Chapter 15

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Madison's POV.

I couldn't help but smile after Carl told me we could stay. I hadn't though that my family would ever be free from those train car and now that we are I feel somewhat free, even if the world has gone to shit. I haven't told my family yet.

I'm standing beside Maggie now and I can sense her first question before she even says it
"Why are you so chirpy?"
I was right.
She's smiling too.
"We get to stay and we're going home. Well, my home. I've been dreaming of being back there for far too long."
I didn't think Maggie's smile could get wider but she proves me wrong.
"I was hoping he'd let you stay. I've gotta say, I've a good feeling about you."

We chat together as we walk, learning new things about each other.
"What about you? What did you like to do before all of this happened?" She waves her hand around refering to the world ending.
"I lived for the weekends in the woods with my dad and my bow and arrows."
"Wow, I didn't have you pegged for an archery girl."
"Well it's been a while, so I'd say I'm a little rusty."

I look away from Maggie and accidentally make eye contact with Carl. He looks away, embarrassed to be caught staring. I wonder if he could hear us too.
"Hey Maggie, I think Carl is listening." I whisper.
She smirks to herself.
"Arrested, you say? For what?" She blurts. Her voice is so serious it takes me a moment to realize what she's doing.
Carl frowns in the distance and tilts his head towards us. If I needed any proof that he was listening to us then this was it. I tag along with Maggie's joke.

"Attempted robbery. It all went down hill so fast. It's hard to pin point where we went wrong. We just walked into a bank and pulled a gun on whoever was behind the counter. We didn't realize there was a panic button, so in a moment of panic, I shot her."
"You killed her?" Maggie gasps.
Her acting skills are honestly so atrocious that I would be surprised if Carl caught on to the joke.
I roll my eyes.
"Stone dead. Out for the count."

Carl stops dead in his tracks and when we twist back he stares at me like I have ten heads.
I ruin the whole facade by bursting out laughing. Maggie joins in but Carl only looks more appalled.

"Honestly Carl? A bank robbery? C'mon, if I wanted to rob anywhere a security riddled bank would not be my first spot on the hit list.
His mouth just hangs there searching for words.
"So, you didn't-"
"No, you dumbass." I roll my eyes.
"Next time maybe don't listen into our conversation." Maggie teases.

"What? I.... I didn't, why would I....I wasn't listening into your damn conversation." He splutters, and I have to admit to myself it's kinda cute.
"Come on, it's fine. If you're not still mad at us you can join us." I tell him
He sighs, but comes to stand beside me, to join us.

"What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, Madison and her bow and arrows. Are you good?" Maggie dives right back into conversation as if nothing happened.
I chuckle, what was I meant to say to her?
Yeah, i'm totally amazing.
I feel like rolling my eyes are her question but I choose against it.

"I was decent at it." I admit.
"Is that why you're so good at throwing knives." Carl asks.
"I mean, back at that place, you knew exactly how to hold the knife, it looked so natural in your hands, and when you killed your first walker but went for its stomach first, you threw the knife and hit it with complete accuracy." he points out.

I'm suprised by how observant he is. I notice that everyone in the group is now listening in, trying to learn about me and my strange talent with knives.
"Yeah, my dad thought me everything I know. He was a hunter and he brought me into the woods with him every weekend. He was a very suspicious man, he wanted me to know how to defend myself or how to hunt. He thought I'd need to know it someday. I guess he was right. He taught me how to use my bow, throw knifes, sets snares, teach me what foods were edible or not, that kind of stuff."

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