Chapt. 10- Chemistry

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*the next day*

Leila's POV

I woke up by the sound of my alarm 4:30 in the morning, I don't wanna be late in the first day of the shoot plus it's paradise I've always wanted to go there but I'm too busy and low in budget, now that I got the opportunity I'm not letting it go.

My expression turns to a frown, I'm not just got used at the thing what uncle said yesterday, he'll unable to be there because of work, and I understand but it's the thing that we are so close to each other.

I get up and went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth I hop in the shower and took a look-warm bath... It feels so good.

When I was finished, I packed my things just good enough for a month... Including my bikinis. I finished packing and slipped in to a tank top exposing my stomach and both shoulders with the couple of strap at each shoulder I believe that's the bra, stretchable cerculean jeans, brown boots reaching my knees and a varsity jacket. I called the service's number which James gave us yesterday.

The service arrived a few minutes after I called, a few producers and supporting casts are already inside with their bags near their legs.

I climbed in taking the seat at the back.

I sighed looking at my window, the sun's slowly rising, I can almost smell the morning breeze though the service is air-conditioned.

We arrived at Paradise the sun is already shinning I glanced at my watch it reads 6:10 am, wow so early, I climbed down and stretched my body out, I don't like sitting so long.

We entered the resort together, it's so beautiful I wish the world looks like this, am I in heaven?

"You're early" James said walking towards us.

"Yeah.... We wanna adjust immediately to our new environment." One of the producers, replied.

I don't need to adjust, I feel like I'm already part of this place.

"Uhhh... James wouldn't you mind if I'll go swimming for a bit?" I asked shyly.

"Of course, take your time, have fun" he replied.


"In case you're wondering... Your trailer's right there beside that coconut tree over there." he added pointing to a tree.

"Ok... Thanks again"

"Ok bye" he said waving and walking away.

I waved back and ran to the restroom, and changed to my bikini after 10 seconds I stepped outside with a robe covering my body.

I walked to my trailer but not to check it out, it can wait. I put my bag on the near by couch and closed the door. I ran to the beach as fast as I can, I'm really excited when it comes to swimming.

I stopped running when I was at the edge of the water. I stick my foot in the water.

"Ohohh" I squealed pulling my foot back up. Then I started to remove my robe and threw it to the sand and walked through the cool water slowly reaching my thighs and when it reached my hips, I dove deep in the water like a mermaid, the water gets me so excited.

Michael's POV

I'm already up and dressed I already packed last night, I can't wait to see Leila again, I'm always excited when they mention her and it's the exact feeling I had when I first heard her name from Frank.

We're outside driving to our destination.

"I'm gonna call Leila to get ready Frank..." I called.

You Can Act (MJ Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon