CHAPTER 45: "HE KNOWS!!!..."

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It was ...

It was now late in the night. Still on a Saturday, the same day Hoseok's parents visited.
The couples were in bed, snuggling close to each other. Hoseok lay his head on Yoongi's chest, his little hands wrapped around his torso, and Yoongi's fingers combing through his hair.

Nothing was said Between them, they lay in silence, enjoying each other's comfort. Hoseok still somehow felt tensed, looks like he wanted to say something, but was unsure.

"What's on your mind?" Yoongi's deep voice cut through the silence, earning a slight shiver from Hoseok.

Hoseok didn't reply immediately. Shifting up, he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck, nuzzling his nose in his neck, inhaling on the relaxing scent.

He hesitated a little, and wanted to lie, telling him that nothing was wrong. But he needed to ask that one question.

"D- do you know s- something about me?"

Yoongi smiled, his fingers still doing wanders to the younger's hair. "Something like?" It seems like Yoongi hadn't gotten a hint of what the younger was intending to ask. That was true tho. Cause if he knew, he wouldn't be pestering the younger this much.

Hoseok shifted, uncomfortably on top of the elder. Contemplating if it was a good idea. "M- my past?"

Yoongi froze, his fingers suddenly stopped moving on the younger's hair. And that was all Hoseok needed to confirm.

He sprung up from the elder's chest, about to run out of the room.

"No! No! Wait! Hoseok!" Yoongi ran after him, catching up with him quickly before he got out, pulling him back and locking him in his embrace.

Hoseok burst into tears, soiling the elder's shirt. "I- I'm sorry I'm sorry..." He muttered incoherently admist tears.

"No! Don't apologize, you're not at fault. You didn't do anything wrong." Yoongi assured, still having him in his embrace.

Hoseok didn't stop crying, and Yoongi let him be. He didn't let go of him tho, he had him in his embrace all this while.

They stood there for probably five to ten minutes before Yoongi led them back to the bed. Hoseok still had his face hidden in his chest, little sobs still leaving his lips.

"Whe-... how." Hoseok's broken voice spoke, cleaning his tears with the back of his hands.

"After the office incidence. Jiwoo told me."

"Noona?" Hoseok teary gaze looked at Yoongi, a look of betrayal in his eyes.

"Hmm" Yoongi hummed in response, nodding his head. "Don't blame her. She was really angry that she didn't realize she spat it out."

"Who else... knows?"

"Joon and Jin Hyung. Remember the night you fainted at the office? They brought you home. And ... um... the bruises... they found it all. Namjoon did a research on you after that. That's how they found out. Aside from them, no one else knows."

Hoseok wanted to cry. Hell he was already crying.

"Don't cry please. It pains me to see tears in your eyes." Yoongi begged, caressing the younger's teary cheeks.

"Hyung you-... they- they're going to kill me!" Hoseok muttered admist tears, cleaning his eyes profusely.

"No one dares to come near you Hoseok! They won't dare to lay a finger on you especially when I'm with you all the time." Yoongi spoke firmly. "Don't you ever say that again. Please..." Yoongi begged, pulling the younger closer to him. "Those threats are empty ones, I don't want to to think of any of them."

Hoseok shook his head, tears refusing to stop. "Hyung. They're not empty. They- my dad... h- he killed someone in front of me!"

Yoongi went still for a split second. "What!" His voice was in a whisper, in complete disbelief.

Hoseok didn't stop crying. "She was a maid in our house... she saw what my parents were doing to me and tried helping me escape. They found out and unalived her right in front of me... a- and her body was locked up with me in the dark room for three days as my punishment ..."

"... since then ... the other maids ... they avoided me at all cost. If I tried sneaking out of the house, they wouldn't hesitate to report me. All just because they wanted to win my dad's favor and not be in his death list..."

"Wow!" Was all yoongi could mutter. He didn't even know how he could process that. How much more shit had they made him go through.

"Of course Jiwoo noona doesn't know. She never withnessed any of these. She's so lucky to not be in their death grip. Sometimes I get jealous of her. And we'd end up fighting about it."

Yoongi placed his large hands on both sides of the younger's face, using his thumbs to clean his tears. He leaned in placing a light kiss on his lips.

"I'm here now. Okay? I'm with you and will forever be with you. No one will ever dream of coming close to you. Those threats are empty now. I promise you. I have my way of dealing with them. I just need your permission to let me go ahead. I've been waiting patiently for this day to come... please Hoseok. Let me deal with them."

Hoseok wasn't sure if that was going to work out. Of course, he knew his husband was a very powerful man when it came to connections. But his parents were very cunning people. They could twist the entire situation all around, and Yoongi would be at great loss...

" please don't doubt anything." Yoongi spoke, bringing Hoseok out of his thought. "I know it's going to be a hard one. But I'm being serious when I say I'll deal with them. By my self. You don't have to be there. You don't have to witness anything."

Hoseok only nodded his head, not sure the nod was a yes or just an agreement to Yoongi's assurance.

"The small parcel. The one your mother gave you before she left. Can I know what it is?"

Hoseok eyes slightly went wide. "You saw it?!" His voice was almost in a whisper."

Yoongi smiled. "I'm a very observant person. Especially when it has something to do with things in my house."

Hoseok pursed his lips. "Um... I don't know what it is exactly, but I think I have an idea." Hoseok said, releasing himself from Yoongi's embrace. "It's in my room, I'll be right back." Hoseok said, getting up from the bed.

"Can I come with you?" Yoongi asked, also getting up from the bed.


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