Jace Herondale x (Angel Hybrid) Reader Part 3

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(Y/n's Intro)

My Mother always told me 'Courage doesn't come from being brave; courage comes from when you face your fears no matter what happens to you next'.
I often thought I wouldn't have to be that brave because she would be there to protect me from the monsters I believed to be real until she disappeared and then I was all alone.
Until I went to my godfather Luke and then Clary entered my life; a little girl with a twinkle in her eye that is ever present when viewing the world around her.
I may have lost the happy optimistic light I once saw the world in; but that didn't mean she had to.
So I dug deep inside myself to find that courage my mother always spoke about and now I wonder, if my courage needed a catalyst or if I always had it and needed a reason (or someone) to express it.

(Y/n's Pov)

Everything around me felt odd and alien as I was waking up.
Feeling and hearing were not welcome additions because my whole body ached against the stiff mattress I was placed on and my headache got worse because of the ringing.
That's when I heard a man's voice that I don't know when I heard it before, but always felt safe while growing up.
🪽💛'Its time to wake up Angel, it's time to wake up'💛🪽.
As I opened my eyes, my body aches disappeared and the ringing in my ears went away as my hearing went back to normal and I began hearing the silence of what I assume to be a medical wing of a church.
I could still hear the taxis, cars and noises that can only come from New York City's streets, coming from the open window and I took a breath of relief.
'Good, I'm still in New York '.
I slowly sat up so I could get rid of the scratchy feeling from the mattress I was laying on.
I rubbed my head and that's when the question was asked 'How did I get here'? and my memories of what happened before I passed out came crashing upon me like a tidal wave and I began to look around frantically around the medical wing.
I spotted her unmoving body one bed away from me, I ran to her side like a bat that escaped the belfry.
Stumbling to the floor from haste before I reached her as I said hoarse before I got her hands in mine.
Her hands felt clammy and I could feel her body fluctuate from cold to warm.
The humans immune systems way of reacting while it's under attack from a disease and reacclimating after a serious infection.
I then said, lips quivering as I felt my eyes well up with tears.
(I moved the hair that stuck to her forehead thanks to her sweat.)
Oh Clary.
(I hanged my head and let my sob out and I said softly, tightly holding her hand.)
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
(I then said feeling as the air was being sucked out of me.)
It was my job to protect you and I failed,
(I covered my eyes and I said to Clary.)
Now you're suffering from being bitten by a damned mutt and now Jocelyn is missing.
(I then said thinking of the possible future that could of occured if we were there faster.)
If I got there faster, maybe you'll still have your mom and you won't go through the,
(I held my hand and said as if she could see and here me.)
Pardon my French, hell I went through when I found out my mother was never coming back.
(I ignored the feeling of not being alone because I summarized it to the fact that Clary was here.
I continued my oneside conversation as I spoke to myself as I tumbled down the most horrific time of my life that lead to me getting the sister I always wanted, friends, a father figure and accomplishments that wouldn't of been made possible if M/n didn't disappear.)
Then again if she didn't you and I wouldn't have ever meet and became sister's".
Before I entered memory lane, I felt a sharp pain in my head as I held it.

(Flashback) * 10 Years Ago *

I was waiting up for mom when she texted me she was getting off her shift.
During my wait, I fell asleep and when I woke up again, after having a nightmare where mom was telling me to run to Luke, all I felt was dread and horror when I saw that where weren't any signs Mom came home.
I looked at the clock, reading midnight.
'She should have been home by now'.
I began hyperventilating and then crying out for her.
I stood up and began walking around the living room slowly crying harder.

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