Chapt. 35- Trinity @ 22

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Michael's POV

I smirked as I stuffed the box back inside my pocket.

This is gonna be great.

Just then MJ appeared and tapped my shoulder and I around.

"Mike, can you help LM?, he's not very well, I guess he's nervous or something, I can't comfort him though I got so many things to do."

"Sure where is he?"



With that I scuttled out running.

I reached the backstage to only see LM crouching on the floor with his back against the wall staring at nothing, he looks very scared.

"LM?" I blurted.

He looks up to me.

"You ok?" I asked with concern.

"Yes of course I am." he answered back with a smile and I know it's fake.

"(Sighed) I know that smile LM, don't lie to me, what's really going on?" I said walking and crouching beside him as well.

He sighed knowing he'll never win this argument with me so he just gave in, and that's a good decision.

"I don't know Mikey, I'm so nervous." he said looking down.

"For your production number?"

He nodded.

"Oh LM, you don't have anything to be nervous about, the way you moved when we rehearsed was totally amazing!"

"What if they didn't like it, or what if I miss a step or I'll slip or trip and fall? It'll be embarrassing Michael I can't take it."

"First of all LM they're not gonna like it, they're gonna love it, cuz I was the one who choreographed it, second, so what if you'd trip or fall? We make mistakes we're not perfect at least we tried our very best, even though we have to be embarrassed to make people realize that. And don't worry LM you'll be fine, I know you can do it." I comforted him rubbing his back.

Ha! I guess I got infected by Leila also, now I comfort people because of being close to her, I learned how to comfort people, well I do comfort people through my music but I'm kinda rusty in words, when I became so close to Leila I improved and I'm doing things like what she's doing.

Making people feel comfortable and warm inside through words.

"Thank you Mikey, I really needed that." he said patting my back.

We chuckled and he went back for more practice with more determination.

"Good luck LM." I said waving my hand as I begin to walk away.

He gave me a thumb up as a reply before crossing his feet for a quick spin, and he done it neatly.

Boy that boy can be a dancer one day.

I went back with the others making sure that everything is on set, here we are all dressed formal and all including me.

Leila's POV

I'm wondering why are everyone missing.

"Mom Dad where are the others?" I asked looking around.

"Oh I'm sorry honey but, they're gone." Mom replied sadly.

"WHAT?" me and my sisters exclaimed in union.

"What do you mean by that?" Mandy asked as her eyes are getting watery.

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