Chapt. 44- Scheme & Guilt

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Author's POV

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6..." it's the day of new year's eve, everybody's gathered by the beach, ready to witness the new year's magic.

"... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!" the crowd yelled before blowing their new year horns and producing sounds, seconds later, the fireworks shot up on the sky and the crowd silenced.

While watching the magic in the sky, Michael took a glance at Leila who is looking up in the air smiling ear to ear.

"She's so beautiful." he thought to himself.

While Ariana's glare burns a hole at both of them, and ready to start her evil scheme.

Michael's POV


Me and Leila jumped by the bright light and saw Frank holding a camera chuckling.

"Frank, that was not funny!" I yelled and Leila giggled.

"Oh yeah it is Mike, y'all look cute, with you looking at her." Frank said motioning me and Leila, and she blushed.

"Come on y'all, food's ready!" James said beckoning us to the dining set.

Leila nodded and walked away, I was supposed to follow her but James grabbed my arm gently stopping me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"I know you like her Mike." James replied.

"Who?" I asked clueless.

"Of course... Leila." Frank replied.


"Oh no Ariana Ariana, you like Ariana?" Frank replied sarcastically.

"No... No." that girl gives me goosebumps, goosebumps in fear.

"So do you?" James asked once again.

I'll never win this fight anyway so I won't waste my strength, "(Sigh) Yes."

"I knew it!" James and Frank exclaimed snapping their fingers.

"Wait... You guys knew?" I said surprised.

"Yeah, all these days of shooting, I was observing both of you, I've seen the way y'all guys look at each other's eyes, you truly like... No love her Mike." James said.

"Yeah... You're right."

"When are you gonna tell her Michael? The shoot's almost finished, after this... There's a possibility that you guys will not see each other ever again." James said.

"We'll keep in touch by technology." I replied.

"But what about your heart Michael? It'll be very hard to bear, so hard you feel it's tortuous. And what if Leila will fall in someone else..."

My head jerks up eyes wide open mouth gaped.

"... Yeah, that's one of the possible scenarios, you don't want that to happen right?" James uttered.

I shook my head 'no'.

"So you gotta tell her ASAP Mike." Frank said, and James nodded in agreement.

I nodded as well.

"Souvenir for you Mike." Frank said handling me a picture, before walking away with James.

It was what he took when I was looking at Leila and she's looking up smiling ear to ear. *The camera Frank used is the camera that can develop the pic immediately, I don't know what's it called, sorry!*

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