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"You should at least be more
careful of your surroundings.
I won't be there all the time to catch you".
He scolded, leading the younger inside.

The interior of the house was more than Hoseok could imagine. Everything screamed ROYALTY with a dark aura.

Hoseok looked around in awe, and Yoongi had to keep his cool not to coo at how cute he was.

It seems like he'd gotten a new habit of snapping his fingers in front of the younger.

Doing just that, he could notice the slightest flinch from the younger, as he turned his gaze to Yoongi, a look of realization, and something else yoongi couldn't put a finger to in his eyes. Was it fear?

Yoongi brushed it off, not giving much thought to it. 'He could be pretending' was what he thought of instead, 'He's a Jung afterall.'

"I'll be leaving to work now." Yoongi said, checking his watch. "The maids would direct you to your room. Make sure to let them know if you need something. And be careful with what you touch." He said the last sentence with a warning tone.

Hoseok only nodded, not being able to form a word.

Now that Yoongi realized it, he hadn't heard the younger's voice since they met.

Yoongi outstretched his hand towards the younger, his large palm wide open, like he was expecting something.

Hoseok stared at the outstretched hand, comfused.

"Give me your phone." Yoongi finally spoke to his understanding.

Hoseok still looked confused, turning his gaze to the elder's, why does he need his phone.

"We need to have each other's contact. To get in touch at least. I won't be around all the time."

Now he understood. Don't blame him, Hoseok wasn't the quickest person when it came to thinking right.

Pulling out his phone from his pocket, he handed it to the elder.

Yoongi stared at the device in his hand. It was a small android phone. A very old and outdated one. Yoongi wondered why he had that type of outdated phone. He was a Jung, the Jungs are wealthy. He could buy times ten of the latest iPhone, or even a Samsung.

Pushing the thought to the back of his mind, he dialed his number and called it. His phone rang in his pocket and he handed the phone back to the younger after saving his contact in it.

"Here" he said, stretching the phone towards the younger. Hoseok collected it. "I'll be leaving now." With that, he made his way out of the house, towards his car.

Hoseok stood in the middle of the living room, confused on what or where to go. There where a lot of doors and stairs, leading to different hallways.


Hoseok spun around to the soft voice. A maid stood few feet from him, in a formal posture.

"Your room is ready sir, you can come with me."

A tiny hint of relief washed over him. 'Finally, he got somewhere to rest his pounding head. He still had a hard time putting together how quick everything was going.

He was now in the house if his supposed husband. What next?

To be honest, he was a little relieved he was now out of his parents deadly grip. But still, here is Yoongi who he still knew zero knowledge about.

The only thing Hoseok was able to get was his habit of snapping his fingers in front of him every few minutes. And the good part that he couldn't admit that he liked was catching him each time his clumsy self almost fell.

On getting to his new room, the maid excused herself, leaving Hoseok all alone once again.

Hoseok stared around his room. It was bigger than his room at home. Hell even bigger than his parents.

He somewhat missed his little room at home, he wasn't a fan of big spaces.

Pushing every form of burden to the back of his head for the time being, he decided to take a little rest on the king sized bed at the middle of the room.

And off he went into the dreamland the moment his head touched the pillow.

That was hella a peaceful sleep for Hoseok, not having to worry about any of his parents barging in, cursing him for being lazy and wasting his day, sleeping, instead of doing something useful.

He didn't wake up until it was late at night.


Yoongi returned home late in the night, probably around ten or some minutes after, looking exhausted.

"Where's Hoseok?" He asked, after settling down on the dining for his dinner. He was freshened up already, in his casual wear. A grey sweatpant and white shirt.

"He's in his room." one of the maids answered, head bowed.

"Has he eaten?" Yoongi asked, taking a bite of his meal.

There was no answer as the atmosphere suddenly feels tensed.

Yoongi noticed the tension and stopped eating. "I asked you a question." His voice was stern as he glared at the maids. "Has Hoseok eaten?" He repeated, his deep voice coming out deadly.

"N- no sir he-..."

Yoongi slammed his fork on the table, startling the maids, as they all flinched.

He knew he was scaring them, and he knew it was wrong. But he hated being angered. He needed to keep his cool, especially now that there was a new visitor in the house. HIS HUSBAND.

"If I may  ask, why?" He spoke calmly, trying his best not to burst out.

"H- he hasn't gotten out of his room since he came in S- sir. He's been asleep since noon." The maid that guided Hoseok to his room answered.

"So he also hasn't eaten lunch?" Yoongi queried, intertwining both his hands under his chin and resting his chin on top of them.

There was another tensed silence.

"I won't repeat myself." His deep angry voice returned.

"Y- yes sir, he hasn't eaten lunch. I told them not to disturb him since he's been asleep." The one assigned to watch after Hoseok answered.

Yoongi took his time, studying them. He signed, dropping his hands from below his chin.

I'll let you off the hook this time. Always make sure he eat something before he goes to bed. Before I dismiss you, put his food in the warmer. I'll go wake him up."

With that he sent them off, getting up from his seat and heading towards Hoseok's room.


Another one here guys.

Good luck reading.

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