Chapt. 22- Bonding

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Michael's POV

"Andreng let go of Michael NOW" Arl instructed to the little girl they called Andreng?

"I won't!" she replied giggling refusing to let go of me, while I kept holding her so she won't fall.

"Come on Andreng you're 14 years old you're to heavy right now, right Michael?" Arl replied and asked me.

Andreng pleaded to me with puppy dog eyes. Oh my God whyyy?

"(Clears Throat) It's alright Arl she's not heavy at all." I replied smiling.

"(Sighs) This kid... Jun?... JUN!" she exclaimed.

Jun snapped out from the newspaper to us.


"Tell your beloved niece to get off Michael, she's no longer a baby."

"(Sighed) Ok... Andreeeeeng?..." he said prolonging her name.

She became nervous looking at her uncle.

"... Please get off of Michael." he simply said.

"(Sighed Playfully) OooKeee" she said while giggling and jumped down.

All this time she's just playing, silly kid.

And this little boy came to me  tugging my shirt, which I guess is Andreng's brother, I picked him up and carried him by my hip.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked.

"Amboooy!" he replied with a grin. He's so cute.

"That's his nickname, his real name is Prince Leonard Gayola" Arl reassured.

"Oh, hello Prince nice to meet you." I said to him with a smile.

"Just call him Amboy!" Andreng interrupts.

"Ok, Amboy" I said pinching his fluffy cheeks sofly.

"(Giggled) Michael Jackson!! Michael Jackson!!" he exclaimed lifting his arms on the air.

"Yep that's me." I said putting him down.

Marga and Samantha bursts out the door next, Gash these girls are inseparable.

"Michael this is Samantha, I'm sure you met Marga already" Arl said walking towards Samantha.

"Yeah, Marga used to call me Kuya Michael, it's cute." I replied making Marga giggle.

"Can I call you Kuya Michael too?" Samantha asked shyly with her hands on her back.

"Me too" Andreng exclaimed excitedly.

"Me tchoo!" Prince repeated, Is he really messing his pronouncation in purpose.

"Of course you all can call me Kuya Michael that would be fun!" I replied enthusiastically. I can't explain the happiness I'm feeling right now.

"YEEYY!!!" they all exclaimed in union and hugged me very... VERY tight!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You're killing him and you're too young to be in jail!" Jun exclaimed pulling the kids out of me in his arms, making them giggle.

I sighed in relief, honestly it wasn't a hug anymore, they were strangling me and I'm losing air.

"You ok Michael?" Arl asked half concerned half giggling.

"I am now" I replied as I catch my breath.

The kids giggled and walked out from the kitchen chanting my name.

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