Edward Cullen x (Clary & Jace Herondale's Angle hybrid Daughter) Reader Part 3

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(Y/n's Intro)

Marcus Aurelius once said 'Accept the things which fate binds you, and love the people whom fate brings you together; but do so, with all your heart'.
I identify with this quote more than anyone can imagine because for two years I let my sixth sense and heart point me wherever I go.
Before I read this quote, I assumed that it was my Shadow Hunter instincts that lead me to where Downworlding Community became restless.
But now I know that it was actually fate taking me where I needed to go and when, now I have a true best friend that accepts me, all of me, and potentially, a soulmate that may turn out to be the missing piece I've been searching for since I was little.

(Y/n's Pov)

After I finished my whispered explanation with Bella, her eyes began sparkling with questions that I could feel coming with rapid succession (and the headache I'll be receiving from how fast she might say them.)
But my main concern was how loud she was going to be when she asked peculiar questions in public, which is why I raised my hand and reminded her of where we are.
"I'll answer all your questions, but not here.
(Bella looked at our fellow customers and I took hold of Beaufort who fell asleep on Edythe's warm back after eating as much ice cream as he could.
Putting him in his Carrier as Edythe stretched, I could see that she wished to rest for five more minutes.)
Not everything is as it seems when it comes to large or small gatherings,
(I then stood up and Edythe follow beside me, tired and slow as Bella throw the trash away and catch up with us before we exited the fast food restaurant.)
And we have to furry little ones thatuch prefer to rest in their beds so let's get going.
(Me and Bella rushed to her truck, not really soaked but the smell of wet pets stuck to our noses, and sadly, the rain woke Beaufort and he was not pleased.)
And I think they want to also be dry".
I was calming Beaufort and petting Edythe who laid curled in my lap as Bella drove us to my cabin.
Once we were back inside the safety of my cozy home away from home, Bella asked her questions while we cleaned and dryed Edythe and Beaufort, including setting up their stuff throughout the cabins living room.
Bella said her last question with avid fascination.
"And are all nephilim like you, gifted"?
I then said as I raised two fingers.
"I only know of two Nephilim that are gifted with unique abilities like mine and their my parents,
(I pulled out a drawing of my parents that I hid and then handed it to bella.)
but besides them, every Shadowhunter has a special skill.
(I then set up the movies we planned to watch on my big plasma screen.)
only they seem to protein to weaponry skill, designing unique weapons for combat, hand to hand combat, intellectual strategy, and instrument dexterity".
Bella then said, setting my drawing on the little entertainment table.
"So basically your trained it be soldiers against the ongoing battles Nephilim have with demons".
I nodded and I said, looking at the drawing of my parents.
"My parents are legendary in the Downworlder and Nephilim Communities because they defeated two foes that would have been impossible to face it done by anyone else".
Bella remembered what I told her about that subject because it was part of one of her earlier questions like are my family members like me.
"Your grandfather and uncle on your mother's side of the family".
I nodded and continued with my story.
"Because of their fame, I grew up hearing about their accomplishments and their expectations for me and like my father I surpassed them.
But I wanted something more and I only ever felt like I was close to what I've been missing when I spent my time in the mundane/human world".
Bella then said softly.
"That's why you been traveling, why you haven't stayed in more than one place for two weeks.
(She then thought back to how long I stayed in forks.)
Yet you stayed here.
What makes Fork's different, I mean sure it has vampires, but now that their are no vampires-.
(She saw my head being turned away at the mention of the Cullens species then said.)
Wait, you came because the Cullens were drawing you here, but not to hunt them".
I nodded and I said.
"I felt a pull to fork's and I thought because it was a rest stop of Downworlders traveling long distances, but then I met the Cullens.
(I remembered the way Edwards eyes shined and how he looked when he smiled.)
When I met Edward, I finally felt like I was where I was ment to be.
(I frowned as I remembered how I felt when he left and I felt the pull to go after him.)
But then they left and I felt the pull to leave,
(I looked at Bella and said.)
But you needed me more and I wasn't going to follow my instincts again because all that is seem to have gotten the first time was heart ache.
(I then smiled at Bella.)
Besides receiving a great friendship many can only dream of having, I'm content with what I have now".
Bella smiled and she said hugging me.
"Oh Y/n, I love you to".
I hugged her back and I said, grabbing the remote once we pulled away.
"Now, ready for an underworld Marathon"?
Bella then said smiling, siting straight and looking right at the TV screen.
"Born ready".

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