Edward Cullen x (Clary & Jace Herondale's Angle hybrid Daughter) Reader Part 5

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(Y/n's Intro)

In Shakespeare's most famous romantic tragedy Friar Laurence cautioned Romeo in Act 2, Scene VI by saying 'These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph die, like fire and powder; which as they kiss, consume'.
He warned Romeo that his love for Juliet may be his end, but Romeo followed his heart to his very last breath.
Before I came to Forks and met a man that turned my world upside down like Juliet turned Romeo's world inside out, I thought Romeo felt too strongly, too fast and acted impulsively.
But now as I rushed to Voltare, not caring about my own safety and future life span, I realized that Romeo may have felt strongly, but he did have a point when it came to love.
When you truly love someone, you'll risk life and limb, putting their needs above your own as you run to their aid.
I just hope my love story has a happier ending.

* Four Weeks Later *

(Jace's Pov)

For a week Magnus has been busy gathering spell ingredients and casting mild location spells before trying the one we've been working hard to make sure would work, the only catch was that Y/n has to want to be found.
I found Clary in the music room of the New York Institute and she said, sensing me in the door way from where she sat by the piano.
"It's almost like it was yesterday that Y/n was three years old and playing her first keys".
I nodded and I said walking towards my wife.
"It's like there are moments in time where everything just stands still and then,
(I snapped my fingers as I smiled with Clary.)
Woosh time just escapes you".
Clary nods and says as I saw she held one of Y/n's wooden training daggers.
"I still can't believe how much she changed, how much she grew when I only saw her through Magnus spell and yet slightly not recognize her".
I then said, rubbing Clary's arms.
"I know Clary, Y/n's been surprising us the moment she came into this world.
(I then pecked my wife's cheek and said, hugging her.)
She learned from the bravest, strongest and cleverist mother in the world, she's going to be okay".
Clary then patted my arms and turned to face me and said holding my face in her hands.
"She also learned from an amazing and loving father that taught her it's okay to let your feelings guide your actions".
Clary ran a hand through my blond hair and it felt nice, she hasn't down that in a while.
We were relishing the moment when Alex came running in with Simon.
Clary then said, seeing their alert and anxious faces.
"Alex, Simon what's up"?
Simon then said smiling.
"Magnus, he felt Y/n's presence, he thinks he can find her through the spell now".
'No way Y/n would be careless if she knew we're looking for her'.
I then said standing up.
"Didn't Magnus say the tracking spell would only work if she wants us to find her"?
Alex then said, sensing my train of through through our bond while Simon looked confused.
"Yeah, You think she's in trouble"?
I then said, knowing my daughter is capable of moving mountains if she wanted to.
"Or someone she cares about is and she wants to double their chances of safety by using her Shadowhunter abilities to draw our attention".
Isabelle calls out to us, yelling in fear after we all stood in silence.
"Jace, Clary, Simon, Alex come here now!
Zuko sent a fire message that I think you guys might want to read"!

