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Hoseok smiled shyly, lazily walking
after the elder. "Really? Then I
think I now know my new favorite
set of clothes."

The voices stopped. No, seriously they stoped. Or did they?

At least he stopped hearing go kill yourself, or no one loves you. He was very greatful for that, but the one that disturbed him now were of body awareness.

You're not thin enough

Yoongi won't love you if you're fat

You should loose some weight

Your skin is irritating to look at. Cover it up.

Ugly pig.

Hoseok was beginning to believe in the voices. He began to hate looking at himself in the mirror. He stopped eating, and would only eat a little when Yoongi insisted that he eat something.

He prefared wearing baggy clothes to cover his insecurities. He began wearing Yoongi's clothes most of the time since they covered him well. And since the elder loved seeing him in them, he took it as an opportunity.

So here he was, in one of Yoongi's shirt, a small short beneath the shirt that had been covered completely by the shirt. He sat on the floor, in one of the living rooms in the mansion. The one Yoongi used most of the time, staring blankly at the tv that had a Gordon Ramsey's show on.

He liked watching cooking videos and have always thought of making a delicious delicacy for Yoongi one day, but he knew he was a total mess in the kitchen.

He was so much concentrated in the tv show, or it looked like he was, that he didn't notice Yoongi come in.

It was until Yoongi placed a kiss on his hair did he whip his head around. He was met with a smiling Yoongi, still in his office clothes.

"Hyung, when did you come? I didn't see you come in." The younger queried, a small smile on his lips as he got up from the floor, attempting to help Yoongi take off his suit jacket.

"Just now." Yoongi answered, lazily giving in to the younger's attempt. "You seem so concentrated on the tv, I didn't want to disturb you, but then, I was tempted to kiss you." His smile widened as he wrapped his arms around the younger's waist.

Hoseok returned the smile, standing on his tip toes to place a light kiss on the elder's lips. He pulled back a little, enjoying the gummy smile on the elder's face. "There, you've got your kiss."

Yoongi's smile didn't leave his face as he leaned down, capturing the younger's lips in his mouth, enjoying the sweet and pillowy lips.

A contented sign left Yoongi's lips as he pulled away, a string of saliva still connected to their lips.

He felt complete, tho he knew it would take a while to bring Hoseok back to a stand, but he was contented that the younger trusted him to take care of him. He felt like his own universe had been completed with just having the younger in his sight.

"I love you." Yoongi whispered into his ear, feeling the slightest shiver coming from the younger.

Yoongi smiled, picking him in his arms. Hoseok's legs instinctively wrapped around the elder's torso, surprised at the elder's sudden action.

"Why did you carry me!? I can walk?!" Hoseok exclaimed as Yoongi led them out of the house, to his car parked unusually close to the entrance.

"Don't blame me, I'm getting addicted to carrying you." Yoongi chuckled, opening the passenger's seat of the car and helping the younger sit, before fixing his seatbelt for him. Placing a kiss on his lips, he closed the door before rushing to the driver side of the car.

"You should thank you stars noona isn't here, she'd have thrown a pack of ice at your head." Hoseok snorted.

Yoongi only smiled, as he started the engine of the car.

"Are we ready?"

Hoseok bit his lips nervously, staring blankly in front of him. He knew Yoongi had his full attention on him, waiting for him to say something.

"Y- yeah, I guess."

Yoongi turned his keys, stopping the roaring engine in an instant. He turned to his side so that he was facing the younger. "What's the matter?" He demanded, holding the younger's hand in his large ones.

Hoseok signed, turning his gaze to the elder. "It's nothing serious, I'm just nervous, you know ... Y- you'll be there with me right? I feel less panicked when you're there."

"Sure I'll be with you. I'll be there till the end. Okay? It's okay to be nervous, but I don't want you to worry about anything." Yoongi said, tucking a stray hair behind his ear.

Hoseok nodded his head smiling, his stray hair falling back to where it was before. "Alright then, I'm more than ready now."

Yoongi chuckled, starting the engine again, before driving towards the security exit.

It was another of his therapy section again. It's been three weeks now and he seemed to be progressing. He smiled and talked a lot now. Tho he still got scared of some little things like sudden noises, and darkness, but it was proned as normal by his physician.

"It's okay to get scared of the darkness regardless of your age. It just depends on the reasons why you're scared of them." The woman had said to him on their first meeting.

Well, Hoseok obviously knew the reason. He'd lived in a dark tight room for most of his childhood, so he always got triggered and thought he had been held hostage again whenever he was in a dark environment.

Yoongi ensured that every room in his mansion had light in them so that the younger would be ok. But there were a few times that there would be electricity problems, and the lights would suddenly trip off, triggering his past once again.


Hoseok sat in the car, waiting for Yoongi. He was just done with his therapy for the week and was very thankful that today's was the shortest.

He watched from the window as Yoongi talked to the woman, an unconscious sad pout forming on his lips as he wished he was with Yoongi. He missed the elder already, despite him just being a few meters away from him.


Here you go guys. Don't forget to vote.

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