Gabriel and Castiel x (Winchester) reader

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(((A/n: I don't own the picture, the credit goes to the original artist. I liked this picture because it is perfect for this story.)))

***Requested by Dreamykawaii***

(Y/n's Intro)

Shakespeare once wrote that these violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume.
I don't think when Shakespeare wrote his play that there would be a story like mine.
I am so sorry, where are my manners?
My name is Y/n, Maria Winchester, daughter of John and Marie Winchester, and baby sister to Dean and Sam Winchester.
The world's greatest Hunter's, and the most annoying pains in the butt.
They never let me go out on hunts with them, they never let me go undercover with them and never let me help whatsoever besides helping Sam research the monster they hunted.
Besides that, I had a lot of free time to just be a normal 19 year old.
When our lives as hunters entered a whole other world of crazy after facing Lilith and Dean returning and averting the apocalypse, was the moment I met the two most important men of my life.
Or should I say Angeles.

(Y/n's pov)

I was laying down in my room, in the most musty smelling bed of the cheapest motel Dean and Sam picked.
Though this room definitely had romantic activity and mysterious stains on the wall that I don't even want to know, I'm kind of used to it.
As long as it's a nice comfy bed for me to sleep in before we finish our hunt and get back to my bedroom in the Bunker, I'm good, I won't even care if there are cocker roaches.
But I would definitely up and vamoose if I see a snake.
But that wasn't the dilemma that was keeping me from falling asleep.
As I look at my dog Bones old collar, I realized was avoiding even thinking about the two angels that will pop in, announced, cause I thought their names.
Castiel and his big archangel brother Gabriel.
But I knew, if I think of when I met the two Angels, all I cared about was that thinking of them out there, with my brothers, protecting each other, will calm my nerves.

(Flashback of meeting Castiel) *Two years ago*

I was currently in a hotel working as a desk clerk just to earn some money for food when I heard Bobby's voice.
"You were always an odd one Kiddo".
I looked up and smiled, calling out my godfathers name.
I got up from behind the desk and hugged him, I haven't seen him in three months, I was to busy keeping Sam from getting into any trouble and thank God.
Ruby was a manipulative bitch and Sam had to see his last living sibling get slapped in the face to see it.
We let go and I said.
"It's so good to see you Bobby, you staying or passing through".
Bobby then said.
"Actually, all three of us came here to see you".
Sam came in through the door first and he said softly, calming like I'm going to lash out.
"Before you freak out and attack him, we already checked if he was a skin walker or possessed".
I was majorly confused, I said softly.
"I have no idea who you two are talking about".

Then his voice, my older brother's voice spoke.
"Am I really that forgettable kiddo"?
I saw, Dean, enter through the door, free of scares and clean as a bare of soap.
I slowly walked to him, not believing my eyes.
When I was in front of him, I looked into his eyes.
When I saw it was him, I cried, hugging my big brother.
He calmed me down as I cried, using soothing words that worked when I had my panic attacks.
"I'm back Y/n, I'm not leaving you or Sam behind again I promise".
I let out one last sob when Bobby said, with a light smile on his face
"Though I love it when my kids are reunited, we got a job to do".
I pulled away and spoke with focus, knowing that having a job to do, means I have to hunt with my brothers.
"What's the situation, there hasn't been any news in the area about odd murders".
Dean said lifting the sleeve of his T-shirt.
"More like find out what resurrected me".
The hand print looked like a burn mark, like something really hot touched his skin but left no blistering.
I then said softly.
"I think I read somewhere in my research about this,
(I looked to Sam and Bobby then straight at Dean, seeing my second older brother's eyes change when seeing my look meant he understood, Bobby was just piecing it together.)
But you won't believe me until we some it".
Dean shrugged his shoulder and said pulling the sleeve back down.
"What can be weirder than rising from the grave"?
I arched my eyebrow and I said looking at all three members of my family.
"Let's role out boys, we got a summoning to get to".

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