Chapter 77

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Madison's POV:

Carl left about an hour ago and I found that my eyes became heavy. I didn't remember falling asleep but when I woke most people had arrived back from their afternoon shifts.

My stomach growls angrily and I sigh. I never thought I'd complain about having food but I can't look at another soup again, never mind have yet another as my dinner. Soup has become my breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I silently curse myself for giving that orange away. I want proper food. I feel like I need proper food. Even in the train carts, I'm not sure there was a time even then that I was this malnourished. My skin stretched too tightly over my bones and I can tell by my reflection in the glass say on my bedside locker that I've become too pale, sickly pale.

Doctors and nurses usually flood in and out of my room quite regularly so I begin to worry when nobody shows for a while. I fling the blankets off me and grab the side of my bed to help me sit up and throw my legs out of the bed.

I stand and weakly walk to the door. It wasn't too hard, I feel stronger now than I had before but when I walk it still feels like trying to move your numb legs after sitting on the for too long. I don't consider the wheelchair at all. I hate the looks I get in it. I hate the feeling of helplessness I have when I sit in it.

I walk slower than usual, conserving my energy and concentrating on placing one foot in front of the other.

I walk down the long and winding hall until I reach the reception. It's quiet there too and I hope that's just because it's late now. I look through the boarded windows of the reception and all I see is the dark night out. It's only then that I realize it's the first time in days that I've seen the sky, or outside in general.

Not many people notice as I pass through and amble along the hallway. I'm not really sure where my feet are taking me but somehow I end up outside Dawns office. I know three times before I hear her annoying voice welcome me in. I push the door open and find Dawn sitting at her desk writing something into a file.

She looks up. "Oh wow, my favorite patient." She says dryly.
She waves her bandages hand to contradict her welcome.
I don't apologize, in fact I feel like stabbing her was one of the smarter decisions I've had since arriving here.

"Mind if I sit?" I ask pointing at the seat in front of her desk.
I sit before she answers and I feel instant relief in my legs and hips. My stomach feels stained after the walk and my hand sits over my bandaged scar.
"Where are your doctors ?"
"Your guess is as good as mine." I shrug.

Her watches me and puts down her pen. I drop my hand from my scar. I don't like her seeing me as weak. Her eyes narrow.
"You're not meant to be walking on your own, at all actually." She says and folds a piece of paper in half that sits inside the file.
"Is that for my sake or yours?"I ask gingerly.
"Well, last time you walked around here unsupervised you stabbed my hand and attacked me, you verbally abused my security, caused a ruckus in the reception and frighted half my people all in the space of ten minutes."
I nod. "It was a busy morning."

She rolls her eyes and huffs. "Why are you here Ms. Smith ?" 
"I wanted to talk to you."
"Talk to me ? About what? I thought you hated me."
"I do. Still hate you..." I say clearly.
"But I'm sick of sitting around doing nothing in that room. There has to be something I can do around here. I'll go crazy otherwise."

"Tough luck kid, thats what the doctors told you to do and you'll listen. I told Rick that I would save you at those doors when you all arrived if he helped us." She explains.
I try to speak but she cuts me off.
"Rick is working, holding his side of the deal, I'm trying to uphold mine-" she waves to me. "But you're making it very difficult to do that when you don't listen !"

"I'm practically recovered now and I know that you hate me too and that you hate the idea of me sitting around doing nothing for you or your hospital so just give me an easy job. Something where I don't have to move around as much."

She raises a brow and stares at me but she looks like she's considering it.
"What job did you have in mind, i'm presuming it's not just any job?" She asks.
"You presume right. Before all this, my dad taught me some things, you know, like first aid or nature aid like what plant, berry or roots help when your sick. Maybe I could help the nurses or just observe. I know some things and I want to help and I want to learn too."

"I guess I could make something work." She admits and I feel a smile spread across my face.
"Did you have a certain teacher in mind?"
"Yes, actually. I was wondering if you could get Luke Timons to help me." I chance.
She smirks "Luke timons? You met him, huh?"
I nod. "About fifteen years ago. I knew him from home." I say.
"Well I'll be damned. It really is a small world isn't it?" She whispers.
"It seems to be even smaller these days."
Dawn nods. "Sure is.... I can't guarantee anything but I'll see what I can do."

I know she's lying. She runs this place, she can make anything happen if she wanted.
I continue to stare, silently pressuring her.
"Alright Jesus, I'll switch him from kitchen to medical. You start in the morning."

I grin proudly, hoping that Luke doesn't mind the change of schedule.
"How do you two know each other then?"
"We we're neighbors."
She nods and an expression plays on her face as of she's concentrating on remembering that little fact, filing it away in an internal cabinet for later. I begin to regret telling her about Luke and I. What is she uses him against me?

"You too have quite the history together." She notes and I nod.
"Good to know. Okay, well, I have work so scram." She shoos.

"Before I do, I have one more favour to ask. Maggie used to be a medical student and-"
"Yes, yes, I know. I was speaking to her about it already. She'll be working there too. It's sorted. Now get out of my office before I change my mind."

I lift myself out of the chair and leave the room without another word. My feet shuffle along the cold, flat floors and I begin to make my way back to my room.
Along the way I pass the secret stairs that Dawn warned us not to go down. My feet freeze at the very top of the stairs and I can't help but gaze down.

The stairs, as far as I can see, lead to nothing but darkness. It's impossible to see down there. I glance once behind me. Nobody is around, the hall behind me is still and silent. Dawn forbid us to go down these stairs so naturally I found myself placing one foot on the steps below and then placing another below that and so on and so on until I found myself at the bottom of the stairs surrounded by the cold and the dark.

I squint to see a split section presenting two hallways, one to the left and the other to the right. I steer myself towards the left hall and allow myself to travel down it. As I walk down the hall a few lamps hung on the walls, providing dim light and large shadows. But the lamps splash enough light to help me see that there are caged doors symetrical to each other, trailing the whole way down the hall.

"You're not allowed down here." A tall man shouts from behind me. I jump with fright and scramble to think of a lie.
"I, uh, i'm new here. I got lost." Is the only thing that came to mind.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
"Scram kid, get outta here! This floor is off limits. Get that in your thick brain.
OFF. LIMITS!." He yells.
I turn on my heels and climb the stairs again. I make my way back to my room and sit on my bed.
Those doors nearly looked like prison doors. I can't help but wonder why its off limits.
But I know that i'll make it my mission to find out pretty soon.

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