(Y/n's Pov) * Earlier in the Day *

The past four weeks were spent hanging out with the LA Push Reservation pack at the pack house, spending time with Bella's dad so he didn't get suspicious, and taking small hikes in the woods with the boys watching over me and Bella.
Today was no different, only me and Bella were helping Emily out with the cooking and cleaning while we waited for the pack to come back so we could go hiking again.
Apparently the boys have a habit of making a mess and leaving a pigsty wherever they go in the pack house after coming back from patrol.
I wiped my forehead and I called out to Bella who was helping Emily in the kitchen after finishing sweeping and taking out the trash.
"I finished the livingroom,
(I then walked into the kitchen and asked Emily who turned to me.)
Any other rooms that need tidying up"?
Emily shook her head smiling and said.
"Nope, the house is all clean now,
(Emily turned to Bella and then back at me.)
Thanks again for your help guys.
(She then mentioned to the table.)
Now why don't you two take a break,
(Emily and Bella brought food enough for us to eat at the table and then we settled down.)
You guys won't be able to go on your hike and then cliff diving with the boys when you're exhausted".
I nodded and said, smiling while grabbing a sandwich and an apple.
"I never heard of cliff diving before last week, I can't wait to try it".
Bella then said to Emily as Bella smiled.
"Before Y/n came to Forks she tried everything from wind surfing, to rock climbing".
Emily did the wow face as she turned to me and said.
"What's it like to wind surface"?
I then said, thinking back to the feeling I got while gliding through the air on the board.
"It's like flying,
(Mentioning the word flying gave me a weird sensation on my shoulder blades and back but I ignored it and I said.)
The feeling of the air rushing through my hair as the light sea spray hit my cheeks and body is a feeling unlike any other when jumping two feet into the air with the help of an off air kite ".
Emily then said smiling.
"You might not want to talk like that in front of the boy's or they will want to try, they may be able to heal fast from any injury they receive,
(She then shock her head while smiling.)
But I don't think they like to receive broken limbs and strained muscles".
I nodded and Bella said as I began to finish my sandwich.
"It's a good thing that cliff diving is the safer option of those two beach activities".
After our break, we cleaned up the table and helped Emily cook a big enough lunch for the boys, Bella and I waited for the boys on the front porch.
I could see Bella was getting worried and when she gets worried, Bella wants an activity to distract her when Edythe and Beaufort aren't around; (either being pet sitter by Charlie or when they're alone in the cabin when they're sick; today Charlie was pet sitting, because when I went to see Bella at her place, she asked if I wanted to come and visited Jacob and then Charlie volunteered to look after Edythe and Beaufort.)
I then said raising my hand when she turned toe and I turned my head away so she won't use her puppy dog best friend's eyes against me.
I can never say no to her when she does that.
"No, if you're going to suggest we go hiking to the diving cliffs without the boys then my answer is no".
Bella then begged and I could practically hear the pout on her face when she turned more to look at me while I was turning away.
"Oh come on Y/n please?
It hasn't been just the two of us on a hike in four Weeks.
(I closed my eyes and I cursed silently.
'Of course she's going to use the 'lets have some girl time' card against me'.)
You're a bad*** Shadowhunter warrior descended from long and powerful bloodlines, trained and taught by Legends who are your own parents and extend family.
(That did the trick, she got me to turn to face her and meet her eye and she knew she had me hook, line and sinker.)
You can protect us both with both hands behind your back.
(I sighed and she said smiling, knowing that she knew I'll say yes but she was saying this so I could feel better.)
The boys are still patrolling the woods so we'll be okay to hike to the cliffs by ourselves, so pretty please?
(She then sat on her knees and begged as she said.)
Let's go on our hike, just us girls, please".
I then said looking at her with my hands on my hips.
"Okay, we can go.
(Bella then smiled, clapping as she stood back up and I said pointing at her.)
But you stay close to me and with in my sight do you understand?
(Bella nodded and I said turning to grabbed our hiking gear from the bed of Bella's truck which she got repainted, but not to its original red coat, but the color of orange the red paint job faded into.)
I rather not be murdered by your Werewolf boyfriend because you sprained an ankle thank you very much".
Bella laughed and said as she patted my shoulder.
"Oh please, he won't murder you, even if he did he'll have to face my wrath".
I then said as I changed my boots to my hiking boots and then wrapped my rain coat around my waist because the rain decided to let up for the afternoon.
"You have been spending way too much time with Paul".
Those two have become thick as thieves the minute Bella and I began hanging out with the boys on a daily basis.
Granted Paul and I became fast friends as well, but I worry that he might be rubbing off of Bella too much since he was also tasked to be Bella's body guard when Jacob or Sam, or both, aren't around.
Bella was the type of person that leaps before she looks when helping protect those she cares about from danger.
Bella then said as we got out hiking back packs on our backs.
"Come on Miss Nephilim warrior, live a little.
(She began walking on the hiking path that is right outside the pack house that the packs used to enter and exit the woods.)
Time waits for no woman".
I sighed, smiling while rolling my eyes behind her back and Bella said smiling as I began to follow her.
"I saw that".
I laughed with her and then began a trek that led to the most heart wrenching moment I could ever experience in my life time

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