Chapter 67

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Chapter 67


Rosalyne's POV

"Alisa!" I ran back to where I left her.

Arle stayed behind for some seconds, probably debating if she should warn the others before chasing after me but soon enough I heard her footsteps behind me. I found Mr Lapis on the phone talking to someone and Alisa on the ground. A deep red stained her clothes and the puddle of blood that grew more in size with each second that went by was beginning to stain her platinum hair, making it red.

I had never seen Alisa bleed, not even an accidental cut when cooking, never. She was too careful about everything and calculated every movement of hers. Seeing her bleed out in the middle of a dirty dark alley like that... It made me snap.

I drew my gun and pointed it at Mr Lapis' head. I had never taken a life but I was more than willing to now.

"You bastard! You'll pay for this!"

"I'll call you back later" he hung up and looked me up and down with a bored expression that shifted into amusement when he recognized me "ah, you must be the fiancée. I'm afraid the wedding of your dreams will never arrive now that I've, well, messed it up" he put his shoe on Alisa's shoulder, who didn't bulge.

"I'll fucking kill you, you son of a bitch" I pulled the trigger and the gun clicked but nothing came out "what?"

He took his own gun and cocked it.

"You don't even know how to handle a gun, do you?" he chuckled.

I took a step back as he aimed his gun at me. This was it... it was over... I heard a gunshot and checked my body but I was unharmed.

"You bitch!" Mr Lapis fell to the ground, dropping his gun to hold his shoulder, now bleeding bright red.

Arle lowered her gun and approached me, pointing at my own gun.

"You had safety on"

I looked at the gun in my hands and the little lever that kept the gun from firing was indeed turned on.

"Ugh, I'm so stupid " I ran over to Alisa and turned to Arle "cover me if anyone comes and make sure Mr Lapis doesn't run away"

"Yes, ma'am"

I kneeled next to the body and opened the case with medical material, taking out everything. Luckily, thanks to Arle, I knew Alisa's blood type now. She was cautious enough to include it in her file. AB+, the universal receiver. I found the bullet wound on her shoulder and saw that the bullet hadn't gone all the way through. I turned on the little light Sandy had added to the top of the case and leaned Alisa's upper body on my thighs for better access as I tried to take out the bullet carefully with my fingers.

I thanked any god that was listening when I heard her heart still beating as I checked her pulse. I made quick work of cleaning the wound and patching her up to stop the bleeding before starting a small transfusion from one of the blood bags Arle had provided.

Some agents in dark uniforms started appearing around us, Lapis' men probably, and aimed their guns at us. Arle smiled at me and started the carnage, shooting anyone on sight. I took off the safety of my own gun and cocked it to help Arle, checking on Alisa's blood pressure at every few shots.

Alisa remained unconscious through the whole thing and I had to stop to check on her heartbeat every once in a while, fearing the worst. Arle was reloading her gun when I suddenly felt like someone had dropped a brick on my chest. I fell on my back, my breath being knocked out of my chest and Arle made quick work of firing a headshot towards the guy that had just shot me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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