Chapt. 1- The Offer

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Leila's POV

Well hello there I'm Leila Renee I'm about 21 turning to 22 years old well ever since I was a little girl I've always loved to act in fact I'm the best actress in our family, best in acting shy I used to do that if I want something so bad, but that doesn't mean I'm spoiled. Ok back in the present day I'm now pacing back and forth thinking about having a vacation....

Where will I go?

Where will I stay?

Am I really doing this?

But I can't do that for now

My career is just getting started
I need to work more

But I don't feel the offers I currently have right now

It doesn't fit me, and I don't feel the character

I need someone *wait that one's going too far* no I need an inspiration let's see on my list...

Leila's inspiration ♡♡♡
5.) Gimme 5 (Every Member)
4.) Taylor Swift
3.) Vhong Navarro
2.) Janet Jackson
1.) Michael Jackson

At least one of them will be starred with me so I won't get I'll feel like I'm just making friends to the people that are close to my heart...

That's it! I'm doing it I'm accepting one last offer though they don't have my desired star....Waiiitt no I'm taking a vacation I'm exhausted.... Already what a pity of yourself.... Vacation.... Offer.... Vacation.... Offer.... VACATION!!!.... OFFER!!!

"Damn! Why can't I decide already!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

When the phone suddenly rang

"Come on baby, let's getaway
Let's save our troubles for another day
Come go with me with me we've got it made
And let me take you on an escapade
LET'S GO!!!"

My baby Janet Jackson sang it I used her song Escapade chorus as my ringtone cuz it makes me feel Daaammmnnnn good....

"Oh Janet you always know what to say to make me feel better" I said with a giggle before answering the phone.

"Hello?" I start

"Hello! Am I speaking to Miss Renee? Leila Renee?" a voice asked.

"Yes, this is she speaking may I help you?"

"Yes, you would totally do, I'm Frank Dileo, Michael's manager, James Cameron the director is asking if you would like to come for an interview? It's about a movie he's working on and he would like you to be the co-star"

My eyes lit up and my smile almost reached my ears when I heard that "Well uh-uh-uh...Y-yeah" God you were supposed to be acting professional you idiot! "I mean of course I would love to, but would you mind me asking, why you called instead of the director?, I mean you're Michael Jackson's manager, and what would Michael do in the set?" Wait what did I just say?? Uh ooh

"Well I'm also one of the producers of the movie, so I got the authority to call you, and Michael is the lead star of the movie."

My eyes widen, my jaw drop I can't believe he's the star of the movie, Now he's one of your inspiration right he's #1 what are you waiting for? GO FOR IT!!!

"Hello? Miss Renee are you still there?" Frank asked.

"Oh... Uhh sorry Mr. Dileo, umm...sure I would love to, when is the interview?"

"Tomorrow, and be here at 10 at Neverland in case you're wondering"

"Ok I'll be there, thank you Mr. Dileo"

"No problem have a good day Miss Renee."

We both hang up the phone and I stood there still in shock, the next thing I know is that I'm jumping up and down on the bed like it was a trampoline.

"YEESSS, YESSS I'LL BE WORKING WITH MICHAEL JACKSON, OOOHHH MY GOOOOSHH" I squealed when I finally landed on the bed (on my back *so she ended up lying on the bed*)

I still can't believe that I'll be working with Michael Jackson, and worse I'll be his co-star, what will I do? Am I good enough in acting?

Come on Leila you can do it everybody loves you and believes that you're talented.

Great now my conscience is blurting again, *sigh* fine this is gonna be a long lecture.

Michael's POV

I already had the script on my hand, studying my character very well, my character name is "Daniel" well I slightly like it, I'm still wondering who's gonna play this "Maria" and SHE'S gonna be my co-star in this moody movie.

I was reading the second page of the script with a cup of coffee on my hand when my phone suddenly rang.

"Wooaaahh, I feel good"

It made me jump from my seat "Tsk thank you for scaring me James Brown, yeah now I feel good, and AWAKE" I added.

I picked up the phone with the caller "Frank Dileo" obviously it's his manager calling "Hey, Frank whatzzupp?"

"Michael, where are you right now?"

"I'm here at Neverland, studying my character, why?"

"Well we finally found a co-star for you and the girl who's gonna be playing the role Maria"

I raised both of my brows lightly half shocked half amused, hmm interesting "Oh... K Frank and when will she come over?"

"Tomorrow at 10 there in Neverland"

"Huh?!" I almost shout, hey Mike you're over reacting again SNAP OUT OF IT!! "Uhh I mean, Ok I'm looking forward to it, and uh what's her name?"

"Leila, Leila Renee" Frank answered

"Ohh ok thanks Frank" I said with a smile

"Alright, I gotta go Mike I gotta work on the project's details as soon as possible"

"Ok bye Frank"

"Bye Mike, see you tomorrow"

We both hang up, and I don't know why, I found myself smiling so wide, I can't stop my self from smiling since I heard that name oh God.

I transferred from my chair to my sofa to rest my entire body, I starred at the ceiling thinking about that name over and over again.

"Leila Renee, hmmm I love that name, it fits her perfectly well, though I haven't met her yet" I said to myself with a smile, while slowly but surely drifting off to sleep.

I think I like her already

A/N: Hey guys, I decided to change a few of the characters' personality like attitudes, nicknames some things like that, though it may be wayy too far from their real life, but HEY it's just a story nothing personal, and I'm trying my best to improve this story. So I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter.


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