Chapt. 49- Goodbye... For Now

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Ariana's POV

I tucked Michael in his bed, he just cried himself to sleep, and as a 'caring friend' I'm doing this, and I love it.

He stirred and turned to his side getting comfortable, he looks so peaceful while sleeping.

“Once day, you'll end up with me baby... I'm coming.” I whispered and kissed his forehead.

I walked out of his room and closed the door behind me, I turned to see Heather staring at me.

“What?” I said bluntly.

“We shouldn't have done that Ariana.” she replied.

“Done what?” I asked.

“The threat.”

I scoffed and chuckled.

“Maybe you forgot that... It was YOUR idea not mine, and why wouldn't I do it, I've been planning to hurt Leila anyway.” I said placing my hands on my hips.

“That's the thing... Nobody deserves to get hurt, and you hurt her pretty bad... Deeply bad.”

“Wait hold on... Are you trying to tell me that... You care about Leila's feelings? I thought you hate her.”

“Hated or not, that person does not deserve to get hurt.”

“Oh how sweet... Just let it be Heather, it was not only me, it was also you and Queenie.” I huffed and walked away.

Leaving Heather standing there with sad eyes.

What's wrong with that stupid girl?

La Toya's POV

“Where's my notes La Toya and why were you yelling?” Joseph asked as he walked in the garage.

Rebbie transferred to my side as we stood there face to face with our father who has a blank look on his face waiting for an answer.

Me and Rebbie looked at each other before looking back at him.

He looked down to the car cabinet and his face turned red.

“WHERE THE HELL DID MY NOTEBOOKS GO?!” he yelled, making me jump.

Fortunately my brothers are not here only mother.

“Joseph... What was that for?” Mother asked walking in the garage as well.

“My notebooks disappeared like f*ck*ng bubbles!” he replied.

“Watch your mouth Joe!” she snapped.

He sighed and rubbed his temple.

“We t-think that somebody broke into our car and stole it.” Rebbie stuttered.

“What? Why would they steal my notebooks and how did you know?” he asked.

“First of all... We don't know, second... Because we found this in the car.” I replied handing him the pendant.

He opened it angrily and his face turned blood red in anger.

“HER?!” he growled.

“Who Joseph?” Mother asked.

He handed her the pendant and she looked at it confused.

“The girl who got a--” she uttered but he cuts her off.


“Wh-why would she do such a thing?” she asked.

“I don't know, that's why I'm gonna find out right now.” he said sternly.

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