Chapt. 20- Brace Yourself

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Leila's POV

I woke up in someone's arms I looked up and it was Michael asleep, he looks so cute when he sleeps he's so peaceful, relaxed I wish he could stay like this not dealing with all the pain this media and tabloids throw at him.

He slowly wake up and he smiled when he saw me, I smiled back.

"Wake up sleepy head, we're here" I said tapping his nose playfully.

"(Smiled Widely) Finally!" he replied.

We get up and and head to the door as the door opens, several fans and paparazzi's greeted us, it was peaceful though, the screams weren't really that loud.

There were some fans of mine and they called themselves 'Renzees' Hmmmmm I like that, but Michael's fans are 10x manier than mine of course.

Michael's POV

I was surprised that our arrival was peaceful even though there were screaming and cameras clicking. It wasn't that bad unlike the other places I've been, and I'm surprised that the media was gentel they respected our feelings and they asked valid questions, I'm starting to be in love with this city.

We climbed down the stairs hand in hand and a few reporters asked questions they were valid though so I answered them all.

"Michael, is it your first time here in the Philippines and Davao?"

"Yes it is, and I wanna thank you guys for welcoming me"

"No problem Mike"

This is really new to me.

"Michael how's your movie with Leila?"

"It's great I hope you watch it guys"

"I'll be the first in line" the reporter said.

I chuckled.

"Michael, are you planning to explore and taste the foods here in Davao?"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it"

"You'll love it Michael, I'm sure of it"

We finished answering their questions and the reporters seemed satisfied, I've never been this comfortable with public before. This place is... Perfect.

"I can see that you're enjoying communicating with the media" Leila asked as we sat on the limo.

Yeah I had a limo, I bought it online and my bodyguards claimed it and set it to pick us up.

"Yeah they were so gentel and ask valid questions, I guess they respect my feelings."

"Of course they do Michael, almost all of the Filipinos here are your fans even the government. We adore you Michael and we respect you"

"I feel like a total human here, and the reporters are acting like I'm just their buddy coming from out of town and I love that, if I had a choice I would love to live here... With you."

"(Giggled) You're daydreaming again, come on get some rest while I tell the directions to the driver, ok?"


I drift off to sleep.... After a few or a half an hour we arrived at our destination and I feel a gentel shake on my shoulder.

"Michael? Michael wakey wakey we're here" Leila said gently.

I've never been relaxed before, everything here is gentel.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw brown eyes staring at me.

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