Chapter 26

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I stomp downstairs clutching my bow and arrows tightly in my hand. Mom is still a blubbering mess upstairs. I can't believe she has the nerve to act like the victim here. She sets my teeth on edge. Realistically, that was my window to tell her I understand she didn't mean to kill that man but jeez, she drives me crazy. I couldn't stand to be around her any longer.

I have to cool off after what just happened between me and my mom. I know exactly what I want to do before I realize I'm doing it. My feet guide me towards the door, to follow the same path as earlier. I'm going to the field and my bow is coming with me.

When the door closes behind me I squint into the garden. It's very dark outside and it takes my eyes a while to adjust as I climb the tree but I don't jump until I know I'm comfortable enough that I can see around me.

I know this is messy and risky but I honestly don't care right now, I can't even think straight. I just need to release this stress and this is the only way I know how.

I stare into the field from my birdseye view and spot four moving figures in the distance.
Strange, the woods were practically untouched by walkers earlier.
There isn't many and I feel confident enough to take them on. I'll do it at a safe distance. This is how I can practice and get comfortable with my bow again.

I jump from the tree, landing on all fours, and like earlier I ignore the familiar sting in my legs from the impact of the ground. The hard thud of my feet hitting the ground was enough to catch the walkers attention. Most of them are further away so I don't feel as worried as I know I should be.

I sling my arrows on my back and stand in a ready position. There's one walker that is already quite near me, so I draw an arrow back with the string of my bow. I take my time so I don't mess it up.

I take a few deep breaths before I jump into action, just like my dad taught me. And just like that I release the string and the arrow finds its mark in seconds. With the arrow lodged in the walkers head it slumps to the ground instantly with a hard thud.

I walk further into the field and check my surroundings, staring intensely at my next three targets. Still feeling confident, I use the safe distance between me and the next walker to prepare my next kill. I pull another arrow out to sit perfectly in place with my bow. I pull back the string again and rest it at my lips. The string shivers against my breath which becomes faster as the walker nears.

I can feel my adrenaline kick in. My heart is pounding but my hands are steady, despite their clamminess. As the walker gets closer I feel the adrenaline turn to pure electricity in my veins. I feel so awake, so alive and I can't resist the smile that spreads across my face. I don't have much time to waste now so I quickly release the string. My arrow flies but this time it hits the walker in the shoulder. He staggers while I quickly shoot again, hitting him in the head.

The next two walkers are the furthest away in the field and after waiting for them to get closer to me I finally decide to move towards them instead. They're both taken care of just as easily as my last, without the delay this time.

I feel happy with my bow at my side. The way the wood shapes itself around my hand let's me know that it was made just for me, it was meant to be mine. The way it feels to shoot again feels just as natural as breathing. I barely have to think about it. I'm relieved to know that I haven't completely lost my touch.

Once all four walkers are dealt with I look up to the tree line of the woods, debating whether or not to travel deeper into the woods than earlier but I notice several figures in the trees. I feel myself freeze.
Where are they all coming from?

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