroom. In order to kill time, they decided to work together on the project Hoseok was having a hard time completing, and in no time, they were done.

"Wow! It's finished! Hoseok exclaimed, clapping his hands excitedly.

Yoongi laughed, watching the excited younger. "I love how excited you get at the simplest things." He blurted out, not giving a second thought to his words.

Hoseok's face went slightly red at the comment.

"But this isn't simple, it took me weeks to settle it all together, and now it's completed."

"Yeah I know," Yoongi said with a chuckle. "Come on! It's late. Let's go have our dinner." He added, dragging the younger out of his seat.

Hoseok reluctantly went with the elder, allowing him to drag him towards the dining. It's been forever since he last ate with Yoongi on a dining table.

The last time they ate together was the night of their honeymoon, few hours before Yoongi decided to be stupid.

Every time that event came across Hoseok's mind, he had to keep reminding himself to be careful with Yoongi.

But right now, Yoongi really seemed like the total opposite. He looked like he wasn't making Hoseok his property, nor was he enforcing anything on him.

He was still the gentleman Yoongi he knew when they first met. Except that he was still very intimidating, Hoseok couldn't deny that.


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