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"I need to tell you

"I need to tell you something."

Hoseok repeated, carefully making his way into the house as Yoongi tailed him. Yoongi didn't fail to notice the tight grip he had on his phone.

"What is it?" Yoongi queried, worried that something was wrong.

They got inside Yoongi's study, and Hoseok made sure to shut the door close, confusing Yoongi even further. "Is something wrong?"

Hoseok took in a shaky breath, nodding his head. He unlocked his phone right in front of Yoongi and turned the screen to his view, letting Yoongi collect the phone from his hand.

It was a long message from an unknown number.

"T- that's my mum." Hoseok spoke, his voice beginning to shake, tears threatening to fall. "They know everything. T- they know that you're planning something against them. S- she wants me to ruin you and everything you own, else... else... T- they'll kill me." He was in full on tears by now.

"Shit!" Yoongi cursed, collecting the phone from the younger.

"I'm in trouble Hyung, I- I don't know what to do." Hoseok cried, devastation written clearly on his face.

Yoongi's heart sank at the sight. Pulling the younger clto his embrace, he wrapped his arms around him letting him soil his shirt.

"You're not in trouble sweetheart. Remember I promised to take care of all these?" Yoongi tried to assure.

Hoseok didn't stop crying. "N-no this is different. T- they want me to ruin you, Hyung do you know what that means?"

"I know sweetheart. I know, and that shouldn't be a problem. It's a good start that they don't know you've stopped working for me. So I need a favor from you."

"What?" Hoseok queried, cleaning his tears that wouldn't stop falling.

"I- I want you to come back to my office... and work with me." Yoongi spoke with uncertainty, afraid of the younger's response.

Hoseok remained silent and Yoongi decided to continue. "I want you to play along with their plans. Pretend like you're really ruining me, give them all the information they want and make it seem like my business is crumbling. While you're doing this. It would buy us more time to trap them. And before you know it, they'll all be locked up in prison."

Hoseok thought about the whole plan. It was worth it. He knew of it. He could play his own game too, tricking his parents and uncle Denis, pretending to do as they wish. But the problem is he was afraid to work with Yoongi again.

As if reading his thoughts, the elder spoke. "You don't have to do any paperworks. I just want you to be in my office to make it seem like you're still working for me. Plus I can have an eye on you and they won't get the chance to come close to you when I'm there. Also I'll have to inform the rest about the situation, so they can play along. Is that alright by you?"

Hoseok took in a shaky breath. "D- does that mean... I- I'll stop working at the cafe?"

"Yes. For the time being, till everything is over. You can choose to go back to the cafe when everything is over." Yoongi answered, hoping for the younger to accept the offer.

Hoseok thought for a while, looking at the pros and cons. He knew it was better being around Yoongi in this present situation. He felt more secured with Yoongi around him.

"But what if they find out that everything is a trick?" He thought out loud. "They're really dangerous people, they can twist the whole situation around and make you the bad guy. That's what they're trying to do to me right now."

"That shouldn't be a thing to worry about." Yoongi assured. "By the time they find out, they would have lost the power to do anything. They won't ever dream of coming close to you again."


Eventually, Hoseok agreed to Yoongi's offer, but only under the condition that he wouldn't do any serious work related to Yoongi. He could record files and arrange Yoongi's schedule. Nothing else. No approving of proposals.


"Ah thank goodness! I thought I was never gonna see you again!" Jimin exclaimed joyfully, the moment he set eyes on Hoseok at work the next day, wrapping his arms around him.

Hoseok gave a sheepish smile, scratching his nape. "I'm not running anywhere." The younger muttered, relieved to see how happy everyone was to have him back in their midst.

Maybe there were people who actually loved him and didn't just see him as a tool. He felt like crying.

Thankfully, Yoongi noticed and came to his aid, quickly dismissing everyone to their respective duties, leaving just him and Hoseok alone in his office.

"Thank you" Hoseok muttered the moment they were all gone, cleaning the stray tears from this cheek.

Yoongi smiled, pulling him closer to his embrace. "Everything will be alright soon. I promise." He muttered, placing light kisses in his hair.

Hoseok didn't say anything and just let the elder comfort him, he had to admit, he enjoyed being in the elder's embrace more than anything else. Especially that his addicting and relaxing scent.

Yoongi's light kisses were slowly turning intense, as he trailed it down to his face, placing light pecks on his ears, nose, eye, cheek, jaw, and lastly, on his lips. They were there for a while, savoring each other's sweetness. Yoongi's hands snaked around the younger's waist, having a firm grip on it. And Hoseok's hands instinctively rested on his shoulder for balance. Heavy breathing could be heard as both males refused to stop, enjoying in each other's presence-...

Seokjin came in unannounced, statling the two male.

"Oops! Sorry! I guess I'll have to come back another time! Sorry for disturbing you!" He said, having a knowing grin on his face as he made his way out back. He gave a raised brow towards Yoongi, smirking, before disappearing through the entrance.

Yoongi laughed quietly, burying his face back into the flustered younger's hair. "Don't mind him, he can be an asshole sometimes."


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