❤️🛠️ (Operation Overdrive Power Rangers) 🛠️ ❤️Mack Hartford x Reader

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**** Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva ****

(Y/n's Intro)

Some people say love is madness while others say love makes you feel so strongly, that all you can think about is them; making you blind to all reason.
Which I guess can be considered madness when you're not the one experiencing a love so powerful that it makes you feel lighter than air whenever that person enters a room, or, in my case, I should be saying part human, part android.

(Y/n's Pov)

I guess you can say my painful infatuated with Mack Hartford started before we could even speak or walk.
And since I knew Mack since we were little, I was also witness to the life changing moments that impacted Mack's future.
Finding out he was part android when he was a teenager was probably the most emotionally stressful moment he experienced in his life after his mother passed away in the accident that lead to Macks father turning his so half android so he didn't lose Mack to the crash as well; rather than when he became the leader of the Power Rangers of Operation Overdrive.
Even then, he handled being a Power Ranger better than I handled my worries about his safety whenever he goes out on patrol with our friends, while I'm left behind, (sitting in front of the computer in the control room of Mister Hartford's secret base that he made for the Power Rangers to operate from with full anonymity & secrecy), as the eyes and ears of the team.
I guess that's why, when I began keeping my feelings bottled up, my feelings became the rope that hangs me, every time in the form of panic attacks when Mack is in danger and I feel powerless that I can't do a thing to help him.
I guess that's why I always stare at the screen and keep telling myself that 'Mack is okay' over and over while performing my breathing exercises after Mack escapes a life threatening situation when facing Flurius, Norg, or the monsters those two jerks sent to destroy the Power Rangers.
I always get over my panic attacks before either member of the Power Rangers returned to the base, but it turned out that while I was experiencing my episode, Rose and Ronny have been trying to reach me through the comms but haven't received a response because I took off the head set so the Rangers didn't hear my rapid breathing, so they decided to head to back to base while Mack and the other delt with the monsters that tried to kill them inorder to take their powers.
If my panic attacks diverted their attention during one of their patrols, missions or fights with the monsters they face then I would never be able to forgive myself.
"Oh my God Y/n, are you okay"?!
Hearing Rose's voice along with Ronny's approach made me jump from my seat as I looked at them, tears streaming down my face from fear of being caught and ashamed of myself for not being stronger.
Rose and Ronny had changed out of their uniforms and their comms were turned off, but still, them seeing me like this made the blood in my veins turn to ice.
I then said, lying feebly as I quickly spoke before they thought about reaching for the phone.
"I'm okay,
(I then forced a cough into my elbow.)
Just swallowed water down the wrong pip".
I forced another round of coughs as Rose and Ronny approached me.
Rose then said softly as she and her boyfriend kneeled in front of me.
"Y/n stop faking those coughs and look at us,
(I did and I could feel the tears running freely down my face at the thought of them being disappointed in me.
Rose then took hold of my hand and said, concerned and lightly as Ronny gave me a tissue.)
Now tell us, how long have you been getting panic attacks"?
I then said softly, closing my eyes.
"Since the first time Mack was almost stabbed by Flurius and Norg's ghastly monsters when you guys first became Power Rangers".
Rose then said, looking even more petrified with concern.
"What!? Y/n why didn't you say anything"?
Ronny then said as I looked at him and he saw the closely guarded secret that I kept close to my heart which seemed to be there in plain sight on my sleeve.
"Because she was scared that if we told Mister Hartford, he would take her off the team and she wouldn't be able to protect Mack and us along with the others".
Rose then looked at me as I wiped my tears and as Ronny took hold of her hand as he said softly looking at her.
"Just like how I felt when I was on bed rest with my busted ankle".
Rose then said softly, while looking at me.
"You love Mack don't you"?
I looked away from their eyes and I said softly.
(I wiped my eyes again and said after blowing my nose.)
With all my heart".
Ronny then said rubbing my arms.
"Easy just breathe, your secret is safe with us".
Rose then said after I was handed a second tissue.
"Now let's get you cleaned up and get something sugary in your system before the others come back".
I nodded and both my friends guided me to the kitchen where I quickly splashed my face with cold water and I grabbed a towel to dry off while Rose spoke, grabbing me a cookie from the fridge in the base's kitchen.
"How you feeling"?
I then said softly as I nibbled my cookie.
Ronny then said looking at me.
"I knew you two were good friends but I didn't know you two are practically soulmates".
Rose lightly wacked the back of his head as she saw me bow my head.
I then said seeing the half of my cookie I haven't eaten yet.
"Mack doesn't feel the same way about me as I do about him, we're just friends,
(I then broke the half of the cookie I haven't finished and began nibbling on it.)
We're not soulmates".
Ronny was going to speak again but Rose placed her hand on his shoulder and said.
"Why don't you let me talk to her".
Ronny nodded and said standing up and pecking her temple.
"I'll make sure to keep the others away so Y/n can feel better before going back out their to see them".
Ronny left and then Rose sat down in front of me and we stared at each other before she said softly.
"Ronny's right though, you and Mack are made for each other.
(She then pointed at me while lightly smiling as I put my fouces on eating my cookie rather than answering her, rose could always see straight through me when it comes to finding the truth despite the words I use to lie.)
I also know you know that to be true,
(She then frowned and said.)
What I don't get is why you're denying it instead of going to Mack and telling him how you feel"?
I then said softly.
"Because I'm scared he won't see me in the light,
(I then said not having the energy to finish the last piece of my cookie.)
His rejection would be the death of me more than not seeing him again ever could from, if he doesn't come back from patrol because Flurius and Norg's monsters got him.
(I then rubbed my eyes as I said.)
A future possibility that haunts me in the form of nightmares".
Rose then took hold of my hand and said softly while looking at me.
"How are you going to know how he feels about you, if you're not willing to take the risk"?
It was the way Rose looked into my eyes that made me so sure and brave enough to think about how I would tell Mack about my feelings for him.
Ronny must have underestimated Mack's quick reflexes because Mack walked into the kitchen looking around frantically before finally settling on me as he asked.
"Y/n, are you okay, Ronny said you were coughing"?
Rose then said, telling the lie I told her and Ronny, only she was more convincing as she smiled as Mack's attention remained on me and I felt my heart race and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
"She swallowed water down the wrong pipe, because we startled her when we arrived earlier than we expected.
(Rose then turned to me and said, explaining why they came early.)
Mack tried to reach you to let you know that the monsters have been subdued but you weren't answering.
(I could see the concern that was now present in his eyes along with an emotion that could only be described as love when I looked back at him.)
He began to freak, so me and Ronny tried to reach you and received the same response so we told him we would head back early".
I then said softly as I hung my head to avoid Mack's gaze .
"I'm sorry Mack, I didn't mean to worry you".
Mack then said walking towards me.
"It's okay,
(He then reached me and pulled me into a hug and said.)
And your well being and safety will always be my top priority".
I felt touched and I lightly smiled.
Mack then pulled away and said smiling.
"Now that the patrol has ended,
Ronny pitched the idea about us celebrating another victory at the Transformers Cafe, you want to go"?
I nodded and smiled as I said, knowing that Ronny most likely pitched the idea so I could tell Mack my feelings.
Only this time, I wasn't mentally planning my revenge against Ronny for trying to rush me.
"Yeah, that sounds like the perfect idea".
Mack smiled and Rose then said, taking me from Mack's arms and I saw that Mack wanted me to stay in his arms.
"Well let's go change out of our uniforms,
(Rose then said as my eyes stayed on Mack as he held my gaze.)
And I want to look my best".

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