Chapt. 43- For Leichael

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Leila's POV

Here we are right now, eating lunch behind the cameras, laughing our heads out, even Joseph is chuckling well that still counts.

After the long hours of shooting we finally called it a day, since Michael's family is here, we got to spend the rest of the day together with the gang.

Jermaine fed Marlon with some noodles pinned by chopsticks.

"Say Ahhhh." he said with his mouth forming an O.

Marlon obeyed and done it with feelings.

"Ahhhh." he sings, with that we all cracked up and broke down laughing.

I can barely breathe.

Quickly Randy snapped a photo, before he could claim it in his mouth. *PIC ABOVE ;]*


"HEY!" they whined in union.

"Hahahahahahhaha!" Randy teased.

"Y'all such big babies!" Joseph yelled.

The room went quiet, and everybody seemed nervous, even Katherine has a worry look on her face.

I gotta do something!

"Ha! Big babies! Wahahahahaaahh!" I wailed laughing hysterically, to enlighten the mood.

I hope this works.

Everyone looked at me like you-shouldn't-have-done-that-now-you're-get-some-ass-whooping.

And I got nervous and scared but I didn't show it.

"Mr. Jackson they ain't big babies, they're baby damulags!" I laughed with courage.

"What's baby damulags?" Joseph asked with a raised eyebrow.

I choked a chuckle, "It means... Big crybabies! Hahahahahahhaha!" I blurts.

They looked at me again like oh-hell-no-brace-for-impact.

Joseph stared at me blankly and I gulped, then he started to smirk and snickered, then chuckled.

I laughed along with him but inside I sighed in relief, my friends who were confused all the time laughed along as well.

Their faces especially Michael was priceless, they were like what-in-the-woolly-just-happened?

Katherine laughed along and not so long the Jackson siblings followed with a tone of relief.

"I should call them that a little more often, Ms. Renee, I like it." Joseph said still chuckling.

Wow! He liked it!

"That would be nice Mr. Jackson, I can't wait to see their faces when they're being called like that." I replied.

Joseph nodded and we carried on our conversations with one another.

"How did you do that?" Michael whispered.

"Do what?" I whispered back.

"Making Joseph laugh? Nobody ever done that before?" he whispered with amazement.

"Well... I just... And just... (Sigh) I don't know." I whispered.

Michael smirked impressed and nodd.

I looked at Joseph's direction and he's smirking at everyone, but not in a scary way and everyone's comfortable about it.

I still can't believe I made THE Joseph Jackson the one I fear from the very beginning... Laugh.

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