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Yoongi wished he would open up to him
one day tho.
He'd promised Jiwoo not to take any
action until Hoseok opens up.
He knew it was going to take almost
forever for that to happen,
and he would wait patiently till that
day comes.

Today was a Thursday. Another working day for both couples. Yoongi woke up on his usual time, getting himself ready for the office. He'd drop Hoseok at the coffee shop first before driving off to work.

That was now his everyday routine, and he was more than fine with it. It was like an achievement to him. Since the day he'd intentionally embarrassed the younger in the public into driving home with him, they'd been going out and back from work together, in Yoongi's car.

Picking all the necessary things needed for office, he made his way out of the room, to the dining.

They'd not had any meal together for a month now, not even the simplest meal. And it pained Yoongi. He missed watching the younger eat. He missed how his dimples emerged with every chew he made. He missed...

"Goddamnit! Yoongi! Think right!" He cursed himself, trying to move his thoughts off Hoseok for once.

Having had his meal finish, he decided to wait for Hoseok to come out of his room, ready for work, just like he did every other day.

He waited...

And waited...

But Hoseok didn't come out. He got confused. Since he'd told the maids to not bother waking Hoseok up every morning again, he chose to go into his room by himself.

Knocking on his door several times, there was no response. He tried the knob, and alas! It was opened. He signed heavily, knowing the younger wouldn't listen. He'd warned him several times to always make sure his door was locked. An intruder could sneak In at any time.

Hoseok was still asleep when Yoongi got to him. He smiled, observing the peaceful younger.

He waited there for a while, contemplating if it was a good idea to wake him up. He was probably tired, and chose not to go to work today.

Yoongi decided to let him be. He waited there still for a while, enjoying his view. Putting away a strand of hair from his face, Yoongi got up, about to make his way out.

He heard some shuffles. Thinking Hoseok was awake just in time. He smiled, turning around.

Hoseok wasn't awake. Yoongi's smile slowly left his face as he watched the younger thrash his hands around in the air, like he was fighting, trying to run away from someone.

Yoongi rushed to his side calling his name.

"Hoseok!... Hoseok! Wake up! You're just dreaming! It's all not real!"



The dream yet again returned. He's been having it every day now. But this one seemed like the worst. He tried getting himself out of it, but it seemed like he was stuck.

They're going to kill me!

They're going to kill me!

The two headed monster wouldn't stop chasing him, with a weird object on it's hand, about to slam it on him.


He heard his name! He was sure he heard it.


This monster had never called his name.

The voice sounded familiar.

"HOSEOK! WAKE UP! PLEASE! IT'S JUST A DREAM!" The voice sounded so desperate.

"I know! I know it's a dream! But I can't seem to get myself out of it! Please whoever you are, be patient. I promise to open my eyes soon. He tried to say, but his voice wasn't working

He felt his body being carried, placed on someone's leg, being rocked back and forth. The person kept whispering assuring words to his ears. Telling him "all was alright."

The familiar scent of rain forest hit his nostrils, calming his senses down.

Hoseok opened his eyes gaze instantly locking with Yoongi's concerned ones.

"You're alright. Okay?" Yoongi assured calmly, bringing the younger closer to his embrace. "It was all just a dream."

Hoseok began to cry, wrapping his arms around the elder's neck, inhaling the comforting rain forest scent, the same one that calmed him and brought him out of his nightmare.

Yoongi remained silent, letting him cry out his emotions. Hoseok was soiling his shirt with his tears, but did he care? He was more than fine with it. He let the younger do whatever he wanted.

They stayed like that for probably thirty minutes or close to an hour, before Yoongi attempted to withdraw. Hoseok didn't let go, tightening his grip around the elder's neck.

Yoongi gave a quiet chuckle, gently patting him on the back. "You're alright." He whispered assuringly.

They remained like that for another half an hour before Hoseok finally withdrew. Face flushed red from embarrassment.

"S- sorry I-..."

"Shhhh... no apologies."

"B- but I made you late for work."

"I chose to stay. Besides, I'm the boss, I can choose what time I want to go, or not even go at all." Yoongi boasted, smiling widely.

Hoseok pursed his lips, a small pout on his lips. "That's not fair." He muttered under his breath.


"I think you should stay at home and take a rest today. You don't have to go to work. I'll help inform your manager." Yoongi spoke, seeing the look of worry in the younger's face. As he rushed around, getting himself ready for work.

"No I have to go."

"Hoseok you're late already. You don't need to go."

Hoseok signed heavily, stopping whatever he was doing. "That's true... but I still need to go. I feel like they only gave me the job because I'm your husband. They're probably afraid that you'll do something to them if I don't get in. Aren't I ruining their business if I decide to behave as I want?" Hoseok queried, making a quick style on his hair as he backed the elder, full attention on the mirror.

Yoongi's heart bloomed at the word 'husband'. This was the first time he would hear Hoseok address him as his husband. Goddamn there was sparkles in his stomach.

"No! I doubt if it's because of me. Why on earth will I threaten them. I've never even heard of the place until you started working there.

"I didn't say you threatened them-" Hoseok suddenly paused, hard gaze turning to Yoongi's. "Tell me that's not what you did." He said with a warning glare.

Yoongi gulped, laughing sheepishly to cover his nervousness. "No!... No I didn't."


Thankfully, Hoseok didn't catch it, or he pretended not to.

Hoseok ended up going to work, much to Yoongi's disappoval.

"He isn't feeling too well, make sure not to stress him. In fact, he shouldn't do anything today, of course except make coffee for me when I come." Yoongi warned the manager before driving off to his own office.


Have a great day guys. Please don't forget to vote

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